Browns - Stefanski | Page 2 | Barking Hard

Browns Stefanski

I think KS is a keeper. He has some inexplicable in game lapses of play calling, but does ok overall. He has some kind of QB karma going on that has his starting QB's doing better under his tutelage than when those QB's have played elsewhere in the league that's unexplainable.
Possible explanations.
Perhaps Van Pelt dusted off some seldom used pages in the playbook.
Bill Callahan and OL keeping QBs upright. Emergence of Pocic.
And John Johnson communicating and emerging on D.
The Browns actually played 4 quarters against Cincy.

The Cincy game might be an aberration.
Burrow still hasn't beat the Browns.
The Browns beat them last season too.
And then Cincy went to the SB.
I think the two aberration games are the Pats and Bengals. Otherwise, Jacoby has given us the expected production, and our record, to be good, needed to have the breaks go our way a bit. But, we've been "in" every game.

Instead, we've missed a couple of key FG's, and key PAT, and muffed an onside kick.
that is who we are with QB2.
I'm so on the same page.

Ball bounces our way, we're a 5-3 football team, with three games left until Watson can play.

Of the next three, one we should win (Bucs), one we have a shot (Phins), and one is a long-shot (Bills). So, we'd be looking at a 6 to 7 win team if we had a little less bad luck.

And for those who say it took a long FG to win week 1, remember we gifted Baker a TD in that game.
5-1 or at least 4-2, with Watson, and Stefanski is good to go for 2023. 2 cents. Not just because of this chart, but I just don't think he's the "problem".

And like Andrew Berry, he's still young and learning.

I'm really not a fan of the WOKE vibe Berry has imprinted on this football team... I really wish he would leave that crap at his house... As Mike Tomlin said.. These guys are "Football Players"... Not activists..
I've seen very little I like about Stefanski. I love his scripted offense to start the games. Beyond that, we could use an upgrade. We have already wasted 3 years of our teams talent on Woods many will we waste on Stefanski. If there is an upgrade out there willing to take the job, you have to do it. If not, I guess we are stuck with him. We aren't basing how good of a HC he is based on obscure offensive analytics. He's not the OC.
I've seen very little I like about Stefanski. I love his scripted offense to start the games. Beyond that, we could use an upgrade. We have already wasted 3 years of our teams talent on Woods many will we waste on Stefanski. If there is an upgrade out there willing to take the job, you have to do it. If not, I guess we are stuck with him. We aren't basing how good of a HC he is based on obscure offensive analytics. He's not the OC.
After the scripted part of the game , everything goes right into the shitter!
Stefanski should stay. You don't fire a HC who is responsible for one of the most efficient offenses in the NFL when he was just handed one of the most elite QB's in the NFL.
Yeah, and none of us our advocating for KS to go today, so the next three games, vs teams with similar situations (record-wise), could reassure some folks.
Stefanski is not the problem.
He is the guy to have the continuity with we wanted.
On defense though... we really need a linebacker and a safety.
And a DC that can make lemonade out of lemons. Or set up a lemonade conglomorate.
Stefanski is not the problem.
He is the guy to have the continuity with we wanted.
On defense though... we really need a linebacker and a safety.
And a DC that can make lemonade out of lemons. Or set up a lemonade conglomorate.

Things have been coming together since Watson has taken over. I don't know if the defensive players are more motivated or what...but they are playing better.

My question is this - if we continue to show improvement on defense and special teams these last 3 games, does recency bias set in and no staff changes are made? Does Woods get to use the injury excuse at LB? I mean, if we are being honest, losing Walker was much, much more impactful than we could have imagined. Does he get to use the terrible DT's excuse? What about safety?

I just have a feeling that these games with Watson could be what Stefanski (or the front office...who I really believe is making the call) needs to keep the status quo. We'll see.
Does Woods get to use the injury excuse at LB? I

We've lost 4 to this point, right?


You get those guys back, add a true free safety and a new LB, while winning 5 of the last 6 games. You could argue continuity for sure.

Or at least you don't upgrade for a JAG. Now, a Jim Leonard? Hell yes. But just don't do change for change's sake.

I'll say this. Give me the "problem" of winning these last 3, going 9-8, and debating all off season on who should stay and go.
Truth is Woods has enough to be "allowed" back. Just barely if the D balls out the rest of the way. If I was KS I would not stake my job/reputation on bringing him back and as a detractor of Woods I'd look to why the D always has played like shit the first month of the season. Then the second month has a couple of good games mixed in with the bad. Then after half a season when jobs are on the line they magically play well.

I'd show him the door and tell him we need better than what we've seen, and half seasons are not enough. We need a reliable defense from game 1. Good luck in the future.
claims he came because of Shitpantski.
Have to admit, this is the first I've seen this from Watson on KS ....

"There's a story out there that I haven't told and I’ll tell another time, but on that visit the opportunity to be able to talk ball and just the connection that we had, it wasn't even about selling me on Cleveland and what’s here, it was just mostly just all ball," Watson said Wednesday. "And me and him had the opportunity to meet and talk about that and see what the future can hold and what we can really do in this system together. So that was what I was really excited about and why I was very high on Cleveland."

I can see why because KS would be arguably the best NFL Offensive Coordinators.

When we evaluate him as a HC his weakness is game day decisions. And now we find out it might be due to some analytics guy in the booth, but we don't know for sure which guy over rules the other. There's also the Cade York variable. The rookie kicker who's inconsistent.

It's enough for me to not be able to get an accurate enough measure of KS' game day decisions.
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