Browns Game Thread - Browns (3-2) @ Colts (3-3) | Page 6 | Barking Hard

Browns Game Thread Browns (3-2) @ Colts (3-3)

A win in the NFL is a win, no matter how. 4-2 with no QB. Watson honestly looks broken. Where's the competitor that won a national championship? Where's that fire? I hope he gets well soon and brings or finds that fire he used to have.
Man...this is how teams develop a tough hide and learn to overcome. Overcome BS penalties, bad plays, ME's and whatever else. This W means something for the long term as well as last weeks W.

The locker room has to be feeling like all the BS in the world can be overcome if "we" stick to it. If "we" stick to it and play through it, we can get the W.
Celebrate In Love GIF by Max
This guy is hating on KS.

Some Asshole just said the colts deserve to win the game!
Then they should have won the game. Too bad for those guys. They didn't make one more play and we did. Suck it Indy!
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