The " Book It " thread! | Page 27 | Barking Hard

The " Book It " thread!


If you want something done right....
Now that is a good quote

but this
"The wise understand by themselves; fools follow the reports of others."

makes little

By yourself one is a flat head.(flat head=A term used to describe someone with few or no brains or common sense)

for me the More knowledge I garner. I find how little I know.
Not sure why this is happening in Australia. Australia has not been hit hard by the virus yet. With winter coming, one might expect the cases in the southern hemisphere to start showing a seasonal increase similar to the flu, but the cases anywhere in the southern hemisphere so far are minimal (3050 total cases and 13 deaths in Australia) according to the website I consulted. Of course, any deaths at all are too many. But that holds for the flu and other diseases as well as traffic fatalities and other causes of death we accept without question. Is this just a case of world wide panic?

EDIT: If 3050 cases and 13 deaths sound significant, just consider that the flu results in about 250,000 to 500,000 yearly deaths worldwide. The typical number of deaths per year in the United States is about 36,000 with a yearly range of is 23,000 to 59,000 per the CDC.

I wanted to revisit this point from almost six weeks ago.

An update on the numbers:

6,815 confirmed cases.
6,031 recovered cases.
97 deaths.

United States:
1,260,000 confirmed cases.
171,000 recovered cases.
74,581 deaths.

The US has a population 13x larger than ours, but your confirmed cases are approximately 185x higher than ours and deaths are approximately 770x higher than ours.

This is why I was so heavily on about shutting everything down and acting quickly. Not undermining it. Not comparing it to the flu, or getting lost along the political divide, or bitching that nobody understands the world the way ya'll do. The sooner we starve the virus, the sooner we get back to normality, the sooner the already-fucked economy bounces back.

Our Federal and State politicians, to their eternal credit, joined together in unity to just shut everything. This was especially impressive for Morrison, our fiscally conservative PM, who did not shit the bed on this one. After six weeks, the cautious path towards re-opening has begun and we should be fully open again over the coming weeks - maybe a month.

I get it this is basically a Trump felatio thread, but I'm stunned that not even the passage of time resulting in ya'll dominating the worldwide number of active cases and deaths has earned even the slightest criticism from his base. I remember when he joked that he could shoot someone in the middle of New York and wouldn't lose support or something like that. I remember when everyone joked that he was actually right. Now he's saying over 100,000 Americans will die under his watch, and he's taken it to the extreme.

Trump 2024. Yeehaw.

I wanted to revisit this point from almost six weeks ago.

An update on the numbers:

6,815 confirmed cases.
6,031 recovered cases.
97 deaths.

United States:
1,260,000 confirmed cases.
171,000 recovered cases.
74,581 deaths.

The US has a population 13x larger than ours, but your confirmed cases are approximately 185x higher than ours and deaths are approximately 770x higher than ours.

This is why I was so heavily on about shutting everything down and acting quickly. Not undermining it. Not comparing it to the flu, or getting lost along the political divide, or bitching that nobody understands the world the way ya'll do. The sooner we starve the virus, the sooner we get back to normality, the sooner the already-fucked economy bounces back.

Our Federal and State politicians, to their eternal credit, joined together in unity to just shut everything. This was especially impressive for Morrison, our fiscally conservative PM, who did not shit the bed on this one. After six weeks, the cautious path towards re-opening has begun and we should be fully open again over the coming weeks - maybe a month.

I get it this is basically a Trump felatio thread, but I'm stunned that not even the passage of time resulting in ya'll dominating the worldwide number of active cases and deaths has earned even the slightest criticism from his base. I remember when he joked that he could shoot someone in the middle of New York and wouldn't lose support or something like that. I remember when everyone joked that he was actually right. Now he's saying over 100,000 Americans will die under his watch, and he's taken it to the extreme.

Trump 2024. Yeehaw.

First let me say I'm very happy for all you Aussies & Kiwis.

But you coming here going all................ not in good taste.

You know as well as I Morrison caught hell over there from many fronts after he followed Trumps lead. Morrison even took it a step further. happy for you
Why not Thank Trump for fucking once ?
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First let me say I'm very happy for all you Aussies & Kiwis.

But you coming here going all................ not in good taste.

Neither is your death toll, but we'll agree to disagree. I don't fuck with the "not the time" bullshit when it is literally the time.

You know as well as I Morrison caught hell over there from many fronts after he followed Trumps lead. Morrison even took it a step further. happy for you
Why not Thank Trump for fucking once ?

I love that multiple nations announced their intention to ban travel from China on the same day, yet Trump and his base are desperate for him to receive international recognition and thanks for being some kind of messianic leader because he... banned travel from the origin nation during a global pandemic.

