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NFL Free Agency and More 2024

Excited Ric Flair GIF


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As we all know, AB is pretty good at getting UFA's that do well over here. I'd like to see Mo Hurst re-signed. I think him and Tomlinson in the middle is outstanding. Maybe a WR if there is a guy on the cheap and draft another WR in the 2nd round.
As we all know, AB is pretty good at getting UFA's that do well over here. I'd like to see Mo Hurst re-signed. I think him and Tomlinson in the middle is outstanding. Maybe a WR if there is a guy on the cheap and draft another WR in the 2nd round.
I want Chubb locked up first and foremost...
We still have him for another year at 15.825 million for 2024. If they were to cut him there would only be a 4 Mil his to the cap and the Browns would save 11.825 mil on the cap.

It's why people, like Goldhammer are talking about cutting him. I know the Browns love Chubb. Who doesn't?! And I'm confident they will not do him wrong, and I think they will work out a deal to extend him for a couple more years, but at a lower salary due to his injury.

I'm not sure what is fair for the Browns or Nick Chubb right now. It's heavily dependent on what doctors say about his progress and how far along or ahead of schedule he is.

Until CLE sees him play in real games, and show he can return to the player he was they should not work out any kind of nee deal. If Chubb is recovering well and believes he will return to form he shouldn't be taking any kind of discount deal now.
It's going to take him at least a year to get back to form probably. That's how it worked for him in college.
Having broken my calf and shattering my ankle I can attest to that... It took me 2 years just to feel confident and solid.. But Chubb being young and in overall good athletic shape.. I expect it may happen a bit sooner..
Having broken my calf and shattering my ankle I can attest to that... It took me 2 years just to feel confident and solid.. But Chubb being young and in overall good athletic shape.. I expect it may happen a bit sooner..
Tore his mcl and damaged acl.
So... normal return would be 6 to 9 months.
But he damaged it before so it could be a mess in there.
Those are timelines for when a guy tears just his mcl or just his Axl, not both. Chubb wrecked both and had to have surgeries in Sept and Nov. CLE is likely not sandbagging when they gave the timeliness for return as during the 2024 season.
Return and return to form are also two different things.

A torn MCL is easier to return to form from regardless of any timeline. The ACL is far more critical and all we know is it was damaged. Was it torn? Was it micro torn in some way? Idk. I would expect some sort of meniscus cartilage "damage" too.
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