Browns - DeShaun Watson 2 - Goldigger Whores 0 - Play Ball | Barking Hard

Browns DeShaun Watson 2 - Goldigger Whores 0 - Play Ball


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Enough of this Bullshit already. Not 1 Grand Jury, but Two Grand Juries.

Sorry, but these women are gold diggers. Any juror that awards these cunts a civil award should be thrown in jail. It will be an atrocity if any judge even listens to the bullshit civil suits. The NFL has no business suspending this guy. This is not just, they didn't find evidence, this is they found bullshit.

How often do multiple accusers have the same attorney? Never....unless of course it's a money grab organized by the attorney. Just saying...

BTW - In his first press conference, Buzbee was asked if he knew Cal McNair, the Houston Texans owner. He said NO. However, he lives 300 feet way from McNair, is a member at the same country club and is a Texans season ticket holder. In other words, he's been lying since he started opening his mouth. That is who we are dealing with.
On a personal note, I find women in these kinds of lawsuits to be whores. Most women I know would kick a guy out of their shop for this kind of shit. This is 2022. Women weld, fight MMA, become engineers, carpenters, pilots, soldier, and on it goes. All I ever hear is how strong women are, and yet there is not even ONE fucking instance of even ONE woman making a scene, kicking this guy out, and complaining to management to bar the guy at the time this shit happened.

22 cunts who all come out at once, as mentioned, with one lawyer, and then fall flat on their collective asses in criminal court. And remember, Watson isn't trying to pay these dumb cunts off. Two Grand Juries find this to be one pile of shit, and the guy is going to have to face CIVIL SUITS and a suspension?

I hope he takes the offensive. He has enough money to sue all these whores for defamation, get the NAACP, NFLPA and fans behind him pressuring to make this idiotic, fabricated shit get exposed and flushed for what it is; total shit.
So we have testimonies and some text messages.
I still think that Watson was trying to get some handjob action from them, some got upset, some not (✊$$), and now they want a pay day.
Of course it is quite impossible to prove without cameras or witnesses, so I dont think nothing happened. But it was mostly 'unwelcome' behavioir, but nothing at the level of rape.
And really, if some actually did feel genuinly abused, then this whole ordeal makes the case even worse.
22 women are probably on every point on the 'payday' to 'abused' scale.
So we have testimonies and some text messages.
I still think that Watson was trying to get some handjob action from them, some got upset, some not (✊$$), and now they want a pay day.
Of course it is quite impossible to prove without cameras or witnesses, so I dont think nothing happened. But it was mostly 'unwelcome' behavioir, but nothing at the level of rape.
And really, if some actually did feel genuinly abused, then this whole ordeal makes the case even worse.
22 women are probably on every point on the 'payday' to 'abused' scale.

Here is the original answer from Watson and his defense team. A lot of lying and extorting going on from some of the rub & tuggers.

Deshaun Watson Original Answer
Did he shoot his shot as you said was a possibility or did he get actual massages?

He received actual massages and sounds like he got some willing rub and tugs along the way. Very doubtful that ladies who willingly give rub & tugs for a living were 'forced' to give rub & tugs. Just saying...
Did he shoot his shot as you said was a possibility or did he get actual massages?
Based off the evidence we have here is what happened...

We have several other women who have come forward that Watson asked them to finger fuck his asshole and shove objects in his ass. From that, not to mention his effeminate speech and mannerisms, he is a heavily closeted homosexual. A "down low brutha" if you will.

From testimony given by 22 of his victims, he forced himself on them. Many of the statements were that he started masturbating on them and shot his load on them. This would make sense. He is a queer, but wishes he wasn't a queer. So he repeatedly goes to massage girl after massage girl, making himself get hard and forcing his dick on them to try and convince himself he isn't a twinkle toes. What he is really getting off on is the power and control he is exerting over another human being, HOWEVER in his limited brain capacity he thinks it is proof he isn't gay. This type of behaviour is quite common among heavily repressed gay males.

He gets caught. He goes on the defensive. He claims it was all consensual. He tries to spin it that they were merely sexual hook ups among consenting adults. Nothing could be further from the truth.

He sexually violated at least 22 women. That is how many that have come forward in the lawsuit. The other two that didn't join the lawsuit but outed him from the closet bringing the KNOWN total to 24.
Asking masseuses for handjobs.
Its not the classiest thing to do.
Doesn’t any of this just reek of a setup?

NFL has a lot to lose if either side is proven correct.

Trying to compare this to PigBen is a reach( no pun intended)

sounds like the civil suits are gonna paint a sick picture which really isn’t fair seeing how the grand jury declined to proceed.

This is pro sports…. not exactly a cauldron of role models if you know what I mean.
Doesn’t any of this just reek of a setup?

NFL has a lot to lose if either side is proven correct.

Trying to compare this to PigBen is a reach( no pun intended)

sounds like the civil suits are gonna paint a sick picture which really isn’t fair seeing how the grand jury declined to proceed.

This is pro sports…. not exactly a cauldron of role models if you know what I mean.
And yet the greatest dynasty in Football history, which was right here in Cleveland, was nothing but upstanding role models outside of Jim Brown who negatively changed both the winning and moral compass of the Browns for the worst.
Doesn’t any of this just reek of a setup?

NFL has a lot to lose if either side is proven correct.

Trying to compare this to PigBen is a reach( no pun intended)

sounds like the civil suits are gonna paint a sick picture which really isn’t fair seeing how the grand jury declined to proceed.

This is pro sports…. not exactly a cauldron of role models if you know what I mean.
It absolutely does reek of a setup.

As a cop I was called to a late night Domestic Violence scene. About 0200 in the morning. I arrived and the victim let me in through the side door where there was a small pot and green beans on the kitchen floor and it was a mess. She stated that her husband had come home drunk and assaulted her by throwing boiling water at her and he was now asleep in the upstairs bedroom. My partner and I went up to his room and woke him and by this time their 10 year old son awoke from the commotion and wandered into the hallway.

We talked to the guy and he said he came home from a night of drinking and went to bed. Everything was fine. That there was no problem and nothing happened. She said he was in a drunken rage and threw a boiling hot pot of beans at her. I asked the kid if he remembered seeing his dad come home and he said yeah. He added that his parents got into an argument and dad went to bed while mom stood in the kitchen throwing the beans around the kitchen and then she told the kid to go to bed.

So yeah! Bitches are evil that way. If not for the little guy speaking truth, his dad may have been convicted of a serious crime. As it turned out I filed charges against her for falsifying a police report tantamount to a felony.

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