The article you linked didn't even state Morrison followed Trump's lead. It said Australia, Italy and the United States were among nations who made that move during the same time. For Australia and the US, it was the same day. It's just you who wants Trump to receive all praise for what is almost certainly a collaborative unilateral decision. In fact, as you mention Morrison went much further with our bans, I think it's safe to say the decision has been in the pipeline longer - unless Morrison was just more efficient and comprehensive than the Trump administration.

I'm guessing you also want him to receive credit for the idea that we should all wash our hands during a pandemic? Doing the baseline minimum, beginning with the most obvious move, is not something I'm prone to thanking politicians for.

And, yes, Morrison took heat. I'm not from a country that cries "witch hunt" when our leader takes heat. It comes with the territory and it a healthy part of democracy. We don't cry and kick and scream and beg for propaganda that shuns any criticism or concern raised.
I wanted to revisit this point from almost six weeks ago.

An update on the numbers:

6,815 confirmed cases.
6,031 recovered cases.
97 deaths.

United States:
1,260,000 confirmed cases.
171,000 recovered cases.
74,581 deaths.

The US has a population 13x larger than ours, but your confirmed cases are approximately 185x higher than ours and deaths are approximately 770x higher than ours.

Fortunately for you, you don't have a city like New York capable of feeding the virus to your nation. The combination of a mass transit subway system of millions of daily travelers in close proximity and the continuation of domestic flights to all the major cities of the nation even after international flights to hot spots in Asia and Europe were banned turned out to be unmanageable.

We were able to contain the virus in California despite the problems with cruise ships and the return of large numbers of Americans from China after the ban. That was manageable. The deaths in the nursing home in Washington state were horrible, but containable. Even without testing in the early days, effective contact tracing was able to limit the horror. But when the virus entered the subway system in New York with substations connecting New Jersey and to some extent, Connecticut and Rhode Island, we were toast.

The problem is that shutting down doesn't really mean shutting down. It means only a partial shutdown. Recently the governor of Iowa estimated that 80% of the workers in her state were considered essential and continued to work. Some were no doubt able to work at home, but most continued to travel to their jobsites. Fortunately, like most people in the US, most of them travel to work in cars, limiting infection. Recently, they have had some significant problems with the virus in meat packing plants. The question is, how did it get there? It didn’t materialize from thin air.

It got there due to the movement of people and people coming in contact with people infected with the virus. I think the most likely candidates of the carriers are executives who flew to distant cities to meet people in those cities who in turn had contact with people with the virus. And so, they brought it home to their families and their coworkers. No doubt, most business travel has been curtailed during the shutdown of nonessentials, but the airlines are still flying and most fliers are business people. Salesmen must make their sales calls. And salesmen come home.

The problems in the meat packing plants will be taken care of in relative short order. We now have plenty of testing and all they really need to do is test all the employees and the employee’s families, isolate the infected and they have already contained 95% of the spread. They also need to be vigilant in the community as a whole, look for any indication of an outbreak, test like hell and implement better practices to help avoid the spread of the virus in the future.

But what about the subway system in New York City? How do you contact trace the infection of a subway traveler who probably comes in close contact with 10 people every day that he will never see again in his life? How do you contact trace that?

Trump is hellbent on reopening and I support the reopening completely. The problem has not been solved. The infections and death rates have merely arrived at a plateau. But the shutdown did not attack the true problem in the first place. Beauticians and barbers were not the problem. Construction worker do not travel to distant cities and spread the virus.

Reopening will involve more people riding the subway in New York city, but construction workers riding the subway was not the problem. The problem was executives who live in New Jersey suburbs and take the subway to their downtown New York City offices and who then fly to distant cities carrying the virus with them, or, alternately, executives from distant cities who flew to New York and met with those executives.

The shutdown of "nonessentials" was put in place on March 16. It is now May 7, seven weeks later and it has solved nothing. 99% of both the infections and deaths have occurred after the shutdown. Trump claims that he saved millions by shutting down. But what does he have to prove it? Models that can be made to say anything you want them to say? I think that if he had simply shut down all commercial air travel instead, leaving everything else open, and basically limited the major problem to the New York City area, he would have saved a ton of lives.

I wish you well. I hope your shutdown helped you. I doubt it did anything substantial at all.
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Hey, Trent, I posted this a few days ago, but in case you haven't been keeping up with the conversation, I wanted to make sure you had a chance to see it. I disagree with Bill Maher on a lot of things, but I can't help it, I love Bill Maher. He is a liberal, but he is so funny and bright and in this case, I think he is dead right. As he said: "What is the point of a pet if you can't pet it. It's in the name." Enjoy!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I hope your shutdown helped you. I doubt it did anything substantial at all.

