Browns - Joe Flacco | Page 16 | Barking Hard

Browns Joe Flacco

I don't get all the consternation about having Flacco as a backup. This is the NFL and Watson should know that his backup will be ready to step in, ready to produce and win.

I don't get all the consternation about having Flacco as a backup. This is the NFL and Watson should know that his backup will be ready to step in, ready to produce and win.

What consternation? All I have gotten out of recent reports/speculation is that if Flacco had opportunity where he could actually compete for or have starting opportunity he'd take that. If his opportunities are only back up his preference would be to return to CLE
Locally there's been talk about Flacco's presence possibly being a negative factor if Watson doesn't play well. The pressure to start Flacco in that case could be a divisive locker room problem.

Not my thinking, but it has been discussed in those terms.
Sorry, Watson, but if we learned anything last season, it is that we need a quality back-up. Flacco exceeds that aspiration. If we can find a way to sign him, we should. It's worth it even if Watson plays great and wins the MVP.

It's not a competition and Watson would have to fall flat on his face in multiple games before we'd bench him. And if that happens. . . well. . . .
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