Explain to me how there will be an effective vaccine. It's never been done. If Hillary was POTUS, it would have just been a harsh flu season, and quite a few nursing homes would have been spared.
It is likely that the vaccine, when we have it will only be about 60% effective. However, if half the people who are most mobile and socially engaged get the vaccine, it will tend to form a barrier for people who generally stay home and tend not to get the virus anyway. You can consider this to be a divider effect (the opposite of a multiplier effect).
Plus, after we have a vaccine, Cuomo and his ilk won't have an excuse for keeping the bars and restaurants in places like New York City closed. Therefore, people who tend to socialize in bars and such in big cities like New York City will either be immune or will be more likely to get the disease and recover which in turn will increase the barrier between the virus and people who come in contact with people who frequent bars and such. Plus people who tend to stay at home mostly will have partial protection directly. Basically, you divide the risk almost to the point that it almost doesn't exist. Get the picture?
Trump knows he can only acknowledge and address Covid as super serious, he knows he was being trapped. Invoking wartime measures for ventilators, PPE etc caught the Dems off guard. Never in history has there been a response to a ‘pandemic’ like you’ve seen from this administration.
it truly has been remarkable, think about it.
masks are for medical professionals dealing with sick folks. If you want a face diaper have at it. Won’t judge you too much .
when my employer says put on a mask I put one on, reluctantly. Biggest bunch of BS I’ve ever seen.
Hammer, the problem is that it really is serious. Covid-19 can be deadly for the vulnerable, specifically older people with underlying conditions.
I think Trump understands this perfectly. I think he is attempting to strike the right balance, open schools and the economy in general while protecting, to the extent possible and reasonable, people most vulnerable to the disease. I think he understands the seriousness of the disease but also that overzealous reaction to it can be even more harmful than the disease itself.
How you react to the situation is your choice. I have already spoken on the risks I find acceptable and those I am unwilling to take. I don't want anyone deciding for me what my choices should be and I would extend the same to you. At the same time, I understand that your employer may have a voice in whether you wear a face covering or not when you are at work.
I agree with your employer, by the way. I think face coverings help to prevent the spread and should be used in public settings.
Pipe dream. Most years the biggest scam on earth, the flu vaccine, is allegedly around 10% effective. I say allegedly because I have read studies that suggest it actually increases your chances of catching the flu the following year, and everyone I know who gets the vaccine seems to get the flu. Masks, are largely a joke. 99% of the masks people are wearing out in public are not only ineffective, but they make things worse. If you are going to against every peer reviewed study on earth, and still wear a mask ...be sure to wear goggles too. I actually don't care if you wear a mask, it's everyone's right to wear one if they choose. Both of my parents already had Covid. Luckily, they weren't locked away in a nursing home by some mad man, so they made it through just fine.
Pipe dream. Most years the biggest scam on earth, the flu vaccine, is allegedly around 10% effective. I say allegedly because I have read studies that suggest it actually increases your chances of catching the flu the following year
The results of many peer-reviewed, published studies prove that the recommendation to get a flu shot because it will help you fight COVID-19 is bad advice and completely false.
I'd suggest you take either HCQ, Zinc, and Vitamin C every day during flu season, or Querciten, Zinc, and Vitamin C. Far more effective, and less damaging. It doesn't make anyone money of course, which is a major issue. I personally take the Querciten regimen, as Ohio has blocked doctors from prescribing HCQ for no good reason at all until you are in the hospital when is doesn't work as well. (it doesn't make anyone money, where as less effective, and more dangerous Remdesivir makes billions)
The flu vaccine still contains alarmingly high amounts of mercury. Something that has been removed from most if not all other vaccines. The EPA deems anything above 2ppb in drinking water to be toxic. The amount in one single flu shot: 51,000 ppb. Enjoy.
The results of many peer-reviewed, published studies prove that the recommendation to get a flu shot because it will help you fight COVID-19 is bad advice and completely false.