Well, you've got me there.

Only America has cities with millions of people, public transport and domestic travel. The shutdown was meaningless and it's just luck that shutdowns coincided with the halt of infection rates.

For such a long post, you said nothing of substance. You're grasping at straws as desperately as you were six weeks ago because logic and common sense mean less to you than Donald Trump - or, at least, the emotional investment you've made in him. I'd be lying if I said that was unexpected - there was no reality for you in which Trump didn't handle this perfectly.

Thanks for the post on Bill Maher. I've seen it. I quite like Bill Maher. I love his mixture of intelligence and everyday-relatability, for example his work on religion in which he unleashes condescension yet those around him still seem to think it's just a conversation. However, please keep in mind that Bill Maher is a comedian. Probably not the best source for formulating a response to a global pandemic, especially when that plan is intentional exposure. I get his position sounds appealing when it comes in joke form from someone with such wonderful charisma. That doesn't change the fact his position is basically suggesting that sticking your fist in a rattlesnake den is the same as receiving antivenom in a hospital.

I'm not surprised Bill is leaning more and more conservative these days, by the way. He's gotta be looking at the likes of Joe Rogan and knowing it wasn't all that long ago it was him having that success. Ironically, he did Rogan's podcast a few months ago and it was kind sad, you could tell he was really trying to make a great impression on the audience which would have once flocked to him.
Your unwavering support of a potus that you yourself
called a scoundrel is laughable.
It’s ok to be Democrat or Republican or an independent
But try as you do you cannot defend the indefensible!
Trump had over twelve PDB’s in January and he did
He now claims he doesn’t remember any of those?
Trump is a failure of epic proportions and his only
concern is himself,time to turn the page.
China is now the enemy but January twenty fourth
of this year he thanked China for there expedience
in there handling of the Covid-19 containment but
Now there the enemy?
Never does the buck stop at the WH the blame is
always somebody else’s and praise is all about him.
He has been a loser his entire life, daddy left him
four hundred million dollars and is nowhere near
The billionaire he projects himself to be.
He is weak child who cries till he gets what he wants.
No leadership,it is truly what can America can do for him.
I must say that I am surprised you couldn't come up with something better than:

Well, you've got me there.

Only America has cities with millions of people, public transport and domestic travel. The shutdown was meaningless and it's just luck that shutdowns coincided with the halt of infection rates.

For such a long post, you said nothing of substance. You're grasping at straws as desperately as you were six weeks ago because logic and common sense mean less to you than Donald Trump - or, at least, the emotional investment you've made in him. I'd be lying if I said that was unexpected - there was no reality for you in which Trump didn't handle this perfectly.

I think you just got lazy and said, what the heck. :)

Certainly there are densely settled countries that are major transportation hubs like the UK and France and also there are countries like Italy and Spain with people who basically live on top of each other similar to New York City. These countries have been hit very hard with the virus. Per one million population, Spain has had 553 deaths, Italy has had 491, UK has had 443 and France has had 395. We have had 226.

However, please note that I understand fully that they are further along with the curve and that we are gaining on them. I have seen the data and have no doubt that we will continue to gain on them for some time to come and may eventually catch them.

But, I say that, at this point, it doesn't much matter to the virus if we reopen or not. We have the testing capability to maintain the plateau that we have been on for the last 3-4 weeks whether reopened or not. It makes no significant difference. People will die regardless. You can say that there is a risk to reopening, but there is a risk regardless. The important thing is that we now have the testing capability to handle local breakouts. But we now have that whether we are reopened or not.

Fortunately for you, you are much more spread out. You have Sydney and Melbourne with about 5 million people each. Otherwise, for a land mass the size of the USA, you have about 15 million people. Furthermore, you are effectively isolated from massive traffic centers like London and New York. And to handle your problems, you need far less testing than us. It took some time to build the testing capacity needed for a country the size of the US. Our shutdown did somewhat flatten the curve to prevent the overwhelming of our hospitals, and it gave us time to develop the testing needed for contact tracing to handle the outbreaks wherever they might occur.

My questions to you are: why did Australia shut down and why did they delay their reopening. Was it to prevent overwhelming your hospitals or to gain testing capability that you did not already have at the time. Also, did the testing capability needed for a population your size already exist and you delayed the reopening for nothing? Have you added capacity. Certainly, the testing needs of a country of 25 million is far less than a country of 330 million. I know why we shut down. Did you shut down for the same reasons?
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I’m not changing your mind nor are you changing mine.
You accept what’s going on and Im fine with your opinion
Just won’t be blinded by BS.
Pointing the finger at other countries is completely useless
what’s more important is what are WE doing and how did WE
This was an absolute failure by a “drain the swamp” BS artist.
I’m not changing your mind nor are you changing mine.
You accept what’s going on and Im fine with your opinion
Just won’t be blinded by BS.
Pointing the finger at other countries is completely useless
what’s more important is what are WE doing and how did WE
This was an absolute failure by a “drain the swamp” BS artist.

