It's time to turn the page and begin the hunt for a new QB. #Browns | Page 21 | Barking Hard

It's time to turn the page and begin the hunt for a new QB. #Browns

Sorry player fans. It's time. Baker Mayfield is an average NFL QB, a future journeyman ...and it's time to look at our options. There are only two QBs in the NFL worse than Baker Mayfield in the 4th quarter. We routinely finish in the bottom half in almost every meaningful passing category. There is nothing at all special about him. I used to think he had an elite arm, but a lot of QBs can throw the ball hard. He can certainly throw it, but how well does he pass it really? High, hard, and behind. Rinse and repeat. A large percentage of his completions go that route as well. He has every single weakness he had coming out of college. Nothing at all has improved. In the NFL he isn't chucking up prayers to NFL caliber WRs being covered by guys who are now checking out your groceries. Baker Mayfield is the 4th best QB in the AFC North. Out of 4 teams.

Last place in the division. Most in here predicted outlandish success this season. 12 wins? 14? Maybe more. This blow-hard thought we would likely have less wins than last season, simply due to a historically easy schedule in 2020. The Browns just lost to a team with no kicker, and a fat QB who likely has lower back problems, and runs about as fast as an arthritic sloth. People are now starting to look for new excuses. The new coach is holding the team back. The WRs drop the ball too much. Mean fans are hurting Emily Mayfield's feelings and it's having an effect on Baker's play. The truth is, there's a bottleneck at the QB position. We have a Superbowl caliber roster, and a QB that is limiting what we can do with it. Baker Mayfield is the best QB we have had in twenty years ....and people are desperate to defend him. I get it.

Against the Steelers on Sunday we witnessed something we try really hard to ignore. Baker throwing high and hard the majority of the game. While throwing from the pocket, Baker not only can't see most of the field, but he throws his trademark bullets high enough to get over the defenders standing between he and his receiver. This just doesn't work, as the trajectory of these bullets leave them high and often behind his mark. A difficult ask of WRs, TEs, and RBs. You'll have player fans on twitter showing slow motion replays of a ball going through Hooper's hand, and calling anyone who dares criticize Baker a "mouth breather", but in reality Hooper was at the top of his jump, arms outstretched to the max, trying to reel in a high, hard, and behind football. Could have easily been a walk in touchdown instead... a bad pass. A QB could normally avoid this by putting some touch on the ball, a little arc, or air under it ....but Baker doesn't seem to have that gear.


Mayfield throughout his entire career has made a cottage industry of rolling to his right. It seems to be the one thing he is great at. The problem is, when you are a one-trick pony, other teams game-plan to take that trick away from you. Baker has rolled right and attempted to pass a total of 6 times this year. Think about that in relation to each year prior. Teams have forced Baker into the pocket, the Steelers literally dared the Browns to pass practically the entire game. How is it working out?


Fourth quarter, and another chance to win a game. Most of us knew what was going to happen didn't we? We have held onto hope, praying that the light would go on, that Baker would make wholesale changes, and he would become the Browns franchise QB ...someone we could count on to put the team on his back and lead us to victory with the game on the line. What we have got in reality is a QB that is 33 of 62, with 4 TDs and 5 INTS. Sam Darnold is the only QB as bad as Mayfield with the game on the line since 2018. Mayfield's passing rating with the game on the line is 61.3 and the Browns are 3-11 in these scenarios.


Kevin Stefanski was hired to reign in Mayfield's erratic tendencies. Stefanski's offense tends to turn average QBs into statistical wonders, (Case Keenum) and perhaps limit some players at certain positions, like a downfield QB and burner WR for example. Some argue that Stefanski has taken Mayfield's gunslinger aura away from him, which while true is also the reason why Baker has become far less prone to interceptions. The dink and dunk offense with numerous screens and TE heavy route trees certainly makes a QB look good on paper at times ...but who is Baker Mayfield without the ability to roll out on play action and plant bombs down the field? Certainly these are often 50/50 bombs, but they do add to what an opposing defense has to worry about. Mayfield has 10 completions of 20 or more yards this season ...20th in the league. Recall Stefon Diggs having the same issue that OBJ is currently having in the Stefanski offense. He moved on to the Bills and is back to all-pro form. I suspect OBJ will do the same for some other team.


In short, we have no vertical passing attack, while employing one of the very best WR tandems in the game, and one of the fastest WRs in the league in Schwartz. Did the Browns hire the right coach? If you believe analytics and going by the book is usually right, then yes. If you believe in coaches who base decisions on the ebb and flow of the game, their "gut" as it were, then no. We are the worst team in the league at going for it on 4th down. Analytics got us there.

