Browns Game Thread - Browns (3-2) @ Colts (3-3) | Page 7 | Barking Hard

Browns Game Thread Browns (3-2) @ Colts (3-3)

I just can't with the Stefanski love. Good schemer, terrible game day coach imo. That being said his best play of the day was the punt on 4th down, likely going against every belief he had.

I see why he likes Ford, they are similar. Both able to pull a couple really nice plays out of their ass a couple times a game.

I would trade him for the Colts HC in a NY minute.

What I fear we do is keep Stefanski while our DC gets hired as a HC and goes to win another SB.

As far as Watson goes, why the hell was he even playing. Stefanski is the worst team manager on earth. He pulled this same shit with Baker. Duhhhhhh derrrrrrr it's da players choice to play while injured, derrrrr I'll let you know what he decides! Absolute insanity.
Being 4-2 with

• 100% shit QB play
• No Chubb. And our back-up RB’s suck
• WR’s haven’t done a thing to flash

Stefanski is doing a very good job.
Disagreed. Our offense has been garbage. The DC and the ST coaches are doing a hell of a job, the guy running the offense, not so much. We are winning despite horrific play on offense, somehow.

The Browns letting Schwartz walk while keeping Stefanski sounds exactly like something we would do.

If we had Indy's coach ...undefeated.

Stefanski has been dealt a shitty hand with this Watson injury, and I would like to see him with a 100% Watson, but boy does he know how to fuck up a QB injury and create unwarranted drama, my God.
I just can't with the Stefanski love. Good schemer, terrible game day coach imo. That being said his best play of the day was the punt on 4th down, likely going against every belief he had.

I see why he likes Ford, they are similar. Both able to pull a couple really nice plays out of their ass a couple times a game.

I would trade him for the Colts HC in a NY minute.

What I fear we do is keep Stefanski while our DC gets hired as a HC and goes to win another SB.

As far as Watson goes, why the hell was he even playing. Stefanski is the worst team manager on earth. He pulled this same shit with Baker. Duhhhhhh derrrrrrr it's da players choice to play while injured, derrrrr I'll let you know what he decides! Absolute insanity.

Doesn't matter... Your boy is washed up... Do him a favor and send him a pack of Tampons and a one way ticket out of CLE.. He's pure trash as a player and a person...
I wish Stefanski had a better sidekick than AVP. That dude just seems like a castoff chud pulling a paycheck. Granted his role is limited to the point that it's gonna be hard to sense/discern his value from our vantage point, but I'd like to see someone young, innovative, in sync with Watson, and a bit fiery, to counteract Kevin's drabness. And maybe to take over postgame locker room speech duties. Stefanski's speeches are so robotic, so....i don't know.... dry humping in missionary position.
Being 4-2 with

• 100% shit QB play
• No Chubb. And our back-up RB’s suck
• WR’s haven’t done a thing to flash

Stefanski is doing a very good job.

We are 4-2 with:

- Terrible QB play and our 3rd string QB leading the way.
- Chubb injured and Ford being our only decent back-up.
- Our starting RT out for the year and our LT is a turnstile. We lost our LG and C for at least a game as well.
- WR play has been awful.

Stefanski has been very good and has been able to work around all the issues. Anybody complaining about him right now is just looking for reasons to complain and doesn't know ball.
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