Browns - Deshaun Watson - Football Talk | Page 18 | Barking Hard

Browns Deshaun Watson - Football Talk

3 years ago while my crew was installing a water system, the founder of that company accused me of sexually propositioning 3 -20 something girls who were working as laborers for his company as a way of cutting down their jail time and getting on probation. Nice kids, stupid drug shit. It was summer, hot in a new plant, so I would bring them popsicles or ice cream when I came in. Later I stopped them from working (even though they weren't working for me) because the plant manager had them smashing pallets and using a chainsaw with no eye, ear or hand protection.

This Ph.D fucker told others that I made the women uncomfortable and offered to pay them for blowjobs. The financier of this company, a woman, was a long time champion of mine. The whole mess cooled down, I finished a nice installation and forgot about it. 3 years later, 3 days ago, my friend calls me to her to discuss a new start up venture. In our discussions she tells me that she fired the Ph D. guy because as it turned out it was HE who was trying to work out blowjobs. The fucker exposed himself and when things got heated up, the dumbastard concocted a plan to make the girls think they were mistaken, and it was me and not him.

As it turned out this guy had a long track record of this shit.

I don't think Watson is a pervert. Not based on my experience with one. I just don't buy it.......f
Because someone once accused you of sexual offenses, it only makes sense that you'll be banned from this forum.

Welcome to clownsworld.
Watson could be a pervert but he also maybe a sex addict and exposing himself is certainly inappropriate and a major red flag for future behavior and entitlement.
The alleged misconduct for me is enough to stay clear of him altogether. It will be interesting to see how the Civil proceedings play out.
This is really not an issue that can be debated to any resolution. I don't see that people can be faulted regardless what they think about Watson. Honestly, there is logic to both schools of thinking. Money, fame and personal vindictiveness/agenda all come into play. Adding attorneys to these things completely creates a clusterfuck.

The resolution is likely going to be a compromise and the truth will be just as much of a debate as it is now. For Watson, there simply will be a price for his fame, position and actions.

However, if I was Jimmy Haslam I would make a public position statement that after 2 Grand Jury rejections that I consider all 22 accusations to be libel, and I would announce 22 lawsuits against these women should they decide to proceed. They want to pull the women card, I would pull the race card. My bet is that the ACLU, NAACP coupled with aggressive talk from my law team would make these women and their lawyer have second thoughts about going forward. It is all about money, and the more obstacles to getting a resolution, the more likely this shit is to go away.

I understand the moral issues, but my position is that I don't believe 22 women when not one of them came out and objected to Watson at the time of the alleged misconduct. It just doesn't pass the reality threshold for me.

My verdict? Dumb Cunts.
Yeah. Watson is an NFL QB and he's expected to be a person with high standards and of good moral character. He represents an entire city and a franchise. Big Ben and Favre come to mind as having legal mishaps over their career. No one is perfect.
But name me another successful player in the modern era with the job title field general/lockeroom leader getting this much negative publicity?
You certainly don't here things like this about guys like Wilson and Mahomes
I've forgotten exactly how all this started now that it's been so long ago. At least it seems like it to me.

Did Watson ask to leave and then these legal issues were revealed or was it the other way around?

Just found this on the Twitter. It looks like a worthwhile listen when I get a minute:

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Include Watson in that verdict for putting himself in this predicament. Innocent or guilty, like you said. It’s a cluster fuck.
I absolutely agree with you. If I am in his shoes, I would always have an assitant/friend with me in these kinds of situations. But I guess people like us also don't understand what it is like going from college to being an instant millionaire. These guys don't have the capacity to realize they are no longer like everyone else. If I was fortunate enough to be in his shoes, and I am sure everyone here, we would have parental grooming to prepare us.

This entire thing is just a clusterfuck. Always some bullshit with our team.
Watson could be a pervert but he also maybe a sex addict and exposing himself is certainly inappropriate and a major red flag for future behavior and entitlement.
The alleged misconduct for me is enough to stay clear of him altogether. It will be interesting to see how the Civil proceedings play out.

Podcast cliff notes:

1) Watson in the court system, is not going to be found guilty ever. His lawyer is too good and the objective evidence just isn't there.
2) The dollar amounts where the cases were almost settled pre-Miami trade, were small.
3) The NFL interviews have been fair and the longest in history.
4) The NFL, Deshaun, and Deshaun's lawyers were the ones in the room for these interviews.
5) The NFL wants to get something done this summer.
6) Watson's lawyer pushed for criminal charges, to help prove the evidence was thin. The old saying is, "a prosecutor can get a ham sandwich indicted (via a grand jury)", and he knew it wouldn't hold up.
7) "Busby has no allegiance to the truth or to accuracy"
8) Watson is "smart, observant, and an ideal client", per Hardin.
9) The one that welled up with tears, says his genitals touched her with 5 min left in the massage, she reacted, he asked if she wanted to continue, she said no, she left, and he apologized later.
10) There was 3, of the 22, where sexual activity occurred, and there was no sign of force, and Watson contends (and "very believably" conveys) those were consensual.
Definitely worth a listen. Hardin basically says Watson is innocent, but the NFL would have to be extremely brave to stand up and admit it with all the pressure on them to crucify him.
There are countless examples of people who crack and abandon what's is right to save themselves strife, heat, and public ridicule. The Apostle Peter saying " I do not know this man" is my best lesson in life. Very few people choose the right thing. It is why our government is as corrupt as it is.

As I think I said, if I was Haslam, I would invoke every advocacy group, including BLM, the NAACP and ACLU, and bring defamation charges against every one of these women. I would spend some of my millions having each one of these cunts investigated and then spread what dirt I found as far as the eye can see.

Sorry, but the best thing one can do against a bully is make his journey as miserable to carry on as possible. Fuck these women.
We definitely should shame and blame the victims and not the degenerate piece of fucking shit that assaulted them, for sure.
So we should shame and blame the accused, regardless of if facts and evidence support the accusations? Same coin, you are just being the other side of it.

In a fair world judgement for the accused and the accusers would be reserved until all the facts and evidence are laid out.
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