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Topic of the Day

I'm not all that in on Vivek atm. I think of him as a good VP maybe, for Trump but after Sabby pulled back the curtain a bit, I'm not so sure anymore.
We have time until we the vote.
Liberal side that sounds reasonably intelligent
Good luck

Vivek's foreign policies positions on Taiwan & Israel maybe more, are just WTF wrong.
We should've (secretly) Nuclear armed Taiwan 15 or so years ago. not letting it out till done. surely we told the CCP 20 or so years ago there would be a Price if they did not stop NK from getting nukes. this would be that Price. I would still try to do this.

Of all the waring we have been involved with the past 30+ years Iran would/should have been #1. the only reason to go into Iraq was to go into Iran. otherwise we should've never went into Iraq.
the only reason to go into Iraq was to go into Iran. otherwise we should've never went into Iraq.
It's all about the oil. Iraq did nothing to harm us and their incursion into Kuwait would have been better handled by other mid east countries like Jordan, Qatar and the UAE. The 9 11 attacks were almost all done by Saudi's but we attacked Iraq. WTF?!!
It's all about the oil. Iraq did nothing to harm us and their incursion into Kuwait would have been better handled by other mid east countries like Jordan, Qatar and the UAE.
To date those countries Still have poor weak militaries. thus Saddam's easy pickings. 😊
We still have troops in Jordan, UAE, Qatar & Saudi Arabia. just in case
I should've made myself clear. I meant as a diplomatic force. Not military might and those countries have already established open relations with the US.

Sleepy JB is screwing that up and soon Saudi Arabia will become part of the new BRICS alliance along with South Africa, Brazil, Russia, India and China. Other countries are tired of the warmongering US and are seeking out BRICS to partner up with them and distance themselves from the US as we have troops in Syria, illegally btw, Somalia (allegedly), Libya (allegedly) and are expanding naval bases into the Philippines again while the navy fucks around in the Chinese sea.
By Kit Klarenberg / MintPress News

Documents passed anonymously to MintPress News reveal the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a notorious CIA front, is laying the foundations for a color revolution in Indonesia.

In February 2024, citizens will elect their President, Vice President, and both legislative chambers. Current maverick leader Joko Widodo, widely beloved by Indonesians, is ineligible for a third term, and NED is preparing to seize power in the wake of his departure. This operation is conducted despite the leaks indicating Jakarta’s foremost intelligence agency has expressly warned U.S. officials to stay put.

The paper trail is a stunning insight into how NED operates behind the scenes, from which obvious inferences can be drawn about its activities elsewhere, past and present. By the organization’s own reckoning, it operates in over 100 countries and disperses in excess of 2,000 grants every year. In Indonesia, these sums have helped extend the Endowment’s tendrils into various NGOs, civil society groups, and, most crucially, political parties and candidates across the ideological spectrum.

This broad spread bet goes some way to ensuring U.S. assets, one way or another, will emerge victorious next February. However, a veritable army of NED operatives on the ground is also primed to challenge, if not overturn, the results should the wrong people win. Personal grants – in other words, bribes – from the Endowment have already secretly been distributed to Indonesians for staging anti-government protests.

What skullduggery NED has in store for election day isn’t certain, although sparks are assured to fly. At the very least, these documents amply reinforce what Endowment cofounder Allen Weinstein openly admitted in 1991:

"A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”
...Widodo has encouraged leaders of Muslim states to reconcile and pushed for Palestinian independence. His Foreign Minister visits Palestine but refuses to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. He has also distributed sizable aid to oppressed Muslims abroad. Most egregiously, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he flew to both countries and urged their leaders to seek peace. When Jakarta hosted the G20 Summit that year, he invited not only Zelensky but Putin to attend despite fierce Western criticism...

