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The " Book It " thread!

Luc Montagnier—Discoverer of the AIDS Virus - Mayo Clinic

Luc Montagnier

COVID-19 Was Created in a Lab?

If this by a small chance is true, no way it could be told at this time. the known facts are bad enough for the masses. full reaction won't come till full control of the virus(vaccine etc). time for ass covering is now. @ 87 Luc didn't get the memo ?

I disagree with the premise that the general public could not handle the truth if it turned out that something like this was in fact the truth. If we think we could handle it (and we do), why do we thing the masses could not? However, I do suspect that there is an immediate guarding of turf by laboratory scientists when the subject of laboratory security is questioned.

In USA Today, "the head of a research group that studies bat-borne coronaviruses in China similar to the COVID-19 strain that's ravaged the globe has warned that a U.S. government decision to cut funding to his organization imperils American public health."

Say what?

Cutting funding for laboratories in China engaged in the study of bat-borne coronaviruses imperils the public health of Americans?

"I'm really concerned about where this leaves us," said Peter Daszak, director of the New York-based organization, in a USA TODAY interview.

"Once we've overcome COVID-19, what about COVID-20? What about COVID-21? Who is going to go out and find those? Our grant was specifically designed to locate where these viruses are and to stop them from harming Americans," he said.

It is, of course, unthinkable to a lab scientist that an infectious virus, once introduced into the lab in the middle of a Chinese city of 10 million, might escape and infect the globe.

Two things we know for sure: First, the virus in its unmutated state did exist in the Wuhan laboratory. Second, according to the Los Angeles Times article that Dan linked (and other sources), scientists who have studied the virus believe it must have been a natural mutation because they say that if it had been purposefully manipulated, it would have been more perfectly manipulated.

Meanwhile, other researchers who sifted through the genetic sequences of dozens of preserved viral samples found that the new coronavirus is a distant cousin of the coronavirus that caused the SARS outbreak of 2002 and 2003, and the coronavirus that gave rise to MERS in 2009. The virus responsible for COVID-19 has distinctive features that separate it from its predecessors by many, many generations, according to their report in the Journal of Virology.

But none of the genetic mutations looked like ones a scientific genius would engineer in a lab to tweak a virus for better performance, the researchers wrote. Instead, they have all the hallmarks of the gradual accretion of changes that occur over time as a virus encounters new environments and the immune systems of new organisms.

In other words, SARS-CoV-2 looks like a virus that has evolved, the team wrote.

This assumes that said scientific genius did not purposefully design it to look imperfect.

However, it is quite possible for the virus to escape the lab without it intentionally being manipulated. In the Los Angeles Times article, the scientists quoted said:

Here’s how a team of biologists, infectious disease researchers and biosecurity experts put it in a report published in the journal Nature Medicine: “We do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.”

And they say this while acknowledging that it has happened before.

I don't know how the virus came to mutate, whether accidental or not, but if I had to guess, my guess is that the mutation occurred in the lab, possibly due to unintended manipulation or manipulation for a different purpose, and it escaped the lab by infecting a technician who in turn infected the world.

I would seriously doubt the wet market scenario. Not saying it isn't possible, but it doesn't seem very plausible to me. Seems to me that the mutation noted is more likely when the virus is being probed in the lab than when brought with its host bats from the caves to be sold. That scenario seems to assume that a coronavirus that that was previously relatively harmless to both bats and people and existed in peach with bats until such time that a bat was killed and brought to the wet market and then mutates in such a way as to be very harmful to people and subsequently escapes the bat to infect people.

For some reason that scenario seems very far fetched to me. Doesn't mean it can't be true, just that it is hard for me to believe.
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Based on data collected byWorldmeter and an alternate source, the following is basically what appears to be occurring with regard to the coronavirus in the United States and selected states:

The United States had been on a plateau for the past month in both new cases and deaths ascribed to the virus. However, in the past couple of weeks, there seems to be a downward trend for both. The new cases seems to have dropped from an average of about 30 thousand per day to about 25 thousand on the average. Deaths have decreased from about 2000 per day to 1500 on average per day.

(Scroll to near bottom of page to view bar charts for new cases and new deaths.)

New York is doing much better. From a high of about 10,000 new cases and 1000 new deaths per day, they now have about 4000 new cases and 400 deaths per day. World meter does not yet have a link to New York data, but an alternate source was found with the data.

