The " Book It " thread! | Page 28 | Barking Hard

The " Book It " thread!

Elvis & Nat King Cole

I was around for all of them and others as well.
What’s your point?

Then you've seen this before. see below

This was an experiment of hiring a non politician
for Potus
This is why the Flynn,Manafort,etc happened. our past insider POTUS were never treated this way. plus they were insiders and knew the ropes etc. would not have been naive.
Obama & Holder were tied at the hip. for gosh sake.

he is more self centered than any
other elected president.
Obama Thought he was a combination of Elvis & Nat King Cole. he had me believing in 2008.
Well, most of us know politicians have never done what they said. This is no exception from a man that is not a politician but is in every way.

It's funny to me that people are willing to die on the word sword of a politician. A group that has about the same trust level of used car salesmen and stockbrokers.

So starting this week the numbers in the US are lower than reported and so is the death. Never trust numbers. It never happened and everything is fine. Alternative facts is the Strategery working while they deliver empty boxes of masks to workers for the camera.
Flynn lied to the FBI
Flynn admitted he lied to the FBI
Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI
What was the lie about?
Telling the Russians Trump would lift sanctions
against them.why?
Trump Moscow, this President isn’t making us better
He is improving his portfolio.
It’s pretty ironic that covid is now in the WH, maybe
They will get serious about the virus once they have it!
Flynn lied to the FBI
Flynn admitted he lied to the FBI
Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI
What was the lie about?
Telling the Russians Trump would lift sanctions
against them.why?
Trump Moscow, this President isn’t making us better
He is improving his portfolio.
It’s pretty ironic that covid is now in the WH, maybe
They will get serious about the virus once they have it!

What would you do if they told you that they were going to put your son in jail, but if you plead guilty to a charge of lying to the FBI, they would let him off the hook?

Just answer that one simple question.

You can ignore the fact that by the time he agreed to the guilty plea, he had accumulated $5 million in legal expenses and had to sell his house in order to pay his lawyers. The fact is that he simply gave up. They broke him.

Also ignore the fact that his prior lawyers, the ones that he owed millions to, actually had a side deal with the prosecutor to deliver a guilty plea.

I doubt if you would have held out against it half as long as he did. I know that I would not have.

Here is a more complete explanation:

<iframe width="684" height="385" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

What I would like to know is how Sidney Powell, his current attorney, knew about the documents that could exonerate him actually existed that the prosecutor was hiding. My guess is that she must have had a contact in the FBI (a true hero) that we will probably never know about.
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Cliff he was black listed by the last administration but
they were ignored and put the man in the position they
I really don’t care anymore, Trump is our President let
him burn it all down,enjoy.
Cliff he was black listed by the last administration but
they were ignored and put the man in the position they
I really don’t care anymore, Trump is our President let
him burn it all down,enjoy.

There is nothing to enjoy. I am aware that you don't like Trump and don't trust anyone who would serve in his administration. But you didn't answer the question. Instead, you insisted that Flynn must have been guilty if he plead guilty.

My question was, what would you do if they told you that they were going to put your son in jail, but if you plead guilty to a charge of lying to the FBI, they would let him off the hook?

I think most men in that situation would lie to protect their children. I confess I would. I would sing like a bird. Would you?
I have been in a similar situation and ended
up in front of a judge for sticking up for a
friend and beating someone senseless and I
was in a precarious position and won
by self defense.
Never lied I accept responsibility for what I do.
Even on here ask MMW.
Look I accepted trump after the election and
Inauguration and hoped he would do the things
he promised, after all the drama with him and
Russia(they did interfere) and the constant
daily slights he felt he needed to respond to
The whole term he has pissed and moaned like
a child to get what he wants, he has not been a
a president that history will be kind to.

Flynn was actually dismissed for lying to
the Vice President and that became his undoing.
William Barr at the behest of the President has
broken the rule of law making our judicial process
a joke when you just call it a witch-hunt, it wasn’t
It’s called due process.
So what have we learned ?

Nothing we didn't know. but these Dem's & Rep's should never be allowed to have these closed door hearings. if we had heard this live it would have ended in days not months/years.
I have been in a similar situation and ended
up in front of a judge for sticking up for a
friend and beating someone senseless and I
was in a precarious position and won
by self defense.
Never lied I accept responsibility for what I do.
Even on here ask MMW.
Look I accepted trump after the election and
Inauguration and hoped he would do the things
he promised, after all the drama with him and
Russia(they did interfere) and the constant
daily slights he felt he needed to respond to
The whole term he has pissed and moaned like
a child to get what he wants, he has not been a
a president that history will be kind to.

Flynn was actually dismissed for lying to
the Vice President and that became his undoing.
William Barr at the behest of the President has
broken the rule of law making our judicial process
a joke when you just call it a witch-hunt, it wasn’t
It’s called due process.

Look, dammit, we are not talking about Russian interference in the election. We are talking about the narrative that Trump and his minions colluded with the Russians to interfere in the election.