I'd suggest you take either HCQ, Zinc, and Vitamin C every day during flu season, or Querciten, Zinc, and Vitamin C. Far more effective, and less damaging. It doesn't make anyone money of course, which is a major issue. I personally take the Querciten regimen, as Ohio has blocked doctors from prescribing HCQ for no good reason at all until you are in the hospital when is doesn't work as well. (it doesn't make anyone money, where as less effective, and more dangerous Remdesivir makes billions)
The flu vaccine still contains alarmingly high amounts of mercury. Something that has been removed from most if not all other vaccines. The EPA deems anything above 2ppb in drinking water to be toxic. The amount in one single flu shot: 51,000 ppb. Enjoy.
The first article cites a study in which the investigators recruited (i.e. advertised for volunteers) 328 households for a study that was published in Clinical Infectious Disease that indicated no significant improvement resulting from the vaccinations. The article noted that this study sharply contrasted with several other observational studies that found the vaccine yielded about 60% protection during the same season.
It should be noted that none of these studies (neither the single study that seemed to suggest a lack of positive results nor the several that suggested otherwise) involved randomized placebo controlled double blind tests.
Randomized placebo controlled double blind tests are the gold standard because they are much more reliable than anecdotal or observational results potentially biased due to preconceptions and feelings. When the subjects are selected in a random fashion and when neither the investigators nor the patients know who received the drug and who received the sugar pill, the results of the test is much more reliable. Unfortunately, there are a number of impediments to the conduct of randomized testing in some cases including expense and ethics. So observational studies abound with often conflicting results.
The second article does not cite a specific study, but rather it describes a range of sometimes puzzling results from observational studies and attempts to make the case for randomized clinical trials to investigate these results in a more scientific fashion. The article raises some interesting questions regarding a number of theoretical questions and mentions specifically the problem of randomized clinical tests being performed the United States due to it being considered unethical for researchers to intentionally use placebos in said test causing people thus assigned to forgo vaccinations in some years.
Another problem not mentioned would be that designing a study to account for all the various puzzling results the article describes would be very difficult and each group of researchers have their own preferred puzzling result to investigate scientifically.
The third article is basically, as I understood it, a discussion in an online Medical Journal regarding the findings of some Canadian researchers in observational studies and the apparent criticism, perhaps unfairly, that they received. It is kind of technical and I didn't understand it very well.
The fourth article cited is by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who is Chairman of an organization called Children’s Health Defense. Mr. Kennedy is a well-known opponent of vaccinations and in his article refers to a recent Pentagon study which advances the theory that flu vaccines increase the risks for coronavirus due to something called virus interference. There may be something to it for all I know. Apparently some scientists believe in the concept and biology is complex.
As for your recommendations, I have no idea how useful in combatting the flu or any virus that they might be. I know of no reliable double blind placebo controlled test to establish their usefulness.
Pipe dream. Most years the biggest scam on earth, the flu vaccine, is allegedly around 10% effective. I say allegedly because I have read studies that suggest it actually increases your chances of catching the flu the following year, and everyone I know who gets the vaccine seems to get the flu. Masks, are largely a joke. 99% of the masks people are wearing out in public are not only ineffective, but they make things worse. If you are going to against every peer reviewed study on earth, and still wear a mask ...be sure to wear goggles too. I actually don't care if you wear a mask, it's everyone's right to wear one if they choose. Both of my parents already had Covid. Luckily, they weren't locked away in a nursing home by some mad man, so they made it through just fine.
This post was in response to my expressed hope that the coronavirus vaccine might be 60% effective.
In a fairly recent article that I recall, Dr. Fauci expressed the hope for a vaccine that was 75% effective but said that he would be happy with one that was only 50% effective. As I recall, also, someone at the FDA said that they would not approve a vaccine that was less effective than 50%. I recall remarking in an earlier post that if the results from a randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical trial indicate 45% effectiveness, they will have a hard time turning it down.
Dr. Fauci has indicated that he believes that a safe and effective vaccine will be available by the end of the year. I hope he is right.
OK Dr. Fauci. This is the talking point all the doctors on big pharma payroll use to discredit any studies that may cost them money. Even if those studies show clear reason for alarm, and the boots on the ground (doctor's who actually prescribe the stuff) are seeing it in their every day administration of the billion dollar chemical in question.
Your trust in government, and big pharma is troubling. I grabbed those links in 15 seconds. There are many more. I've listened to actual doctor's talk about it at length. Not some suit who sits in an office, and touts whatever big pharma is making billions on, while not actually listening to the boots on the ground. You keep taking that shit, and enjoy it.
