Topic of the Day | Page 12 | Barking Hard

Topic of the Day

I think all life is sacred and should be protected.
Yes that’s hard to say but an infant in the womb is defenseless and life should be protected.

How far gone are we as a nation when murdering your offspring is thought to be a constitutional right?
Like or hate debates I've had over the weekend in other forums. only my comments. to protect the guilty lol

So far the answers have been yes force a woman to have children they don't want. but with a bunch of words not saying so.
Why not just say Yes ?

At this point I'm less than half way thru these 215 pages. with most of it a bunch of Bull S hit.
must reading if you support this.

This is why average or most people Hate Lawyers. they talk alot of crap. get to the point ahole. I for one hope our next nation will outlaw lawyers from writing the laws. good grief

These judges took the First chance they got to end Roe. not even being asked to do so. surely it would be asap, but they couldn't wait. imo they are no better than those who wrote Roe. just another opinion.

Many of us will not live to see it but this little win for whoever today. will cost future people dearly. taking away this freedom will be used by the left long after the defeat of this little win of today.

Now for some Frankness.
Do you really want Women so dumb in this day and age to get pregnant not wanting to reproducing ? 500 - 900 thousands times every year.

What I would do or my morality is not what laws should be made up of.

What if I was a cannibal ? or a Muslim. people have different morals.

no one should be forced to have a abortion. no one should be forced to buy a gun or be a cannibal. no one should be forced to bear a child from just having sex.

Our Constitution has a fifth and fourteenth that speaks of our right to private property.

if we have no rights to our own bodies what could be More private of a property ?

So 18th century. and sadly that is what will be said in the future when the Constitution we both love will be altered or totally rewritten, negated to a article of the past. these 5 Judges will be credited with the results. giving fuel to the fire of the the Constitution was written by racists slave owners who thought women were not equal.

Now you are sounding like it's a lease or own option on a townhouse. lol

not that simple and we know it. we both have been around pregnant woman. if a woman wants to choose that fine. not Forced

On a personal level I'm so happy I could never become pregnant or ever made a woman that way, that wasn't sure she wanted to be.

How could I ask her to do so if she didn't want it ? let alone force her.

Then how can I be forcing that on a woman I don't know ?

Faith wise is it a sin having a abortion ?
sure it is. but sinning is what we humans all do best, if you are not wise to that keep reading your Bible. we all need forgiveness daily. we humans measure sins on some list put a value on them. God just see's us falling short. God made Hero's out of David in the old and Paul in the new. murders by our standards, top of the list.

You do understand these are called Opinions from the court.
these 5 judges are worse than the 1973 court of 7-2 who voted for Roe.
These 5 set out to do this Most of their lives. as my Dad would say I would bet you dollar to a doughnut those 7 voters did not do the same.

And your very weak argument on separate but equal..... really?
f ing Hilarious forward to backwards.

But you are wrong about not provided for in the Constitution it's just a outdated opinion you have. temporally making abortion illegal will not make our United States more united these judges are just terrible for taking us back in time.

Flip that the other way. what was legal for 50 Years.

go find the votes without unelected, activist judges. lol these are much more activist judges than those 7 as I pointed out above. waiting most of their whole lives to do this. willing to lie to get the chance. schemers.
Abortion is not legal or illegal at the moment. The justices struck down Roe because the Federal government should not dictate to women/any US citizen how to live and that the issue of abortion should be voted on in each state, I think.

Each state will put forth their own law covering abortion and hopefully the citizens can vote in agreement or not or to make changes as needed for future generations.

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They won't stop those criminal gangs because elites benefit from their existence by furthering BS narratives on all sides of the political spectrum.

Also is why no journalists have even put in a FOIA request for the complete transcripts of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. They would lose their job immediately.
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