In many ways, Widodo emulates the rule of Sukarno, Indonesia’s first President, from 1945 to 1967...
...he prevented Western exploitation of his country’s vast resource wealth...
Sukarno’s bold refusal to bow to imperial interests made him a thoroughly marked man. In 1965, he was ousted in a blood-spattered military coup sponsored by the CIA and MI6, ushering in 30 years of an iron-fisted military dictatorship led by General Suharto. Over one million people were killed through politically motivated massacres, executions, arbitrary imprisonment, and savage repression. Even the CIA describes his purge of leftists as “one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century.”

NED’s malign meddling over the years is too lengthy to list here. But recently, this has included sponsoring a failed uprising in Cuba, funneling money to separatist protesters in Hong Kong, and attempting to topple the Belarusian government. Having floundered in these insurrectionary adventures is evidently no deterrent to trying again in Indonesia now....

A really interesting article to read about how the CIA operates abroad. If you sign up for free you'll get the whole thing.
This is huge!

The Supreme Court Will Rule on Censorship

Missouri v. Biden goes to the high court, setting up a historic showdown. Did adminstration lawyers make a tactical error?​

,,,attorneys for the Biden administration applied the high court to stay the ruling. Missouri v. Biden is headed to the Supreme Court.

After the 5th Circuit ruling, in other words, only government action against protected free speech remained barred by this injunction. The Biden administration just told the world “grave and irreparable harm” would result from such limitations.

...In addition to the appalling optics, this looks like a serious tactical error. The 5th Circuit ruling already “tailored” so much from the district injunction that a state-driven “censorship enterprise” could have continued much as before, just without license to flout legal speech openly and in writing. Official “anti-disinformation” efforts could have been routed through offices taken out of the order, like Homeland Security’s Cyberstructure and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Multiple people close to the case, in fact, were concerned that a strategic-minded set of state attorneys might grasp this, and quietly “take the L” for practical reasons.

Administration lawyers however apparently couldn’t let the principle of a ruling saying the Biden White House was “in violation of the First Amendment” stand:

,,,Instead of keeping the whole censorship store and losing only the right to violate the Bill of Rights openly, they’re going to a hostile Supreme Court to put everything at risk. “They took the cheese,” is how one lawyer put it.

,,,Administration lawyers in yesterday’s application previewed arguments they will make. “A central dimension of presidential power is the use of the Office’s bully pulpit,” they wrote, as if having aides e-whisper demands to companies that they remove accounts critical of the White House is in the same universe as a president publicly arguing his or her policies.

,,,Doughty’s injunction leaves room for every government agency to communicate with platforms as much as they want, even in ways that free speech advocates might find uncomfortable, like “deleting, removing, suppressing, or reducing posts.” The sole caveat is that these posts not be “protected free speech.” This underscores the fact that the Biden administration is going to the Supreme Court specifically to seek permission to meddle with and/or suppress legal expression.

Napoleon once said, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” For censorship opponents, this moment might qualify. At minimum, it’s a historic opportunity to argue one of the defining issues of the age. See you in Washington.

It looks like Matt Taibbi is working on some real investigative journalism.

Note to Readers: On the CIA, Anthony Fauci, and Covid-19

Directing readers to a joint Racket-Public investigation, with notes on the story​

Yesterday, the House Oversight Committee led by Ohio Republican Brad Wenstrup issued a press release announcing a whistleblower’s claims that Dr. Anthony Fauci entered CIA headquarters “without a record of entry” to influence agency analysis of the Covid-19 outbreak in the direction of zoonotic origin.

Today, Public is publishing many more details, including news that Fauci also made similar visits to the Department of State and the White House. “Fauci Diverted US Government Away From Lab Leak Theory Of Covid’s Origin, Sources Say” is part of a joint Racket-Public project that’s been in the works for months. The story is complex and still evolving, but in the meantime, thanks to Michael Shellenberger, Alex Gutentag, and Leighton Woodhouse for their excellent work on this article. As with previous collaborations, Racket will have its own contribution to this topic in short order. Please stay tuned.
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