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Topic of the Day

If you've thought for a minute the past 30+ years we won't have to go to war with Iran some day, you are clueless. we have waited FAR to long. our foreign polices towards Russia at the same timeline have been wrong. making Iran harder to deal with when the time comes. if we had marched into Iran while we were in Iraq 20 years ago the World would be a better place today. now Iran was the ability to take out Cites. and you can bet they will.
If you've thought for a minute the past 30+ years we won't have to go to war with Iran some day, you are clueless. we have waited FAR to long. our foreign polices towards Russia at the same timeline have been wrong. making Iran harder to deal with when the time comes. if we had marched into Iran while we were in Iraq 20 years ago the World would be a better place today. now Iran was the ability to take out Cites. and you can bet they will.
The difference now is that The Arab League of Nations will join together against us, if not the BRICS countries too. We have no friends in that region of the world outside of Israel and Saudi Arabia as long as we give them what they want.

Because Biden is a feckless moron he doesn't comprehend the seriously negative geopolitical implications of BRICS and his support of genocide in Israel. I believe NATO is not as dedicated to the group as they once might've been in the past. Especially after we sabotaged the Nordstream pipeline causing inflated heating oil prices in Europe, and the peace treaty that Zelensky was ready to agree to, but Biden told him to STFU and continue fighting Russia. What a POS Biden is.

Spring offensive my ass!
Yes. And the International Court of Justice agrees. Indiscriminate bombing of damn near every last building? Not strategic bombing. Forcing the Palestinians to walk/migrate out of Gaza? Shutting off all the utilities including cell phones, food, water, and medical aid and causing starvation? Ironically, it seems very much like Auschwitz except bombs instead of gas.
The real question is what should the Israelis not do? Allow humanitarian aid including medical, food and water for one. Maybe allow some electricity to peoples' homes but it's too late for that now.
Anyway, this whole notion of when a group commits a terrorist act we should indiscriminately wipe out their country with bombs somehow resolves everything is dumb. It doesn't work.

It works to further more hate and terrorism towards the US and with this Gaza genocide we have created a whole generation of Arabs in the Mid-East who only know the US will kill them, torture them and bomb them to death and it shows. The Houthis in Yemen are part of the coalition working for the Palestinian people as well as Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Shiites in Syria and Iraq and Isis in Libya. Not to mention our Isis "friends" in Syria and our illegal occupation of the Syrian oil fields in the north.

The CIA tried to get a civil war going against Bashar al-Assad in Syria and it's plain to see it hasn't worked. Remember the whole BS story about Assad using gas on his own people? That was debunked! Go figure. Our troops are just targets out there as they steal Syrian oil.
Baghdad and Damascus issued statements blasting Washington over the strikes. Last week, three American soldiers were killed in Jordan near the Syrian border with a drone. Biden vowed to respond to the deaths of the American troops by striking Iranian-linked targets in the Middle East.

The White House did not seek Congressional authorization for starting the war. Additionally, the White House admitted it could not directly link Tehran to the strike in Jordan. It does not appear that any Iranians were killed by US forces on Friday. In a separate incident, one Iranian officer was reported killed in Syria, likely by an Israeli air strike that took place before the American attack.

National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby said the strikes were aimed at de-escalating tension in the regions. However, The Islamic Resistance of Iraq conducted retaliatory strikes the next day against bases housing US soldiers.

The Islamic Resistance of Iraq and other Shia militias that operate in the region began targeting bases housing US soldiers in mid-October in response to the Israel onslaught in Gaza. The White House is fighting a war with similar roots against the Houthis in Yemen. While Israel has used American weapons to unleash widespread destruction and massive death on Gaza, the White House has continued to defend Tel Aviv’s rampant war crimes in the Strip.
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Kyle Anzalone​

Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of, news editor of the Libertarian Institute, and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.
The trouble with the people these days is they want some type of "Clean War". it does not work that way. when evil comes along it must be crushed. or it will take over All it can. there is no partly right. there is only winners and losers. can/could we in the West be better custodians of good? surely yes. to make long lasting change evil must be destroyed. see Berlin, and Germany 1945.
I agree except that I don't see the crimes of a few as cause for genocide. We seemed able to find Bin Laden in Pakistan and take him out without exterminating that whole country let alone dropping a single bomb. It could be prosecuted much more fairly than genocide.

The US is purposely blocking a Yemen peace deal that was negotiated between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.

The US decision to re-designate the Houthis as “Specially Designated Global Terrorists” will block the payment of public sector workers living in Houthi-controlled Yemen, who have gone without pay for years.

The payment of civil workers has been a key demand of the Houthis and is part of the first phase of the peace deal...

... the Houthis, who govern the most populated area of Yemen, have been clear the operations will only stop once the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza ends.

Instead of pressuring Israel to stop its onslaught, President Biden launched a new war against the Houthis, which has dramatically escalated the situation...

...President Biden has acknowledged the strikes are not “working”...But he vowed to continue bombing Yemen anyway.

The US supported a Saudi/UAE-led coalition in Yemen in a brutal war that killed at least 377,000 people between 2015 and 2022. More than half of those killed died of starvation and disease caused by the bombing campaign and blockade.

A truce between the Saudis and Houthis has been held since April 2022, but a formal peace deal hasn’t been signed...

This week, a Houthi official said the Yemeni group was ready to formally make peace with the Saudis...

Some members of the US and Saudi-backed Yemeni presidential council are calling for a ground campaign against the Houthis...

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Jay there is no Genocide. just like there was no insurrection. these 2 words are being used.

If in fact there was Genocidal intentions the Jews would not of told the Arabs to move away from Gaza city (pop:590,481).
To date under 30,000 deaths in Gaza.

We seemed able to find Bin Laden in Pakistan and take him out without exterminating that whole country let alone dropping a single bomb.
Remember Afghanistan ? also took 10 years to find & kill him.
There are many other countries that have voted in the recent ICJ ruling on war crimes that South Africa initiated saying it is genocide.

There also many images of the destruction of damn near every single building as evidence that there is no strategic bombing. Just indiscriminate destruction of any and everything in sight by Israel. I have the ICJ list of how the countries voted but I'm not sure how to upload it or I would. I can get an image of just a couple votes.

I think it's funny that we still think Saudi Arabia is a friend.

ICJ Vote.jpg
If you read the above Grayzone report the "witnesses" gave contradicting accounts when interviewed later. Seriously flawed accounts and some of the witnesses were Israeli soldiers. One in particular had been known to lie to reporters as he was caught in a lie years before involving an earlier incident. Also, the video shows no evidence of much other than shot up cars that are burnt out and blown up. I think I saw one burnt body. Not beheaded. The one car had a shot into the side window. No blood visible though. Weird, eh?

At any rate, you still watch MSM and CNN for accurate news? :cool:
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