Browns - Deshaun Watson - Football Talk | Page 17 | Barking Hard

Browns Deshaun Watson - Football Talk

He made a girl cry still needs to be vetted out.

What made her cry? It doesn't say, so we are left to assume. Did she cry on her third massage? Did she cry because Watson flipped her $1,000.00? Idk. Hell, maybe he farted for all we know at this time.

I'm to the point where I think something happened... No one can really prove it... But regardless.. the stigma will always be there Innocent or Guilty... An Asterisk is attached to his name for life... All I'm interested in is seeing this mess cleared up... And what he can .. Or cannot do for the Cleveland Browns while employed here... I expect near impossible things from him considering what we gave up for him... I will always have a "So what" mentality no matter what he does for this team.... I mean he's supposed to be this great thing..... If not... You can toss his name right into the heap with all of the other QB's that have.... Tried....
is there any actual evidence (bruises, dna, video)? Is it fair to say the girls picked a sleeve ball lawyer? Is it fair to say that wiping your social media looks bad on the girls part?
Playing devils advocate here now, but the deceased owner was a known racist? This whole case stink like shit.(no finger smelling jokes needed). How many police reports were made by the 22 girls? If these massage girl are identified what are the odds they have a history that leads to there credibility or lack of?
So many questions. Has BLM ever been mentioned outside of this thread regarding Watson? Links? Somebody or both are lying?

I want it to go to court. Every single case.
Can someone point me to where the football conversations are? I took a wrong turn and wound up at the Depp-Heard trial.

We had some good football talk going until Ragnar hijacked the thread in an attempt to swing his little, beta dick around.

Good video @OconRecon. Shows some of the issues that some of us have been vocalizing about Baker for most of last season. He simply was not a good decision maker and it had nothing to do with his injury. Watson won't make those dumb decisions.
We had some good football talk going until Ragnar hijacked the thread in an attempt to swing his little, beta dick around.

Good video @OconRecon. Shows some of the issues that some of us have been vocalizing about Baker for most of last season. He simply was not a good decision maker and it had nothing to do with his injury. Watson won't make those dumb decisions.
Don't get me wrong, as Ghoolie, I created my share of consternation, but that was at the bequest of my pal Atenears, and in honor of Ghoulardi who existed to shit on everything that came his way. This turned out to be an issue for the many new member who were not part of our original AOL group, but I digress. Even in that arena I never understood how people could get so mad that this shit ruined their day, and drove them to seek fights. LMAO, I still think that shit is mondo bizarro.

Rags seem like an okay guy but he certainly has an edge about what he believes in. We all like to be right in our predictions and warnings, hell that is part of the fun, but I don't care for the over the top shit where instead of posting to the topic, we instead post about someone's real life existence.

I don't need to be right, and for the most part this board isn't polluted with people who demand that the other guy is right all the time as a banner of true fanship.

If I was Haslam I would have tightened up my house and given Mayfield his last year to soar or be gone. However, nobody had lost faith in Mayfield more than I. So my initial "run first" attack on him had a component of the " I want things my way" that comes with being a fan.

I am in the Watson pep rally. Whatever we call him, he is immensely more talented than Mayfield. If we get another dose of things fuck up for us, I don't care. Watson was the best roll of the dice for the Browns, and the Berry wasn't a pussy about it. And finally, I personally don't believe these women. I think they are all gold diggers.
While I'm with you on most women being gold diggers I still don't know that there may have been a few who might have been truly offended in some way and the rest of the trash piled on. And on some level Watson is an idiot to look for massages outside of the team's facility. That is just plain dumb on his part even if he has done nothing wrong. Same for Robert Kraft and that old bastard got nothing.