It is that narrative that was the hoax. We all know about the ads the Russians anonymously took out in Facebook with the intent to sew seeds of discord. Nobody is calling that a hoax. We all know the Russians are not pure in spirit.

But it is the narrative that Trump colluded with the Russians in the interference that was a hoax and the witch hunt was the two year investigation after they knew it was a lie.

As for why Flynn was fired, Trump and Pence were told that he lied by the then acting attorney general, Sally Yates, and they believed the lie. What else can I say; they were not clairvoyant and did not see through the lie that Yates told.

(However, in Yate's defense, it should be noted that it is still not completely clear that Yates knew it was a lie. It may have been that she merely repeated a lie that she was told.)

Regardless, the case against Flynn was manufactured.
Wow,I’m certainly not trying to stir the pot and piss off anyones
beliefs in there politics, I’m stating the truth from a variety of sources
as I see it, pretty ignorant if I didn’t...
I agree let’s not talk about Russian interference because like the JFK
Assassination the less we know the better off we are,lol
Let’s ignore pleas of guilty- that’s the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever heard!!!
What do you want?, public hangings!
We’re supposed to be free to our opinion but your opinion isn’t a fact,”alternative facts?”
Cliff I really like talking with you on issues and sometimes we just seem that neither want
to budge then we both end up supporting our differing versions out of pettiness not in facts.
For these United States what I find really interesting is because of this virus people
want to vote for candidates through the mail and all of a sudden the post office is shit!
C’mon the post office has been shit for along time but why now?
This isn’t rocket science or encyclopedia brown.
are Americans that dumb?, c’mon man atleast admit his hair sucks!!!

60,000 people headed to Georgia after it allowed some businesses to open — and it led to the exact scenario researchers warned could make matters worse


62,441 people visited Georgia from neighboring states as the state re-opened some businesses, according to research from the University of Maryland.

The biggest influx came from Florida, which had the strictest remaining rules in place.

Researchers have warned of preventable deaths by relaxing protocols too early, but Georgia's governor isn't worried.

Gov. Brian Kemp said the state has an oversupply of testing capacity and will take action of cases accelerated following the re-opening.

As Georgia began to re-open non-essential businesses like movie theaters and hair salons, tens of thousands of people from neighboring states poured in, potentially risking a further spread of the coronavirus just as researchers had warned.

According to research by University of Maryland scientists, 62,441 out of state visitors poured into Georgia after April 24 when many businesses re-opened. The biggest proportion of those visitors, 17%, came from Florida, which has been the most cautious in allowing businesses to re-open.

The uptick in travel — 13% over the average from previous weeks —is worrying, and yet totally unsurprising, to scientists studying the outbreak.

"It's exactly the kind of effect we've been worried about," Maegan Fitzpatrick, who studies infectious diseases at the University, told the Washington Post. "This is not an unpredictable outcome with businesses opening in one location and people going to seek services there."

In some ways, the slow opening of business in Georgia, Texas, and several other states is a litmus test for the United States as a whole. If protocols are lifted too early, it could lead to thousands of preventable deaths, epidemiological models show.

Looks like we will soon find out if the epidemiological models are correct. We are a week into the opening in Georgia. We know the case rates and death rates with controls. If the spike is going to happen, it should be showing up soon. For reference, these are the results of the past two weeks with controls:

………...…...New New
Date...…...Case Death
4/25/2020 725 8
4/26/2020 265 9
4/27/2020 744 78
4/28/2020 629 42
4/29/2020 797 62
4/30/2020 613 34
5/1/2020 1,232 34
5/2/2020 836 8
5/3/2020 339 5
5/4/2020 767 67
5/5/2020 454 49
5/6/2020 847 32
5/7/2020 841 21
5/8/2020 598 51

Certainly one would think that when people start moving around that there will be a greater risk of spreading the virus. However, the mode of travel probably matters too. If someone is entering the state for a haircut, it is likely that they aren't flying in from New York. More likely they are coming in from nearby states in an automobile, and if they are exercising social distancing and wearing face coverings when close to others, the risk is undoubtedly mitigated at least somewhat.

The governor says he has enough testing to contain any outbreaks that may occur that result from the opening of restaurants, barbershops, hair salons and tattoo parlors. The article suggests that he does not have the testing needed.

Whether he does or not may be the critical factor. We shall see.
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On April 30, 2020, Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia issued the following guidelines for the reopening in the state of Georgia:

Atlanta, GA - Today Governor Brian P. Kemp signed Executive Order and issued the following statement:

"Tonight at 11:59 PM, the statewide shelter in place order for most Georgians will expire. However, moving forward, I am urging Georgians to continue to stay home whenever possible. I want to thank the people of our great state who heeded public health advice, afforded us time to bolster our healthcare infrastructure, and flattened the curve. We were successful in these efforts, but the fight is far from over.

"In accordance with our executive orders, businesses across the Peach State must continue to operate with strict social distancing and sanitation rules to keep customers and employees safe through May 13, 2020. Those rules vary by business type for a measured, health-driven approach...

