Browns - Browns are moving to Brook Park | Page 3 | Barking Hard

Browns Browns are moving to Brook Park

Retractable domes are considered to be an outdated and failed idea from what I've read. I should qualify, when they’re built in a similar climate to ours.

They nearly always stay closed and are a maintenance nightmare, and add a ton of $ to the project.

I think the Browns are balancing it with a fully glass roof.
I guess it would depend the weight of the part that is retractable as that would require more maintenance? Idk. Just guessing.

Actually, a full glass or plastic dome that allows light inside would be the answer. This way a smaller part of it could be retractable. Say 100 yards by 50 yards of it is retractable.
If it is a dome then that ceiling better have some crazy, outstanding, never before seen in human history type of shit going on.

I know I'm not alone in saying a grass field for sure. I know they can use lights to simulate the sun for grass to grow on a giant "tray" of a football field that slides in & out to accommodate different events and when the turf is pulled away it goes into an area with those lights overhead to keep grass growing in a sterile environment. Great! The technology is being used.

Riddle me this.

If the field can be retracted why not the dome?
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