Maybe I'm wrong
Until the facts come out at the civil trials we really don't know what evidence the complainants have. Twenty two people filing lawsuits is abnormal regardless of circumstances. The criminal trial is irrelevant because what's in question is character and behavior. He apologized for the crying part but alluded to her being made uncomfortable. Sounds like Watson knows more than he's admitting to. Sounds like he made sexual advances to these massage therapists. Smells like an entitlement issue. We may never know the real truth and maybe we see some kind of settlement in the future. Its difficult to think that all these young ladies who have zero past history are all of a sudden looking for just a pay out. Smoke meet fire. OJ was found responsible civily and his character has always been an issue. If Watson was just some average QB no team would have pursued him. Making him highest paid and trading multiple assets Is a huge gamble and comes with risk. On the other side it may make Watson more humble and responsible going forward.
Talent will always outweigh character unless the actions are inexcusable which is why Deshaun had multiple suitors.
We all hate having our character come into question but its difficult for me to think Deshaun Watson even without any prior isues is 100% innocent and that 22 people are completely lying/embellishing.
There is so much about this that hasn't been said. I saw where a victim informed Watson he was beginning to get a reputation. If true she just proved she was not traumatized enough to avoid him and that somebody, likely Buzbee, was trying to control the narrative while pursuing more and more gold diggers. Just a thought on my part, because many of these women were sought out by Buzbee and they subsequently signed with him because of that, and not necessarily due to anything Watson did before that. If they signed with Buzbee somewhere after he announced the lawsuit but were still seeing Watson and only stopped seeing or talking to him after talking to Buzbee then those people have considerably weakened their standing with the court, and they will be publicly embarrassed by his lawyers.
Can someone point me to where the football conversations are? I took a wrong turn and wound up at the Depp-Heard trial.
Well we were having some football conversation, discussing the rapist QB of the Cleveland Haslems. Unfortunately some effeminate homosexual got all offended his crush was being called out and decided to start finding his semen streaked feces all over the walls while popping his bitch ass limp wrists at people.
Again ? Watson is guilty of being a Hetrosexual.
Heterosexual men don't ask people to shove objects up their ass and to finger bang their assholes, which is what Watson does. He is what you call a Down Low Brutha. Which would explain why Barkinghards resident clueless homosexual is having a freak out in an attempt to defend one of his kind.
While I'm with you on most women being gold diggers I still don't know that there may have been a few who might have been truly offended in some way and the rest of the trash piled on. And on some level Watson is an idiot to look for massages outside of the team's facility. That is just plain dumb on his part even if he has done nothing wrong. Same for Robert Kraft and that old bastard got nothing.

Maybe I'm ww
While I'm with you on most women being gold diggers I still don't know that there may have been a few who might have been truly offended in some way and the rest of the trash piled on. And on some level Watson is an idiot to look for massages outside of the team's facility. That is just plain dumb on his part even if he has done nothing wrong. Same for Robert Kraft and that old bastard got nothing.

Maybe I'm wrong
Women today are not wall flowers. Chicks today do amazing physical things, work at jobs previously only men did, and in general are often on par and in a comfort zone with talking shit with us. If this alleged shit happened to my wife, she would have mother-fuckered Watson right out the front door. I just don't believe 22 cocksuckers who all were weak and frail. Honestly, if Waston asked them if they woudl shove something up his ass, so what? I mean, c'mon, this whole massage thing is a hook up opportunity to begin with. "Hey, would you stick your fingers in my ass?" "Hey, fuck you man, get the fuck out of here". THAT is what is believable.

If I am ever on a jury where the "victim" came out years later, I am not giving a bitch jack shit.
3 years ago while my crew was installing a water system, the founder of that company accused me of sexually propositioning 3 -20 something girls who were working as laborers for his company as a way of cutting down their jail time and getting on probation. Nice kids, stupid drug shit. It was summer, hot in a new plant, so I would bring them popsicles or ice cream when I came in. Later I stopped them from working (even though they weren't working for me) because the plant manager had them smashing pallets and using a chainsaw with no eye, ear or hand protection.

This Ph.D fucker told others that I made the women uncomfortable and offered to pay them for blowjobs. The financier of this company, a woman, was a long time champion of mine. The whole mess cooled down, I finished a nice installation and forgot about it. 3 years later, 3 days ago, my friend calls me to her to discuss a new start up venture. In our discussions she tells me that she fired the Ph D. guy because as it turned out it was HE who was trying to work out blowjobs. The fucker exposed himself and when things got heated up, the dumbastard concocted a plan to make the girls think they were mistaken, and it was me and not him.

As it turned out this guy had a long track record of this shit.

I don't think Watson is a pervert. Not based on my experience with one. I just don't buy it.......f
Watson could be a pervert but he also maybe a sex addict and exposing himself is certainly inappropriate and a major red flag for future behavior and entitlement.
The alleged misconduct for me is enough to stay clear of him altogether. It will be interesting to see how the Civil proceedings play out.
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