Dallas couldn’t get a half a point for me! Screwed up my whole parlay, everything hit but the spread!If our O-line could block like Dak got last night......................![]()
While I'll give AB a ton of credit for assembling a very good roster, the best roster we've had in decades, not getting a decent back up QB has been a disaster. Losing Chubb was a killer too. I guess putting so much money into Watson was behind going with a cheap rookie to back him up, even though we had plenty of cap space due to Jimmy's check writing ability. Why we thought PJ Walker was better than Flacco after DTR had such a disastrous start is baffling. In the end, this so far promising but ultimately lost season lies on putting all our eggs in Watson's basket. Just when it looks as if perhaps it's not going to go down in history as the worst trade ever, Watson goes down for the season. I'm not sure about how low OUR standards have gotten, but for sure TBPP's standards are completely wacked as he defended Watson's terrible play as actually great. But as much as I have traditionally disliked Flacco, in two weeks he looked more in command of the offense than Watson, except for that last half against the Ravens.I never thought Flacco was very good. So why did he look so good for us? lmao Pathetic how low our standards have gotten.
And I never did that. I always questioned whether or not Baker was the guy. Never said one single time that he was. You have said again and again that Watson is THAT guy despite him playing poorly a lot more than he played even decent.Didn't do any of that. Luckily people have the records all right here at their fingertips. I also didn't slobber all over a short, slow, fat, unathletic, lazy locker room cancer for 5 years like you did, I know that has to hurt!
There's only about 16 above average NFL quarterbacks on this planet.Yes Ladies & Gentlemen Good NFL QB's are rarer than Gold.
Years of misery watching backup at best QB play will do that to you!lmao Pathetic how low our standards have gotten.