Social Media | Barking Hard

Social Media

I have Facebook for friends, family and posting about how much I love everyone. That's the social media account I use most.

I have Twitter for the Browns. Didn't tell my friends about it. It's amazing to be able to geek out over football without people wondering what is wrong with me. I also can't abandon Twitter because they're totally cool with porn and nudes, so I get to jerk off while abusing Tony Grossi and re-tweeting cool Browns related shit.

I have Instagram but don't use it much. I only occasionally upload because I've got some ex-girlfriends on there and I like to get the "Hey stranger!" DM when I upload a fire selfie. :snoop:
I use FB mostly just to observe social conversations and have a laugh. Also the usual personal BS and sharing memes. I'll keep tabs on trending political news with FB and use it to investigate interesting matters further through other media.

I have Twitter, it's always been about toilet humor for me. I follow a lot of funny people who make jokes and it's always been an outlier source of that kind of humor for me. Occasionally I'll rant and rave but mostly I just make candid off-the-cuff comments about whatever that I wouldn't share on FB.

I use Instagram sparingly, its mostly pictures of my daughter or selfies. Ideally I like using it to take pictures of random things I encounter.
I log into Facebook about once a day to catch up on friends and family and mainly to look at pictures that friends and family post of their kids. Fun watching kids grow up in pictures. Lots of back to school pictures posted the last couple of days. It is amazing how fast they seem to grow up when you don't see them every day.

I don't post much. Other than watching my grandchildren, great nephews and great nieces grow up and perhaps remarking how much they have grown, I am mainly interested in politics and Browns football. I generally try to stay away from discussing politics these days and none of my friends in Oklahoma care a flip for Browns football. :)
I have the lamest twitter account ever. I opened it a couple years back and got pissed it kept sending me BS on who I should follow. I don't follow anybody right now, but after BDU's post I might start with Browns Tribe and Cavs.

I used to have a FB account, but closed it after finding out the G's hack that shit. If start an instagram account it'll be for fucked up shit.
Facebook for everything-- keeping up with friends and family, facepalming over idiots' opinions, and depression once I realize their vote counts as much as mine.

Twitter for Browns, Cavs, Indians, breaking news.

Instagram for showing off the autograph collection.
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