Dan in Florida
Stay Thirsty my Friends!
Hi Stan, how are you (& Lumburgh, wink wink)
Are we a little bitter?
Hi Stan, how are you (& Lumburgh, wink wink)
Are we a little bitter?
Too bad he couldn't lead a prolific offense against any team that was ranked 15th or higher defensively.
19 of his 29 TD's in 2007 came against teams that drafted (or would have had they not traded the pick) in the top 9 of the 2008 NFL Draft. Against teams that had a top 15 defense, he threw majority of his INT's, and then blew up in the 2nd half of 2007 helping us to NOT make the playoffs.
The Derek Anderson hate is quite warranted.
Dammit Dan, you beat me to it.brownspwnj00...
Hi Stan, how are you (& Lumburgh, wink wink)
Are we a little bitter?
When DA signs with another team, we have to monitor their boards and see if he pronounces himself a "Seahawk fan."And somewhere in Oregon a man sits at a bar drinking cheap whisky while weeping softly....
FAKE ASS APOLOGY BY DUMBASS IN THE PD. Here is a rebutal from a fan that I agree with:
Posted by jupiter-17
March 10, 2010, 8:19AM
At least he (or his agent) was smart enough to realize that blaming the fans for his failure was wrong.
That being said, you want someone who is tough as nails to lead your football team. D A is still mentally stuck on something from a year and half ago. This shows that currently he doesn't have the mental fortitude to be a successful NFL quarterback.
Maybe someday the light bulb will click on and he'll get it.
Actually, Anderson should be thankful. The Browns gave him his opportunity, and he cashed in. He had a two month period in his entire life were things clicked for him in his job, and now he's financially set for life.
You or I should be so lucky. So don't feel sorry for D A. Be sorry for us. When we have two great months at work, we're lucky if we get a pat on the back. These pro atheletes live in la la land.
That being said, you want someone who is tough as nails to lead your football team.