Browns - DeShaun Watson 2 - Goldigger Whores 0 - Play Ball | Page 4 | Barking Hard

Browns DeShaun Watson 2 - Goldigger Whores 0 - Play Ball

Myles paralleled my Watson stance today. I changed just one word in his quote to make it from the fan side in me …

Myles: “From what I’ve seen, he’s walked the right way and whether he’s had a slip-up or not, I’m not the judge, I’m not the jury or the executioner. I’m here to PLAY a game and whether we agree or disagree with who he is off the field, that’s yet to be seen. But as far as the guy I know on the field, he’s special.”

Me: “From what I’ve seen, he’s walked the right way and whether he’s had a slip-up or not, I’m not the judge, I’m not the jury or the executioner. I’m here to WATCH a game and whether we agree or disagree with who he is off the field, that’s yet to be seen. But as far as the guy I know on the field, he’s special.”
Like I said... Even if the case is dropped... There will always be questions... Why Berry had to trade the farm for this sack of shit and his legal problems are beyond me... Even if they proclaim him innocent... There will always be doubts... This was the last fucking thing this team needed..... I can't wait till this era and this regime are no more... They are nothing but an embarrassment to the town, the league.. And it's ardent fans.. Thank you Berry Al-Habibi... For adding another stain to our tainted legacy...
Berry is showing that good old racial solidarity he has made a habit of, hooking his bruthas up. It is a repeated pattern of behavior from that clueless fucking clown.
Myles paralleled my Watson stance today. I changed just one word in his quote to make it from the fan side in me …

Myles: “From what I’ve seen, he’s walked the right way and whether he’s had a slip-up or not, I’m not the judge, I’m not the jury or the executioner. I’m here to PLAY a game and whether we agree or disagree with who he is off the field, that’s yet to be seen. But as far as the guy I know on the field, he’s special.”

Me: “From what I’ve seen, he’s walked the right way and whether he’s had a slip-up or not, I’m not the judge, I’m not the jury or the executioner. I’m here to WATCH a game and whether we agree or disagree with who he is off the field, that’s yet to be seen. But as far as the guy I know on the field, he’s special.”
Horseshit. If Baker was in the same position as Watson, you'd fry him and you know it,
The fans who put player over team
I agree here. If you don't like Watson, fine, but there are 89 other guys on the roster. Some pretty darn likable ones. Thus, whoever is at QB, I'll watch and root for the Browns. From a football perspective, I hope it's Watson.

(ftr, it'll be weird to me if he gets a year with zero objective evidence.)
I like Watson. I've said here several times I don't blame the Browns for going after him. He's clearly more talented than Baker. But I do think the league is going to come down hard on Watson. And if they do, our best bet for success is making up with Baker. And I owe you an apology, Ocon, I mistakenly thought your post was by TBPP, so I made the snarky comment. My bad.
I've said for a while now, the only established and agreed upon facts by those involved is 1) multiple massage therapists were used and 2) some level of sexual interaction occurred. That's all we really know. Therefore....

Example Statement From The NFL

"We don't condone the use of multiple massage therapists and we don't condone sexual interaction with them, even if agreed upon by those involved. Therefore, based on these known and agreed upon facts, Deshawn Watson is hereby suspended for ___ games, and we reserve the right to revisit this case as further information comes to light".

There is a Mt. Everest sized mountain of objective evidence that Watson is a serial sexual predator. That's what the evidence shows. He shouldn't play another down in the NFL.
Myles paralleled my Watson stance today. I changed just one word in his quote to make it from the fan side in me …

Myles: “From what I’ve seen, he’s walked the right way and whether he’s had a slip-up or not, I’m not the judge, I’m not the jury or the executioner. I’m here to PLAY a game and whether we agree or disagree with who he is off the field, that’s yet to be seen. But as far as the guy I know on the field, he’s special.”

Me: “From what I’ve seen, he’s walked the right way and whether he’s had a slip-up or not, I’m not the judge, I’m not the jury or the executioner. I’m here to WATCH a game and whether we agree or disagree with who he is off the field, that’s yet to be seen. But as far as the guy I know on the field, he’s special.”
Not so sure why Garrett needs to comment on Watson at all. He could have simply said, "no comment". He certainly didn't need to answer those questions. Myles is a great player and stand up guy.
That being said Myles spoke elegantly and carefully. I applaud him for that. In the end Myles just wants to win football games. Very similar to Browns ownership.
Everything has been he said she said, written statements and questions from lawyers to Watson and/or his accusers designed to make one side look weak.

Also, Watson has said he had some form of consensual sex with some of his accusers and one of the last two accusers were already known. There is another one out there that they know of. If they haven't signed on with Busby within the past couple of months, why not!?? What happened to them that they waited this long to sign on? Some piece of information must have changed their mind. I wonder what that could be?

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