Browns - Deshaun Watson - Football Talk | Page 16 | Barking Hard

Browns Deshaun Watson - Football Talk

And like clockwork, here comes the race card. Yep, Watson raped all those women because the other is White and thus a racist. Yep, let's keep trying to spin the facts. I am sure Watson was meeting up with these women for Bible study lessons in between volunteer hours at the homeless shelter. He was just trying to pray with them and they took it the wrong way. They must be racists as well.

Get. Fucking. Real. Some of you just need to be honest. Just come out and say it, you're cool with a rapist as long as he wins some football games, go ahead and sexually assault all the women you'd like DeShaun.

Circling back to that race card bullshit, last I checked it wasn't the owner of the Texans demanding they hire a Black GM and Black HC, that was the rapist. So yeah, we can see who the actual racist is in all this.
And like clockwork, here comes the race card. Yep, Watson raped all those women because the other is White and thus a racist. Yep, let's keep trying to spin the facts. I am sure Watson was meeting up with these women for Bible study lessons in between volunteer hours at the homeless shelter. He was just trying to pray with them and they took it the wrong way. They must be racists as well.

Get. Fucking. Real. Some of you just need to be honest. Just come out and say it, you're cool with a rapist as long as he wins some football games, go ahead and sexually assault all the women you'd like DeShaun.

Circling back to that race card bullshit, last I checked it wasn't the owner of the Texans demanding they hire a Black GM and Black HC, that was the rapist. So yeah, we can see who the actual racist is in all this.

Apparently now the FBI is looking into some of the girls for being part of other 'extortion rings'.

Back to the shit tier posting job by Ragnar. You still don't get it. Having consensual sex is not a crime. Having consensual sex with a lot of different women is not a crime. Asking a women for a sexual act is not a crime. Being a pervert is not a crime.

Literally nothing that happened was a crime. That's objective and has been verified by 2 different grand juries and the FBI.

As far as the Texans ownership goes...raise your hand if you have actually interacted and/or know the family personally.

Sure you do kid, sure you do.

Typical QCT garbage post. "Blah blah blah it was consensual blah blah." No, no there is absolutely nothing concensual about exposing yourself to people and forcing yourself on women. Nothing at all. Just because your College hero says it was concensual doesn't mean it was. When 24+ women, text messages discussing it ect say it wasn't, guess what? It wasn't.

Keep simping for your hero though, that shit is at least amusing.
Sure you do kid, sure you do.

Typical QCT garbage post. "Blah blah blah it was consensual blah blah." No, no there is absolutely nothing concensual about exposing yourself to people and forcing yourself on women. Nothing at all. Just because your College hero says it was concensual doesn't mean it was. When 24+ women, text messages discussing it ect say it wasn't, guess what? It wasn't.

Keep simping for your hero though, that shit is at least amusing.

Your ability for critical analysis is absolute shit tier.

Watson isn't my 'hero'. I was on the sidelines and in the press box for his entire tenure at Clemson and do have a much better, actually informed opinion of his character. I was actually walked into the backdoor of an NFL stadium by the Texans head of security (one of Bob's son's) and onto the field. I know that it's hard for you to understand that these are people who actually interact with other people. I think the entire family are pieces of shit, but I won't get into why.

And LMFAO off at 'exposing' oneself in a message when you are naked. If you are that obtuse, then it makes sense why you can't grasp what is happening and just fall back on, "well, 22 girls can't be wrong, herp derp".

You're he shittiest poster on the board...and you continue to show why over and over again.
According to Watson's lawyers there are 23 reasons why all charges should be dropped. However, it doesn't break down each individual's claim and where they fit in, or out depending on your point of view.

7 willingly worked or offered to after their claim. Those 7 should be dropped immediately as it's obvious they're gold digging. The 5 who stated they wanted to get money out of Watson will be easy to boot if his lawyers do their job, but their claims can go either way. The 5 who have scrubbed and deleted their SM accounts means little without any timeline or context as to why.
yeah, wait till he throws for 350 yards 4 TD's and runs in a TD as we beat the ravens 38-18 in baltimore.
you might change your tune when you realise baker could never play in the pocket this way.
Are these your expectations for Mr Watson? ( if not what are your expectations? I mean 1/4 BILLION dollars oughta get us something hey?)
Your ability for critical analysis is absolute shit tier.

Watson isn't my 'hero'. I was on the sidelines and in the press box for his entire tenure at Clemson and do have a much better, actually informed opinion of his character. I was actually walked into the backdoor of an NFL stadium by the Texans head of security (one of Bob's son's) and onto the field. I know that it's hard for you to understand that these are people who actually interact with other people. I think the entire family are pieces of shit, but I won't get into why.

