Topic of the Day | Page 30 | Barking Hard

Topic of the Day


By Julia Conley / Common Dreams

South Africa is no longer alone in bringing its claim of genocide by the Israeli government to the International Court of Justice, following announcements from the Turkish Foreign Ministry and the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that they support the case.

Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesperson Oncu Keceli said Wednesday that those responsible for the killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza since October 7 "must be held accountable before international law."

"Israel's murder of more than 22,000 Palestinian civilians, the majority of whom were women and children, in Gaza for nearly three months should not go unpunished in any way," Keceli said. "We hope that the process will be completed as soon as possible."

The ICJ is scheduled to hear the case on January 11-12. Israeli representatives are expected to appear at the hearing.

International rights groups issued a call on Wednesday for other countries to file Declarations of Intervention at the court, whose authority Israel recognizes, to bolster South Africa's case.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said it expects "that within the framework of this application, the ICJ will decide on provisional measures involving those to stop Israel's attacks on Gaza."

The Malaysia Ministry of Foreign Affairs said late Tuesday that it "welcomes the application by South Africa instituting proceedings against Israel... concerning the violations by Israel of its obligations under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip."

A spokesperson for the South African Foreign Ministry toldThe Jerusalem Post that it expects other countries to soon follow Turkey and Malaysia's lead and back its case.

In its 84-page complaint, South Africa detailed the genocidal intent that's been displayed in numerous public statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog, and other top officials, as well as Israel's bombardment of civilian targets and forced displacement of civilians.


By James North / Mondoweiss

For years, this site has warned that Israel, especially Benjamin Netanyahu, have tried to instigate the U.S. into a wider war in the Mideast, particularly with Iran. We’ve also regularly indicted the U.S. mainstream media for ignoring this danger.

Today, the threat is greater than ever. And, true to form, the New York Times, National Public Radio, and the others continue to cover it up, instead treating Netanyahu as the embattled but honest leader of an Israel that is only trying to defend itself.

For more than a decade, Netanyahu’s main aim was to destroy Iran’s alleged (and unproven) program to build nuclear weapons. He openly tried to sabotage the Obama administration’s successful nuclear deal in 2015, and then vigorously encouraged Donald Trump’s abrupt decision to end the agreement 3 years later. Secretly, Israel conducted a long campaign of sabotage against Iran, which included cyber warfare, and actual assassinations inside the country, including the November 2020 killing of an Iranian scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Netanyahu wanted to provoke Iranian retaliation, which would draw in the U.S., and — he hoped — trigger an American attack that that would set back or even destroy Tehran’s nuclear program.

Since October 7, the stakes for Netanyahu are much higher. Israelis blame him for the Hamas attack, and the opinion polls show his popularity has never been lower. A number of Israeli commentators have called him the worst leader in the country’s history. If just a handful of members from his own coalition in the Knesset abandon him, his government will fall, and he will be trounced in new elections. Even worse, the pending court cases against him for corruption will then revive, and he could well end up in prison.

Luring the U.S. into a conflict with Iran will distract from his own troubles, and give him time to maneuver. So:

On December 24, an Israeli air strike assassinated Iran’s top commander in Syria, Razi Mousavi. The always valuable Iranian/American expert Trita Parsi, asked: “Did Israel kill Iranian commander to provoke a wider war?”

Also last week, a cyber attack “caused two-thirds of Iran’s gas stations to suddenly stop working,” yet another sabotage effort with Israel’s fingerprints all over it. No country will be able to endlessly ignore such provocations.

(Netanyahu is not the only Israeli leader who wants the U.S. to attack Iran. Former prime minister Naftali Bennett just published an opinion article in the Wall Street Journal headlined: “The U.S. and Israel Need to Take Iran On Directly.” He disclosed 2 secret Israeli attacks inside Iran during his 2021-2022 tenure as prime minister: the destruction of a drone base and the killing of an Iranian military commander. After the article appeared, some Israeli officials criticized Bennett “for revealing classified information. . . saying that he was potentially putting the country in danger.”)

I saw that article about Russia using N Korean missiles.

Countries around the world are more and more inclined to avoid US partnerships in the future due to the constant warmongering and subsequent threats of sanctions when countries do not fall in line. Turkey is key because they are in NATO and recently have been vocal against the Ukraine and Israel wars.

BRICS is gathering steam as these countries opt out of US control.

OH yeah. FJB!
Could Write 40,000 words but I'll just say.
Who do You want to have said monies ? Mr Musk and the likes or the Fed.

The US and the UK on Thursday night launched strikes against more than a dozen sites in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, where the majority of Yemenis live, in a move that risks escalating the situation in the Middle East into a major regional war.

A US official told CNN that the strikes were launched by fighter jets and Tomahawk missiles fired by warships and submarines and that Houthi drone and missile sites were targeted. Yemeni media reported strikes in several cities, including the capital, Sanaa, and the Red Sea port of Hodeidah.

President Biden said in a statement that the strikes received support from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and Bahrain. He claimed that the US and Britain “successfully conducted strikes against a number of targets in Yemen used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of navigation.”

The bombing of Yemen came in response to Houthi attacks on Israel-linked shipping in the Red Sea that started in protest of the US-backed Israeli onslaught in Gaza. The Houthis, officially known as Ansar Allah, have vowed not to back down in the face of the US military and said their attacks in the Red Sea will only stop once the Israeli slaughter in Gaza ends.