Likewise, New Jersey is doing much better. From a high of about 4000 cases a month ago, they now have dropped to about 1500 new cases per day. And despite wide variations in the number of deaths, those also seemed to have reduced on average from they have also reduced the number of deaths from about 300 to about 200.per day.

In percentage decrease, most other states are not doing as well.

California, for example, is on a plateau of about 1600-1800 new cases per day which seems to be increasing slightly. The number of deaths per day seems to be decreasing somewhat, however, averaging about 50 per day.

Texas is rather like California, with new cases trending upward slightly the past month from under 1000 to slightly over 1000. Deaths are quite variable averaging about 22 with no particular trend either upward or downward.

Florida has been on a downward trend for the past month from a high of new cases of about 1200 down to about 600 per day. From the chart, it appears the deaths are also on a downward path although the number of deaths per day has recently varied significantly in recent days from about 15 to over 60, averaging about 30 per day. It is difficult to discern a significant trend

My view.

The coming days will be interesting as some states like Georgia open up wide while others like Michigan remain closed down tight. Maybe we will see what is and what is not effective against the virus.
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I disagree with the premise that the general public could not handle the truth if it turned out that something like this was in fact the truth. If we think we could handle it (and we do), why do we thing the masses could not? However, I do suspect that there is an immediate guarding of turf by laboratory scientists when the subject of laboratory security is questioned.

I just think the people (world) are pissed enough at China as it is. if told the commies did all of this as a "Operation". including sacrificing their own people of Wuhan as a cover starting point. The people would demand revenge asap. just like we did after 9/11. at that time I had contact with 100s of people a day. I have never seen before or since such blood thirsty humans. how many do you recall saying we should just nuke the whole middle east ? more than 10% I recall. 70% were in favor of going into Iraq when we did. that number has flipped now at least.
I just think the people (world) are pissed enough at China as it is. if told the commies did all of this as a "Operation". including sacrificing their own people of Wuhan as a cover starting point. The people would demand revenge asap. just like we did after 9/11. at that time I had contact with 100s of people a day. I have never seen before or since such blood thirsty humans. how many do you recall saying we should just nuke the whole middle east ? more than 10% I recall. 70% were in favor of going into Iraq when we did. that number has flipped now at least.

But how many would believe it if they were actually told that it was true. 9/11 was kind of different in that everybody saw those planes fly into tall buildings. And, anyway, Osama admitted it--in English. But the Chinse won't admit it, so there you go. Lots of people believe that Oswald did it, but then a lot of people wonder about the grassy knoll. Some will insist that either Johnson or Castro were behind it all. Be that as it may, there is one thing for certain, OJ did it. Or did he? Lots of black people and me have our doubts. Did you see where Big Foot is wearing a mask these days?

All this article says is that the virus is more terrible then we knew. It doesn't tell up what we need to know which is what can we do about it.

At the same time, Dr Fauci has told us that we have no plausible chance of eradicating the virus.

So what do we do? We do what we must. We manage to live with it until we have a vaccine that helps us live with it. I hear people say: People will die. Yes, people will die. People will die regardless what we do. The question is what can we reasonably do to minimize the damage from the virus while at the same time maintaining a reasonably quality of life.

But to do that, we need to find out some things like what is effective in combating the virus and what is not. For example, is telling nonessential people to go home and stay inside effective. Clearly, that was the best guess of the experts 2 months ago. Were they right? Is going outside harmful or beneficial. Is mowing grass to be avoided. We need to know.

Basically, in my opinion, we need to know the minimum we have to do while recovering our economy. In my opinion, a great deal is riding on the Georgia experiment.
This morning I read an article about the guy who saved the internet by finding the kill switch to WannaCry. The article detailed his early life and included his subsequent experience with the FBI, prosecutors and the US justice system. His story turned out happy because a judge saw the injustice in imprisoning a true hero, but one can easily visualize an alternate ending.

In his younger life, he had been induced into helping a true criminal (whose identity he never knew) in some relatively petty activity who in revenge for his refusal to continue the association into significant criminal activity turned him in to the authorities with an anonymous tip.

And so, of course, the FBI went after him full force when he came to the US to attend a conference.

As a civil libertarian, the key paragraph in the entire article for me was the following:

Soon afterward, prosecutors hit back with a superseding indictment, a new set of charges that brought the total to 10, including making false statements to the FBI in his initial interrogation. Hutchins and his lawyers saw the response as a strong-arm tactic, punishing Hutchins for refusing to accept their offer of a deal.