We could have had Canton native and lifelong Browns fan Josh McDaniels.


So where are we now? A Superbowl caliber roster, with an extremely limited QB, and a coach who can only go by the book, apparently not capable of harnessing whatever "elite" trait Mayfield may have, if he has one at all. Playoffs this season ...not likely. Our Superbowl window is open for only a short while ...without the Browns front office doing something extremely out of character (see, ballsy) like going after a Watson, Wilson, or Rogers ...I don't see us going anywhere.


(yes another QB thread)
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I used to see that as potentially true. Then Stefanski against all logic refused to replace Baker while he was crippled over 8 games.

I tend to believe all those options I see open are 3rd 4th and 5th options in Stefanskis offense. Which of course Baker NEVER gets to. Again, Stefanskis fault, Baker is who he is.

It's interesting because Stefs offense is very annoying, doesn't allow for freelancers like an OBJ, someone with elite feel for open areas of the field etc. Players need to be where the play dictates, period. And that does suit Baker, because his instincts are bottom of the barrel stuff. I guess maybe the issue is getting option 1 and 2 open.

Either way, Baker's limitations are too crippling, and Stefs are as well. They are both one giant crippled monstrosity.

My preference would be McDaniels comes in and runs the show. He will suffer no fools, he may try to fix Baker but the leash would be short. But we all know that's not going to happen ,so the only other option is jettison Baker, and get some cookie cutter QB who works well as a system QB and hope Stefanski can figure it out.

Personally I see another decade of trash coming our way. The Tennessee hucksters will not give in to destiny, no they will instead continue to listen to and appease the NFL. While some of the most knowledgeable fans on earth facepalm and curse under their breath about how nothing at all that these crooks do makes logical sense. Up to and including the oranger orange, and the Tennessee scoreboard.
TBPP you could ultimately end up correct. With that said a few counters.

It is not out of the relm of possibility that two other things are factoring in to Baker continuing to start. One is that Baker even as banged up as he is (we can only guess as to how much his injuries are actually impacting him) is still better than Case. I know what he did for one year in MIN, but that was also the end of it with him. Unfortunately that might also have been the same for Baker last year. Two he could be continuing to play due to CLE needing what ever last looks they need to make a final decision on how they move forward with baker and the position. It could also be a combo of the two. My guess it's a combo, with more at Baker is still better than Case.

I can't put Baker being Baker on KS. Baker being Baker can't be changed by anyone other than Baker. Which even he might not be able to change. I have yet to see a coach who can make a get through his reads quicker and not panicking in a clean pocket when the first read is not there. I don't want to literally compare KS to other top coaches, but as examples Mcvay and BB/JM couldn't make Goff and Cam not be who they are. Reid couldn't make Smith not be who he is.

I think KS offense does allow "freelance" for receivers. As long as we are talking option routes based on coverage. If talking a wr just running a completely different route without his QB knowing the options they have, and it is messing up an expected route combination for the play, then yeah I would imagine it does not. But that is pretty much the entire NFL. When I watch OBJ I do not see him doing anything that looks off script. He looked like he was mostly make the correct read of how a route should be broken off based on the coverage. His QB was not. This to me is not exclusive to OBJ. You see similar things with Landry. Landry doesn't have the personality or perception that draws the ire of fans and some in the media that OBJ has. Take the pick Baker threw last week. Landry read that right. Coverage was to the inside, the wr and QB should both read that as the throw needing to go outside. Landry breaks it outside, Baker throws it inside.

If you go watch some 2019 MIN games you will see Thielen and Diggs optioning their routes , along with Rudolph. Diggs didn't want out of MIN just because of that offense (which in theory wouldn't be there in 2020). He wanted new money that MIN wasn't going to give. I think he also may have wanted to be the primary target in an offense (and the notariety which comes with that). That wasn't going to happen with Thielen, Rudolph, and Cook. He got both in BUF. Diggs had what was a career year for him in 2019 as far as yards and yards per reception. He goes to BUF in 2020 which got him his targets and reception to nearly double, but that netted an additional 400 yards total, 2 more TDs, and a reduction of 6 yards per catch average.

We agree on Baker's limitations. I can't put those on KS, just like at some point you couldn't put Goffs on mcvay or Cams on BB/JM. Baker is a poor man's Cousins (that is probably generous) and I have a year for what KS could do with him. Based on Baker's limitations one could make a case that doing what he did last year, and has still been able to do this year with Baker's limitations from a team W/L perspective is a petty darn good job. Especially if you go to the point of calling Baker's limitations as crippling.