And LMFAO off at 'exposing' oneself in a message when you are naked. If you are that obtuse, then it makes sense why you can't grasp what is happening and just fall back on, "well, 22 girls can't be wrong, herp derp".

You're he shittiest poster on the board...and you continue to show why over and over again.
Even more hilarity, coming from the guy who knows absolutely nothing about football whatsoever and who has contributed absolutely zero to this forum. You've given Shemp a run for his money both in the most clueless person to post on here as well as a run as the worst poster this forum has ever seen. You have nothing, kid. Literally all you have are weak ass effete attempts at insulting anyone who disagrees with your moronic as fuck, uneducated opinions on football matters.

My decade plus on this board speaks for itself. Now run back to mommy's basement where you pretend you're some big shot instead of just another Watson fanboy on the internet yapping his teenage mouth.
According to Watson's lawyers there are 23 reasons why all charges should be dropped. However, it doesn't break down each individual's claim and where they fit in, or out depending on your point of view.

7 willingly worked or offered to after their claim. Those 7 should be dropped immediately as it's obvious they're gold digging. The 5 who stated they wanted to get money out of Watson will be easy to boot if his lawyers do their job, but their claims can go either way. The 5 who have scrubbed and deleted their SM accounts means little without any timeline or context as to why.
They likely deleted them because queer ass fanboys like QCT started stalking them and attacking them at every turn for outing his hero as a fucking rapist dirtbag.
Even more hilarity, coming from the guy who knows absolutely nothing about football whatsoever and who has contributed absolutely zero to this forum. You've given Shemp a run for his money both in the most clueless person to post on here as well as a run as the worst poster this forum has ever seen. You have nothing, kid. Literally all you have are weak ass effete attempts at insulting anyone who disagrees with your moronic as fuck, uneducated opinions on football matters.

My decade plus on this board speaks for itself. Now run back to mommy's basement where you pretend you're some big shot instead of just another Watson fanboy on the internet yapping his teenage mouth.

Your decade plus of shit posting?


Raise your hand if you actually received a paycheck because of your football knowledge...


Sorry man,but the reactions here on this board speak for themselves. Not a poster person likes your posts attempting to belittle me, yet I get likes for every one calling you out for what you are. Says all we need to know about who knows what they are talking about and who has the credibility on this board. Thanks for coming out though.
Guarantee you haven't been paid for shit, kid. Keep fronting though. Yeah, a decade plus of being 100% correct about QB after QB, draft after draft and GM after GM. Meanwhile you have contributed.... Absolutely fucking nothing ever at ANY point during your time here.

Of course you haven't, you can't. You don't know shit about football. A kid playing PeeWee literally knows more about the game then you. You have nothing to contribute, which is why you fallback on shitty memes and insults like the absolutely worthless 15 year old piece of shit basement dweller that you are.

Hell at this point you're making Shemp look Newsome-esque in comparison to how utterly fucking clueless about anything that you are.

Now run along back to your DeRapist poster, toss on your backwards Clemson hat and resume beating off to your rapist hero WatShit like the worthless waste of oxygen that you are.
Moving along from the clueless queer in the corner popping his limp wrists and throwing out weak ass attempts at insults.....

DeRapist admits today he did "something" to make one of the 22 victims break down in tears. He "doesn't know why" she was crying over being sexually assaulted but admits apologizing for it anyways, further validating the string of text messages discussing his vile behavior. Hmmm, you didn't do anything wrong..... She just spontaneously started crying during a perfectly normal massage. You being raised by two "Aunties" who will swear you a good boy decided to apologize during the assault, erm "massage" and further text your victim apologizing a second time.

I'm not sure what's worse, the fact he has admitted to it three separate times or the fact there are people who honestly believe his "I is innocent an shit" story.
Guarantee you haven't been paid for shit, kid. Keep fronting though. Yeah, a decade plus of being 100% correct about QB after QB, draft after draft and GM after GM. Meanwhile you have contributed.... Absolutely fucking nothing ever at ANY point during your time here.

Of course you haven't, you can't. You don't know shit about football. A kid playing PeeWee literally knows more about the game then you. You have nothing to contribute, which is why you fallback on shitty memes and insults like the absolutely worthless 15 year old piece of shit basement dweller that you are.

Hell at this point you're making Shemp look Newsome-esque in comparison to how utterly fucking clueless about anything that you are.

Now run along back to your DeRapist poster, toss on your backwards Clemson hat and resume beating off to your rapist hero WatShit like the worthless waste of oxygen that you are.

That's some strong small dick energy. Being a Beta must be tough.
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