It's time to turn the page and begin the hunt for a new QB. #Browns | Page 30 | Barking Hard

It's time to turn the page and begin the hunt for a new QB. #Browns

Sorry player fans. It's time. Baker Mayfield is an average NFL QB, a future journeyman ...and it's time to look at our options. There are only two QBs in the NFL worse than Baker Mayfield in the 4th quarter. We routinely finish in the bottom half in almost every meaningful passing category. There is nothing at all special about him. I used to think he had an elite arm, but a lot of QBs can throw the ball hard. He can certainly throw it, but how well does he pass it really? High, hard, and behind. Rinse and repeat. A large percentage of his completions go that route as well. He has every single weakness he had coming out of college. Nothing at all has improved. In the NFL he isn't chucking up prayers to NFL caliber WRs being covered by guys who are now checking out your groceries. Baker Mayfield is the 4th best QB in the AFC North. Out of 4 teams.

Last place in the division. Most in here predicted outlandish success this season. 12 wins? 14? Maybe more. This blow-hard thought we would likely have less wins than last season, simply due to a historically easy schedule in 2020. The Browns just lost to a team with no kicker, and a fat QB who likely has lower back problems, and runs about as fast as an arthritic sloth. People are now starting to look for new excuses. The new coach is holding the team back. The WRs drop the ball too much. Mean fans are hurting Emily Mayfield's feelings and it's having an effect on Baker's play. The truth is, there's a bottleneck at the QB position. We have a Superbowl caliber roster, and a QB that is limiting what we can do with it. Baker Mayfield is the best QB we have had in twenty years ....and people are desperate to defend him. I get it.

Against the Steelers on Sunday we witnessed something we try really hard to ignore. Baker throwing high and hard the majority of the game. While throwing from the pocket, Baker not only can't see most of the field, but he throws his trademark bullets high enough to get over the defenders standing between he and his receiver. This just doesn't work, as the trajectory of these bullets leave them high and often behind his mark. A difficult ask of WRs, TEs, and RBs. You'll have player fans on twitter showing slow motion replays of a ball going through Hooper's hand, and calling anyone who dares criticize Baker a "mouth breather", but in reality Hooper was at the top of his jump, arms outstretched to the max, trying to reel in a high, hard, and behind football. Could have easily been a walk in touchdown instead... a bad pass. A QB could normally avoid this by putting some touch on the ball, a little arc, or air under it ....but Baker doesn't seem to have that gear.


Mayfield throughout his entire career has made a cottage industry of rolling to his right. It seems to be the one thing he is great at. The problem is, when you are a one-trick pony, other teams game-plan to take that trick away from you. Baker has rolled right and attempted to pass a total of 6 times this year. Think about that in relation to each year prior. Teams have forced Baker into the pocket, the Steelers literally dared the Browns to pass practically the entire game. How is it working out?


Fourth quarter, and another chance to win a game. Most of us knew what was going to happen didn't we? We have held onto hope, praying that the light would go on, that Baker would make wholesale changes, and he would become the Browns franchise QB ...someone we could count on to put the team on his back and lead us to victory with the game on the line. What we have got in reality is a QB that is 33 of 62, with 4 TDs and 5 INTS. Sam Darnold is the only QB as bad as Mayfield with the game on the line since 2018. Mayfield's passing rating with the game on the line is 61.3 and the Browns are 3-11 in these scenarios.


Kevin Stefanski was hired to reign in Mayfield's erratic tendencies. Stefanski's offense tends to turn average QBs into statistical wonders, (Case Keenum) and perhaps limit some players at certain positions, like a downfield QB and burner WR for example. Some argue that Stefanski has taken Mayfield's gunslinger aura away from him, which while true is also the reason why Baker has become far less prone to interceptions. The dink and dunk offense with numerous screens and TE heavy route trees certainly makes a QB look good on paper at times ...but who is Baker Mayfield without the ability to roll out on play action and plant bombs down the field? Certainly these are often 50/50 bombs, but they do add to what an opposing defense has to worry about. Mayfield has 10 completions of 20 or more yards this season ...20th in the league. Recall Stefon Diggs having the same issue that OBJ is currently having in the Stefanski offense. He moved on to the Bills and is back to all-pro form. I suspect OBJ will do the same for some other team.


In short, we have no vertical passing attack, while employing one of the very best WR tandems in the game, and one of the fastest WRs in the league in Schwartz. Did the Browns hire the right coach? If you believe analytics and going by the book is usually right, then yes. If you believe in coaches who base decisions on the ebb and flow of the game, their "gut" as it were, then no. We are the worst team in the league at going for it on 4th down. Analytics got us there.

We could have had Canton native and lifelong Browns fan Josh McDaniels.


So where are we now? A Superbowl caliber roster, with an extremely limited QB, and a coach who can only go by the book, apparently not capable of harnessing whatever "elite" trait Mayfield may have, if he has one at all. Playoffs this season ...not likely. Our Superbowl window is open for only a short while ...without the Browns front office doing something extremely out of character (see, ballsy) like going after a Watson, Wilson, or Rogers ...I don't see us going anywhere.


(yes another QB thread)
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1: No one is giving anything close to the amount the media is demanding for DeRapist Watson. Removing the fact he is a serial rapist from the equation, he isn't very good. He is good at padding his stats ala his fellow rapist James Winston, but not good at winning games or elevating his teammates.