It highlights the power that the government has to harass and extort an individual. Something that would be illegal for anyone else is perfectly legal for a prosecutor to use against an individual and is one of the tools in his tool kit. It is a tool that we have given law enforcement with the understanding that it should be use judiciously. Unfortunately, it can be used against anyone who comes in their sights and has become the norm. It is a tool that should be removed.
When everything is a crime

It highlights the power that the government has to harass and extort an individual. Something that would be illegal for anyone else is perfectly legal for a prosecutor to use against an individual and is one of the tools in his tool kit. It is a tool that we have given law enforcement with the understanding that it should be use judiciously. Unfortunately, it can be used against anyone who comes in their sights and has become the norm. It is a tool that should be removed.
THEY have done this the past 50 years or longer. last I heard 94% cop a plea. other wise you go broke fighting them. R Stone etc
pay walled now dam it

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One of the more interesting articles I read this morning is one from Politico: "Trump’s lockdown workaround: Bring the governors to him"

It gets in the usual barbs against the President, as expected. I mean, after all, this is Politico, but it does treat the dynamic with a reasonable sense of balance--considering that this was Politico.

I think the nation appreciates a spirit of bipartisanship, and while everybody knows that Democrats and Republicans will be running against each other in the fall, people like to see their leaders working together in relative harmony in the meantime. I think Trump does himself some good when he emphasizes that the governor he is heaping praise is a Democrat. And I think Democratic governors who appear in the White House with the President enhances their image on the national stage.

One thing I was somewhat disappointed in was that while it dwelled on the dynamic of Trump and governors praising each other, it missed the most recent unfathomable of all of a Democratic Governor and a Republican Senator from the same state giving each other high praise which was the case with the Democratic Governor, Jared Polis, and Republican Senator, Cory Gardner, saying such nice things about each other in the recent joint press conference. I thought that was rather remarkable and deserved a mention. Alas, apparently that was asking too much. :)
Hey everyone!,
What’s new?
Seems China is bad America good.
Stop testing or reporting numbers
Might hurt re-election chances
Deny everything
trump just added two new members
to his team,One a General from the “deep state”
and a lobbyist from Smith Kline Glaxo!
nice choices no conflict of interest there,lol.
The Cherry on the top?
Let’s start investigating past Presidents!
I can’t believe either of you can post with
a straight face,“Operation Ludicrous Speed!“
What a shit show,
This is why we have a two party system
republicans need a reality check ,to drunk
with power right now.
Were going to have a vaccine by November?
Lol, more delusional horseshit!
Read this in one of the responses from an article about Joe Rogan pondering on whether to move to Texas in response to Coronavirus restrictions:

So when will people finally realize California is not coming back?

When all the grocery carts go missing from the store and there is a caravan of tent dwellers pushing all the carts down the interstate looking for better digs.

Makes sense.
The following may be viewed as an honest effort to provide the public with the information it needs to evaluate the failures of Republicans in general or just another hit job on Ron DeSantis.

Newly reopened South Florida seen as an emerging coronavirus hot spot

As everyone knows, there will be reversals in specific locations as the nation reopens and how those reversals are handled will be significant. The manner in which the problems in which meat packing plants in Iowa and other states have been handled are examples.

The article lists three area that it says are concerning according to an interagency update on the nation’s coronavirus response circulated by the Department of Homeland Security:

"As most states have begun phased re-opening, several COVID-19 hot spots continue to emerge," the notice says. Three counties are then listed: Palm Beach; San Bernardino County, Calif.; and Marshall County, Ala.

After brief mentions of an added 782 cases in 7 days, representing "nearly doubling" of the cases in San Bernardino County, California, and a 517% increase in Marshall County, Alabama, due to 217 new cases in 7 days, the article hones in on the 71% increase in DeSantis' Palm Beach (an increase that they note preceded even the beginning of Phase II of the county's reopening).

Note: It is a fact that DeSantis did accept the recent plan submitted by the county.

The following article is somewhat dated but contains the following:

[Palm Beach County Mayor Dave] Kerner thanked DeSantis for empowering local communities to work toward a plan that works best for them, and said Palm Beach County would lead the way forward for the rest of South Florida to reopen soon.
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