There is nothing wrong with comparing what we have done with other countries of a similar nature and relative density. Seemed to me that Trent was implying that we were the only country in the world to have had a difficult time with the virus. I thought it was well to put things in context.

As for me being blinded by BS, I have the sense that you are still having a problem with Russian collusion being shown to be a hoax, like maybe you are still in denial?

I can assure you that some of your heroes still are.

Neither is your death toll, but we'll agree to disagree. I don't fuck with the "not the time" bullshit when it is literally the time.

I love that multiple nations announced their intention to ban travel from China on the same day, yet Trump and his base are desperate for him to receive international recognition and thanks for being some kind of messianic leader because he... banned travel from the origin nation during a global pandemic.

The article you linked didn't even state Morrison followed Trump's lead. It said Australia, Italy and the United States were among nations who made that move during the same time. For Australia and the US, it was the same day. It's just you who wants Trump to receive all praise for what is almost certainly a collaborative unilateral decision. In fact, as you mention Morrison went much further with our bans, I think it's safe to say the decision has been in the pipeline longer - unless Morrison was just more efficient and comprehensive than the Trump administration.

I'm guessing you also want him to receive credit for the idea that we should all wash our hands during a pandemic? Doing the baseline minimum, beginning with the most obvious move, is not something I'm prone to thanking politicians for.

And, yes, Morrison took heat. I'm not from a country that cries "witch hunt" when our leader takes heat. It comes with the territory and it a healthy part of democracy. We don't cry and kick and scream and beg for propaganda that shuns any criticism or concern raised.
I am a Golden God!!
Everything Trump has done has been to cover his own ass.
Today he shelved the CDC’s report on the virus because he
is concerned it will show him in a bad light.

Our DOJ is now personally getting involved with convicted
and admitted criminals just because Trump speaks Barr

Make no mistake “Russure” is not our friend and they did
indeed interfere in our election not that I care because if
Hillary had one the electoral college she would have been
impeached and out of office already.

Trump has hired the worst group of sycophants of any president
in America’s history.
Screwing with the justice dept, Intelligence agency’s,IRS and
the press, anyone who he fears might disclose his pettiness and lawless
Most of all of this is old and rehashing it is reveling not in his innocence
but his ability to get away with it.
There was a brief moment when 9-11 happened where we were all very
patriotic and as fast as it happened we ended up with the patriot act and
our troops in Iraq.
MMW broke corona on this page and I broke his balls about until we found out
the severity of what had taken place and we all began looking together of what
we could do or how to react and Trump ignored everyone and let this happen.
Sure you can say it was inevitable we would end up where we are or maybe
better had we acted in January instead of March when it was way to late.
No leadership, just daily rallies bullshitting the nation daily for hours on end
without direction, even in our weakest hours it was all about him.
How could the leader of the free world look into a camera and tell Americans
to inject themselves with Lysol?

I never shied away from the idea of electing someone outside the beltway
who could shake things up, Trump has shown it’s not that simple and could
become quite disastrous for our country.
Checks and balances and proper guidance is required to keep this country
from eating itself.
I could go on and on but I won’t because you seem to enjoy this and want
four more years of Trump but I’ve looked behind the curtain and he isn’t good for
America or its constituents, we should have higher standards than this.
Enjoy the show...
Trump has hired the worst group of sycophants of any president
in America’s history.

Aside from working with Mitch McConnell to get hundreds of conservative judges approved, the absolute best thing that Donald J. Trump has done as President was to appoint Bill Barr as the Attorney General of the United States. The politicization of the justice department during the Obama administration almost destroyed our government and our country. By the time Bill Barr is done, he will have returned apolitical integrity to the justice department. But I would go further. Dropping the charges against Michael Flynn is a good start, but it should be only the beginning. The dirty US attorney who hid exculpatory information for months should be prosecuted.
I was around for all of them and others as well.
What’s your point?
This was an experiment of hiring a non politician
for Potus and he is more self centered than any
other elected president.
Cliff,Trump tweeted on December 2017 that he
Had to fire Flynn because he had lied to Pence
as well as lying to the FBI.
In his trial he admitted his guilt and plead guilty
for his dishonestly, this is nothing more than
a slam dunk on his conviction but trump and Barr
don’t care.
Barr is a puppet to Trump.
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