2: He is soft and a quitter.

3: The Browns should stay the fuck away. I definitely don't want some piece of shit rapist on my team. I would rather roll with Mayfield for the next 3 years straight than bring the rapist aboard.
3 first rounders! Ouch. How about Baker and a 3rd rounder. Than I am game to try it. They get a starter who will actually be playing as a franchise QB for the state he continues to choose to live in. He will be motivated in front of those hometown fans, and will no longer be the only franchise QB on earth who refuses to live in the city he represents.
I agree on being out on Watson. I understand that he's innocent until proven guilty, and athletes are susceptible to false claims in the hopes of an easy pay day, but it just seems like a lot. It's hard to see all those allegations, the similarities and some of the screenshots of the social media interactions which were released early in the process and walk away thinking he's not done wrong.

I don't know if it's as bad as it seems, but I definitely think something is very wrong there and I wouldn't be willing to take the risk of paying that ransom for him.
1: No one is giving anything close to the amount the media is demanding for DeRapist Watson. Removing the fact he is a serial rapist from the equation, he isn't very good. He is good at padding his stats ala his fellow rapist James Winston, but not good at winning games or elevating his teammates.

2: He is soft and a quitter.

3: The Browns should stay the fuck away. I definitely don't want some piece of shit rapist on my team. I would rather roll with Mayfield for the next 3 years straight than bring the rapist aboard.
Of course they arent saying anything. He's black. And the media wont call out crime if its a black guy because they 1 dont want to be called a racist, 2 they are woke or 3 both......
Haskins is much like Fields... They make mental gaffes in the Pro's that they could get away with in college...
To be fair you could say that about any rookie QB (or any other positions).

From what I have seen and read it seems the problem with Haskins in the pros he is not willing or able to put in the work you have to in order to be successful in the pros. I suspect Haskins is just another in a long line of players that got by on talent for so long that they think that will carry them in the pros.
Of course they arent saying anything. He's black. And the media wont call out crime if its a black guy because they 1 dont want to be called a racist, 2 they are woke or 3 both......
What are you talking about? The media has been talking about the sexual assault allegations against Watson from the moment they came up and daily about it for months after the first reports.

This has played out in the media no different than for say prince Andrew, or big Ben back in the day.

And if the media was trying to avoid reporting on sexual assault charges out of fear of being called racist, explain how Bill Cosby has been covered....

You keep astounding me with your levels of racism, sexism, and homophobia. Comments like the one you made here would make one think that you believe he is guilty of the alleged crimes (which he has yet to be charged of criminally) and should be talked about as guilty of these crimes simply be cause he is black.
What are you talking about? The media has been talking about the sexual assault allegations against Watson from the moment they came up and daily about it for months after the first reports.

This has played out in the media no different than for say prince Andrew, or big Ben back in the day.

And if the media was trying to avoid reporting on sexual assault charges out of fear of being called racist, explain how Bill Cosby has been covered....

You keep astounding me with your levels of racism, sexism, and homophobia. Comments like the one you made here would make one think that you believe he is guilty of the alleged crimes (which he has yet to be charged of criminally) and should be talked about as guilty of these crimes simply be cause he is black.
You cant handle the truth!

I agree on being out on Watson. I understand that he's innocent until proven guilty, and athletes are susceptible to false claims in the hopes of an easy pay day, but it just seems like a lot. It's hard to see all those allegations, the similarities and some of the screenshots of the social media interactions which were released early in the process and walk away thinking he's not done wrong.

I don't know if it's as bad as it seems, but I definitely think something is very wrong there and I wouldn't be willing to take the risk of paying that ransom for him.
Yeah, that's the problem. It isn't a case of "oh, some girl at a massage parlor claims he took advantage of her." It is over 20 women. It is sexually harassing text messages and DM's to them. Worst of all, it his admission that he "did sexual things with them, but they said yes."

Right. If it were so consensual and all of that then why did you suddenly put of the blue start demanding an immediate trade out of town, DeShaun? He fucked up one too many times and finally one of the women came forward, and he knew the others would as well and wanted to skip town and get his payday before it all came crashing down.

I don't want that fucking guy anywhere near Cleveland.
Nope, just not ignorant to what those terms mean to those they are used against, and the background of those terms.
Oh FFS cry me a river. any live stand up routine has these words.used against? who said anyone is using it against someone?
so,do you go to yukyuks and just cry in the corner? I hope you dont watch movies either. PG for masters only.poor sweet thang.
Im exercising my 1st amendment rights here!
I'm super interested to see what happens with this QB class.

The reporters saying they don't see a point in taking a second or third round quarterback is - without actually saying it - based on the more tier two quarterbacks in the class. But I'm not sure the tier one quarterbacks come off the board as quickly as some, like the CBS mock, think.

Early mock drafts always exaggerate quarterbacks. As information from scouts starts to leak around the Senior Bowl, the quarterbacks start falling. Come draft day, they tend to fall even further.

I don't think it's a coincidence teams like the Browns have said they want to keep Mayfield and the Giants have said they want to keep Daniel Jones. I think the NFL perception is this draft isn't very good for quarterbacks, and I doubt we see a heavy run on them.

I think some of these quarterbacks are going to fall further than pundits think, and I think there may be quite a few on the board still when we pick in the second or even third round.
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