I don't get the McDaniels love affair. He clearly can't be trusted (see what he pulled on Indy and the coaches who left jobs and signed contracts to join his staff), his showing in DEN was not good, and his showing in STL as OC for a year was not good. Then throw in that no one from the BB tree has really been successful outside of when on his staff. Nothing indicates he will now be successful outside of BB. McDaniels being from NE Ohio is not going to have any impact on his potential as a HC, let alone running the whole show. That I think has disaster written all over it, be it for CLE or any other team if they did that with McDaniels.
I had a very popular Youngstown band in in the mid 70's, about 6 years worth. Most weeks we played 5 gigs and some weeks even more. My bass Player was always getting into some shit. He would swear at club owners, get caught screwing married women on breaks, and on one occasion he almost came to blows with the bas player from Golden Earring, who we opened for. everyone would ask me, "why do you keep this asshole around".

My answer was that his playing was tighter than a nun's twat, he was always on time, he never complained about new song choices or set selections. is vocal harmonies was always spot on , he always helped with equipment set up and tear down, and the audience loved the guy.

In short, he delivered.

As time goes on, almost daily now, Baker Mayfield is getting engaged in more and more non-football bullshit. Commercials, bashing the coach, bashing other players, insisting that he is his own man and he is not going to change, and now bashing the NFL.

Kalosky delivered for our band. All the time, every time. Mayfield is not delivering. He is high on drama, low on leadership and low on delivering big plays and wins. Mayfield seemingly has lost as much as 50% of the fans, and you have to be honest and admit that he has caused consternation and wasted energy on this team.

I understand that many of you like the kid, but dudes, to overcome the bad stuff, he first woudl have to recognize and a admit his shortcomings. "My name is George and I am an alcoholic"! I don't believe Baker is capable of that level of personal responsibility.

I think the teams needs to get what they can form him and move forward.
Mayfields off field stuff is one thing. On field he is slow. In every aspect! Mentally he is slow. Physically he is slow. His eyes are slow. His brain is slow. His football iq is slow. He blows! Get rid of this bum! The sooner the better!
Mayfields off field stuff is one thing. On field he is slow. In every aspect! Mentally he is slow. Physically he is slow. His eyes are slow. His brain is slow. His football iq is slow. He blows! Get rid of this bum! The sooner the better!
We are 100% in agreement.

Perhaps ShitMyPantski is being forced by Haslam to play Mayfield no matter what? Perhaps Haslam is sickened by the thought that his AGAIN has to admit his QB is shit and it' back to the drawing board?

There is more to this bullshit than just x's and o's. ShitMyPantski surely is not that stupid to think this asshole is our franchise QB. Mayfield would not start for any other NFL team, and Haslam knows this.
We are 100% in agreement.

Perhaps ShitMyPantski is being forced by Haslam to play Mayfield no matter what? Perhaps Haslam is sickened by the thought that his AGAIN has to admit his QB is shit and it' back to the drawing board?

There is more to this bullshit than just x's and o's. ShitMyPantski surely is not that stupid to think this asshole is our franchise QB. Mayfield would not start for any other NFL team, and Haslam knows this.
Oh I would not be surprised in the least. Baker is on display and his days are numbered. And he knows it. He knew it when OBJ’s dad called him out and it was reaffirmed when Hunt’s dad called it what it was. That’s why he has the attitude. He knows he’s on his way out. He used to be good at proving the naysayers wrong. Not so anymore. He’s just way too inconsistent for my liking.
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Oh I would not be surprised in the least. Baker is on display and his days are numbered. And he knows it. He knew it when OBJ’s dad called him out and it was reaffirmed when Hunt’s dad called it what it was. That’s why he has the attitude. He knows he’s on his way out. He used to be good at proving the naysayers wrong. Not so anymore. He’s just way too inconsistent for my liking.
Good observation of Baker's self-destructive timeline. I will augment this by saying that Baker has also alienated a large part of the fan base. This guy is not just a bad QB, he is a moron.
bass players,4 strings and still fighting for equality. its a civil rights issue LOL
Sir paul mc cartney is your MLK.
James Jamerson wrote the book on modern bass playing... between him a Jaco... the world didn''t have a chance.. I would put Stanley Clarke in that company too... Lets not forget Rick Laird either...
I can tell you from watching the games that stat is correct or very close to it.
how many times? 4th Q 2-3 minutes or more and were driving to win the game via TD or FG? we cant even sniff the RZ.
we keep baker but we spice up the relationship by adding another QB
yeah I hear you playa and agree but historically the browns much prefer the draft than FA to accrue players
I would love fitzmagic in here to put a rocket up the room but I think thats unlikely with this FO. they want youth.
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