Earlier today, Governor Kemp tweeted the following:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th. <br><br>Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).<br><br>We will win this fight together! <a href=""></a></p>— Governor Brian P. Kemp (@GovKemp) <a href="">May 9, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Obviously the battle is not over. It has only been 8 days. They are only 3 days past the average incubation period for COVID-19. We will know much more as time goes on. It would seem very unlikely that opening will be more effective against the virus than remaining closed. There will be setbacks, no doubt, but not opening will cost lives in other ways. I hope he is successful and what he has done will evolve into an example for the nation.
The Coronavirus Is Man Made According to Luc Montagnier the Man Who Discovered HIV

Luc Montagnier—Discoverer of the AIDS Virus - Mayo Clinic

Luc Montagnier

COVID-19 Was Created in a Lab?

If this by a small chance is true, no way it could be told at this time. the known facts are bad enough for the masses. full reaction won't come till full control of the virus(vaccine etc). time for ass covering is now. @ 87 Luc didn't get the memo ?

With an improbable amount of luck, a coronavirus might take on the mutations needed to infect humans while being cultured in a lab, the researchers conceded.
The get out of jail card ..sentence

Fact is these "Experts" & "media" have more unanswered Questions than sure fired answers. not excluding .....Are they caring water for China ? Many have here the past 25 Years.
With an improbable amount of luck, a coronavirus might take on the mutations needed to infect humans while being cultured in a lab, the researchers conceded.
The get out of jail card ..sentence

Fact is these "Experts" & "media" have more unanswered Questions than sure fired answers. not excluding .....Are they caring water for China ? Many have here the past 25 Years.

Even by your standards, that is such a painfully weak response. The article Danimal posted makes such an incredibly strong case and you try to undermine it on utterly fucking nothing. Scientists being unwilling to deal in the definitive so early? Well, they must be in bed with China.

I just read an article which I think perfectly captures why you're feeling the way you do:

Here is the gist of it.

Voters in Australia are far less partisan in their support of lockdown measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 than their American counterparts.

Research led by the United States Study Centre at the University of Sydney has found that Republican Party voters in the US are more likely to oppose lockdowns than their Democrat counterparts. In Australia, the measures have received far greater bipartisan support.

Professor Simon Jackman, chief executive officer of the United States Study Centre said Australian politicians had successfully implemented a science-based bipartisan approach to the lockdowns. This was in contrast to America where political leaders were furiously polarised along partisan lines.

"Once you have partisanship baked in the pie from the get-go it makes rolling out the policies very hard," he said.

"Americans disagree along partisan lines about the severity of the crisis, how necessary lockdowns and social distancing has to be and whether they should trust medical advice or journalists' accounts of what is going on."

Additionally cites several differences for political reactions:

- Trump is coming up to an election, Morrison won an election last year, so he's under more pressure for this not to be a big deal.
- Australia is easier to govern with fewer states, and bipartisan solidarity and consensus has been achieved with those state leaders.
- US government gave the virus a month head start compared to Australia.
- Trump deflecting blame, while our politicians aren't pointing fingers at one another.

Also an interesting note on the relationship of trust with "Experts" and "media," as Mad mentions.

Dr Carson said in the US, Republican voters had far less trust in media reports and medical experts during the coronavirus pandemic. The survey showed that 22 per cent of Republican voters and 86 per cent of Democrats trusted professional journalists. In Australia, 66 per cent of Coalition voters (BDU add: our Republicans) and 77 per cent of Labor supporters (BDU add: our democrats) trusted professional journalists.

Pretty scary to see a nation both so divided, and so unwilling to move from the party lines.
I’ve said it a million times you can find ANYTHING to support
your opinion on the internet,it was the very first click on google
For Christ sakes!
After three four years a mysterious paper from the deep state
FBI, and Flynn is a Star General wrongfully accused
of lying
to Pence and fired for it, has nothing to do with Sally Yates.
When you can’t attack the truth attack the teller it’s all BS!
enjoy your little games of gotcha,
My Feelings

Even by your standards, that is such a painfully weak response. The article Danimal posted makes such an incredibly strong case and you try to undermine it on utterly fucking nothing. Scientists being unwilling to deal in the definitive so early? Well, they must be in bed with China.
The Quote came from his post. Fuck me I read his post my fault. You calling me weak... just LMAO

Go read about "empathy" oh Sorry....... you must think empathy is weak.

I just read an article which I think perfectly captures why you're feeling the way you do:
You Still go on about "my Feelings"

Let me clue you in. if you ever come here, go ask Rep's and Dem's....... if they trust the Gov and the media ? both of them will say No more times than not. it doesn't matter who the POTUS is R or D. our Polls are garbage too. only assholes waste their time answering them.

How do you think Trump got elected ? We were Finally sick of all these DC clowns, doing the bidding other countries and the Rich for fucking Decades. Trump called them out for nearly 30 years before running.

US government gave the virus a month head start compared to Australia.
If you have read my posts you would know I'm no fan of how this was handled.
You guys are writing the book on this.
- Trump deflecting blame, while our politicians aren't pointing fingers at one another.
You guys are pointing at China too.
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