Jamal Lewis to retire after this season | Barking Hard

Jamal Lewis to retire after this season


If you're juiceless, you're useless
Browns RB Lewis announces his intent to retire after season

Associated Press

CHICAGO -- Cleveland Browns running back Jamal Lewis plans to retire at the end of the season.

Lewis told reporters Sunday after the Browns' 30-6 loss at Chicago that his 10th NFL season will be his last, adding, "When I talk, I mean what I say, and I think you all know that."

Career Statistics
Carries: 2,496
Yards: 10,456
Touchdowns: 58

Lewis, who missed two games in late September and early October with a hamstring injury, ran for 69 yards on 16 carries against the Bears. That gave him 349 yards this season and 10,456 in his career.

Lewis helped the Baltimore Ravens win the Super Bowl as a rookie in 2000 and spent seven seasons with the team before joining the Browns.

Lewis served prison time in 2005 for using a cell phone to set up a drug buy five years earlier, and besides the off-the-field issues, there were questions about his durability and speed when he came to Cleveland before the 2007 season.

Lewis answered those concerns by running for 1,304 yards that year, his best since he led the NFL with 2,066 in 2003. He followed that by going for 1,002 last season, the seventh time he reached the 1,000-yard mark, and with the lowly Browns at 1-7, his career appears to be coming to an end.

"It is very hard," Lewis said. "Very. I think this is my last year. I think this is it. Honestly, the way it looks, you know, I had a good run."
Lewis acknowledged that finishing with the Browns stuck in a miserable season isn't the easiest way to go.

"But at the same time, I stuck my neck out and wanted to come in and help and do what I could do, even though I knew the consequences," he said. "I knew what we had and what was going to go with it, being that you do have new people coming in, new coaches, new staff, and all that -- there's a lot that comes with that."

Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press."
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Lewis, Lerner, and Jim Browns looking ready to find a bar fight after the game doesn't speak well for Mangini's future.
Can't blame him. Not exactly a young man (well, relative to NFL players), and after this failure of a season, I think that anyone would be lath to return.

I cannot think of anyone who has set back the team more than Eric Mangini. There's Modell, but he's in an entirely different category. He's a gigantic ego without the brains to back it up.

So after Jamal retires, do we still like him or does he revert to being a dirty, dirty ratbird coke dealer? I mean, he isn't going to be remembered for his play with the Browns.
I think this season is really wearing on the players as much as it is on the fans. I feel like we're back to square one big time as far as a franchise. What's not helping is the fact it seems as the team isn't showing ANY improvement whatsoever and we're into week 8. It scares me how bad this is going to get if its like this now and we're only halfway thru the season.
I think this season is really wearing on the players as much as it is on the fans. I feel like we're back to square one big time as far as a franchise. What's not helping is the fact it seems as the team isn't showing ANY improvement whatsoever and we're into week 8. It scares me how bad this is going to get if its like this now and we're only halfway thru the season.

They are penalized far less this year. But outside of that, I see zero improvement on this team.
Seems to be an emotional decision--Deion Sanders claims to have spoken to Lewis and said not to the let the ''current situation'' and emotions factor into his decision, and Lewis said he would consider that.
Anyone with football knowledge had to know that this was Jamal's last year and most didnt want him on the squad this year let alone beyond.
The man was a great RB and trained harder than anyone and was a positive influence to our young guys and even though he made a mistake early on his career on the field the man was a true leader and gave his all.
Good luck to JL in the future and I only wish we could have been a more competitive team in the twilight of his career.
Good riddance...he is a bum!

Too bad that until he retires, Dabol and Mangini will be looking to get him 30 carries a game...

It still amazes me that I was one of the Jamal supporters on here, but wanted Harrison/Davis to share the load with him this year. And mangini has managed to turn me into a "jamal must go" guy...
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