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Topic of the Day


It’s hard to overstate the importance of fertilizer. The advent of synthetic ammonia fertilizers about a century ago is widely credited for helping food production keep pace with global population growth, freeing humankind from its Malthusian constraint. In that time, the planet’s population has gone from 1.7 billion to 7.7 billion, largely thanks to enormous growth in crop yields. Some experts have estimated that the global population might be half of what it is today without nitrogen fertilizer.
Ukraine’s Far-Right Forces See An Opportunity In Russia’s Invasion Threat To Grow Their Violent Movement

The Azov movement, born from the war as a volunteer battalion eight years ago, is composed of a paramilitary wing, a political branch, and youth and cultural groups. The battalion is now an official regiment in Ukraine’s National Guard. Taken together, Azov has thousands of members, including hundreds of heavily armed and battle-hardened fighters who enjoy a cozy relationship with Ukraine’s security structures.

Kinda surprised this stuff still on the net.
December 13, 2021

So this was so much ?
Worth people losing their everything, maybe forever. this war.
surely Putin might have eased of a bit from these 8 points.

Article 1: the parties should not strengthen their security at the expense of Russia’s security;

Article 2: the parties will use multilateral consultations and the NATO-Russia Council to address points of conflict;

Article 3: the parties reaffirm that they do not consider each other as adversaries and maintain a dialogue;

Article 4: the parties shall not deploy military forces and weaponry on the territory of any of the other states in Europe in addition to any forces that were deployed as of May 27, 1997;

Article 5: the parties shall not deploy land-based intermediate- and short-range missiles adjacent to the other parties;

Article 6: all member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization commit themselves to refrain from any further enlargement of NATO, including the accession of Ukraine as well as other States;

Article 7: the parties that are member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization shall not conduct any military activity on the territory of Ukraine as well as other States in the Eastern Europe, in the South Caucasus and in Central Asia; and

Article 8: the agreement shall not be interpreted as affecting the primary responsibility of the Security Council of the United Nations for maintaining international peace and security.
Putin's Russia was not going to allow Ukraine to join NATO. Not much different than if Mexico were to become communist. We would very likely do the same and not allow communism at our border. Hell, we were pissed when Cuba did it.

Putin's Russia was not going to allow Ukraine to join NATO. Not much different than if Mexico were to become communist.
Notice how much of the Rightwing media is blaming Putin not Joe. when it is Joe's fault for not getting a deal done.
We would very likely do the same and not allow communism at our border. Hell, we were pissed when Cuba did it.
Growing up always thought .... why are we on the other side of the planet fighting communism when they are right here in Cuba.
Whatever the media says is going on in Ukrainian, I suggest investigating the opposite.

why would the media start telling us the truth now.

I don’t like any civilian casualties but Ukrainian government is
Not purged of all the corruption.

you’ve got offspring from Kerry, Pelosi and Biden on Ukrainian payrolls. Yeah that’s right.

Russia is an evil empire and we look weak as hell right now.
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