Ahead of the US and British strikes on Yemen, Houthi leader Abdel-Malik al-Houthi vowed a strong response. “Any American attack will not remain without a response. The response will be greater than the attack that was carried out with 20 drones and a number of missiles,” he said.

So far, there have been no reports of the number of casualties caused by the US and British strikes. The US and its allies have a history of killing civilians in Yemen, as the UN estimated in 2021 that about 377,000 people were killed by the US-backed Saudi/UAE war against the Houthis that started in 2015. More than half died of starvation and disease caused by the blockade and the coalition’s brutal bombing campaign.

The strikes risk shattering a fragile truce between the Houthis and the Saudi-led coalition that’s held since April 2022, although the Saudis have distanced themselves from the US anti-Houthi activity in the Red Sea.

Some members of Congress have criticized President Biden for launching the strikes in Yemen without congressional authorization. “The President needs to come to Congress before launching a strike against the Houthis in Yemen and involving us in another middle east conflict. That is Article I of the Constitution,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) wrote on X.

Editor’s Note: Please continue the support of our independent journalism by making a tax-deductible donation through our new fiscal sponsor, Community Partners. We are deeply grateful to our readers for helping us to exceed our end of the year fundraising goal of $25,000. We can't thank you enough, and we promise to continue bringing you credible news that is vital to strengthen our democracy. Our publisher and editor are unpaid, thereby devoting all income to our staff and writers. Thank you.
I saw that too.

I don't know. They both seem beholden to The Establishment. For me? Hell no to both.
Optimally I'd like Vivek to be Trump's VP. If not VP then maybe a different high level position.

Also Tucker Carlson was asked by Glenn Greenwald if he was interested in being Trump's VP and he said he hasn't thought about it, but if Trump were to ask him he would consider it at that time. Until that happens, he isn't thinking about it.

Federal employees from nearly two dozen US government agencies will walk off their jobs on Tuesday in protest of President Biden’s full-throated support for Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza, Al-Monitor reported on Friday.

The Biden administration has faced significant internal dissent over the Israeli slaughter in Gaza, which has killed nearly 24,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children. Officials from across government agencies have signed letters protesting the US support for Israel, but a walkout will be the most dramatic step yet, besides the two resignations from administration officials.

Dozens of US officials are organizing the walkout as a group calling itself Feds United for Peace. They expect hundreds of other federal employees to join them on Tuesday.

Al-Monitor obtained a list of some of the agencies where employees are expected to participate in the protest, which includes the Executive Office of the President, the National Security Agency, the Departments of State, Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs, and more.

In light of the Al-Monitor Report, House Republicans are calling for any employees who participate in the protest to be fired. “Any government worker who walks off the job to protest US support for our ally Israel is ignoring their responsibility and abusing the trust of taxpayers,” said House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), according to Axios. “They deserve to be fired.”

President Biden is also facing dissent from within his re-election campaign as his backing of Israel’s mass killing of Palestinians is hurting his chances of winning another term. Seventeen Biden campaign staffers said in a letter protesting his support for Israel that they’ve seen “volunteers quit in droves, and people who have voted blue for decades feel uncertain about doing so for the first time ever, because of this conflict.”

Editor’s Note: Please continue the support of our independent journalism by making a tax-deductible donation through our new fiscal sponsor, Community Partners. We are deeply grateful to our readers for helping us to exceed our end of the year fundraising goal of $25,000. We can't thank you enough, and we promise to continue bringing you credible news that is vital to strengthen our democracy. Our publisher and editor are unpaid, thereby devoting all income to our staff and writers. Thank you.
We installed the Shah of Iran many years before and it wasn't until 1953 that the CIA organized a coup against the Prime Minister at that time to keep the Shah in power. The Shah ruled with an iron fist and denied many Islamic traditions until 1979 when the people of Iran had enough and he was forced out. Then Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini came into power. Since then, it's hard to say what those people truly want in their government leaders. All we get from MSM are the Establishment narratives including coverage of occasional protests against their government. At least that's what we are told and I suspect that narrative will be revived as it's exactly what Israel wants. A war against Iran because they currently are giving aid to Hezbollah in Lebanon, through Iraq and Syria. This is why we see reports of bombings in Syrian locations by Israel.

Israel is actively trying to pull us into a war with Iran and that would subsequently start a war with most all of the Muslim nation including Turkey and obviously Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan. Yemen is too for the exact opposite reasons as Israel. They are supportive of the Palestinian people and their plight. The margin for error is so slim yet we support Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people. FJB can't think straight for a minute on his own and will do whatever the Establishment warmongers tell him including bombing the Houthi's in Yemen. I doubt very much he has considered how the Muslim nations view these acts of aggression let alone any future consequences.

He's a complete and total idiot.
The Shah ruled with an iron fist
This is not true. and is self evident. if true he would of survived.
denied many Islamic traditions until 1979 when the people of Iran had enough and he was forced out.
It wasn't the "people". it was religious leaders and the fanatics.
Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini came into power. Since then, it's hard to say what those people truly want in their government leaders.
It's not that hard. they are humans like us. no one in a rational state of mind wants a over bearing Gov or religion ruling over them. only Irrational people want that. education is EVERYTHING.
we support Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people.
There is NO genocide of Palestinian people going on. that's propaganda speak. these people keep supporting radical leaders that have put them in poor situations.

War with Iran is unavoidable, because they want it. the ONLY reason for us to go into Iraq was to crush Iran. would've been easier then than now. everyday it gets harder as we allow them to pick the time.
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