My recommendations come from some of the most successful doctors on earth in combating the Corona virus. The same reason it works with Corona are the reasons it will work for the flu. You can listen to the evil corporations making billions, I'll listen to the doctors who care about the actual lives they are administering this stuff to.
n a fairly recent article that I recall, Dr. Fauci expressed the hope for a vaccine that was 75% effective but said that he would be happy with one that was only 50% effective. As I recall, also, someone at the FDA said that they would not approve a vaccine that was less effective than 50%. I recall remarking in an earlier post that if the results from a randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical trial indicate 45% effectiveness, they will have a hard time turning it down.
Dr. Fauci has indicated that he believes that a safe and effective vaccine will be available by the end of the year. I hope he is right.
Dr. Fauci is a dinosaur and a bureaucrat who has been wrong on a massive scale on an impressively consistent basis. No vaccine is going to be 60% effective against a virus. They may be able to knock out one strain, but what about the mutations? Many doctors think we won't even need a vaccine, and this thing may just die out on it's own, like some other recent similar plagues. Might want to wait and see before you inject this bullshit into your veins. Watch, 1 flu shot will now become 2. Need one for the flu, and one for Corona every winter of course. Oh, the billions.
OK Dr. Fauci. This is the talking point all the doctors on big pharma payroll use to discredit any studies that may cost them money. Even if those studies show clear reason for alarm, and the boots on the ground (doctor's who actually prescribe the stuff) are seeing it in their every day administration of the billion dollar chemical in question.
Your trust in government, and big pharma is troubling. I grabbed those links in 15 seconds. There are many more. I've listened to actual doctor's talk about it at length. Not some suit who sits in an office, and touts whatever big pharma is making billions on, while not actually listening to the boots on the ground. You keep taking that shit, and enjoy it.
My recommendations come from some of the most successful doctors on earth in combating the Corona virus. The same reason it works with Corona are the reasons it will work for the flu. You can listen to the evil corporations making billions, I'll listen to the doctors who care about the actual lives they are administering this stuff to.
What I trust is double blind placebo controlled clinical trials for both safety and effectiveness. What I do not trust are preconceived notions and pet theories that have not been shown to be effective. Observational studies are useful in providing evidence for the need of more rigorous studies, but generally prove nothing--particularly when they conflict with other similar studies.
The current trials for vaccines that have been advanced by the several organizations are currently in double blind placebo controlled clinical trials that are impervious to manipulation (excluding fraud, of course, which is being closely watched and for which there are severe criminal penalties). It is almost inconceivable that fraud could be perpetrated with this many eyes on the conduct of these trials. When the government announces the completion of clinical trials for the coronavirus and publishes the results of the trials, they can be believed. If the math says that a particular vaccine is 55% effective and another one is 45% effective, we can believe that the first is 55% effective and that the second is 45% effective.
Herein lies the problem... You CAN'T KILL VIRUSES!... This is all bullshit from the word go... Vaccines only have a 30% success rate... This is just another way to condition sheep for the new world order... I'm not buying/taking what they're selling... This is just one big ass scam!!
As scientists across the globe race to find an effective treatment for the novel coronavirus, a team of scientists believe that a four-year-old llama named Winter may hold the key to fight the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
The story of vaccines did not begin with the first vaccine–Edward Jenner’s use of material from cowpox pustules to provide protection against smallpox. Rather, it begins with the long history of infectious disease in humans, and in…
I had looked for this or something of a plan. Obama did this one in 2016. 69 pages of wasted Money. wonder how much ?
fuck I read that shit. feel free to do so.. but I warned you.
Lots of depending on WHO etc
plus going into the country to help contain it. the CCP would not let us in.
It's basically another strain of viral pneumonia. Nothing more, nothing less. Of course it's been hyped up for political reasons, and it is the most expensive hoax in the history of mankind, which is grotesque. The bright side is the power of zinc and the supplements that enable it to be absorbed into cells has been brought to light ...and will be a preventative measure used by millions against the flu and pneumonia on into the future. At least until a liberal gets elected and outlaws its use. (they'll need to outlaw quercetin too, I'm sure they will figure out a way)