Luc Montagnier—Discoverer of the AIDS Virus - Mayo Clinic
Luc Montagnier
COVID-19 Was Created in a Lab?
If this by a small chance is true, no way it could be told at this time. the known facts are bad enough for the masses. full reaction won't come till full control of the virus(vaccine etc). time for ass covering is now. @ 87 Luc didn't get the memo ?
I disagree with the premise that the general public could not handle the truth if it turned out that something like this was in fact the truth. If we think we could handle it (and we do), why do we thing the masses could not? However, I do suspect that there is an immediate guarding of turf by laboratory scientists when the subject of laboratory security is questioned.
In USA Today, "the head of a research group that studies bat-borne coronaviruses in China similar to the COVID-19 strain that's ravaged the globe has warned that a U.S. government decision to cut funding to his organization imperils American public health."
Say what?
Cutting funding for laboratories in China engaged in the study of bat-borne coronaviruses imperils the public health of Americans?
"I'm really concerned about where this leaves us," said Peter Daszak, director of the New York-based organization, in a USA TODAY interview.
"Once we've overcome COVID-19, what about COVID-20? What about COVID-21? Who is going to go out and find those? Our grant was specifically designed to locate where these viruses are and to stop them from harming Americans," he said.
It is, of course, unthinkable to a lab scientist that an infectious virus, once introduced into the lab in the middle of a Chinese city of 10 million, might escape and infect the globe.
Two things we know for sure: First, the virus in its unmutated state did exist in the Wuhan laboratory. Second, according to the Los Angeles Times article that Dan linked (and other sources), scientists who have studied the virus believe it must have been a natural mutation because they say that if it had been purposefully manipulated, it would have been more perfectly manipulated.
Meanwhile, other researchers who sifted through the genetic sequences of dozens of preserved viral samples found that the new coronavirus is a distant cousin of the coronavirus that caused the SARS outbreak of 2002 and 2003, and the coronavirus that gave rise to MERS in 2009. The virus responsible for COVID-19 has distinctive features that separate it from its predecessors by many, many generations, according to their report in the Journal of Virology.
But none of the genetic mutations looked like ones a scientific genius would engineer in a lab to tweak a virus for better performance, the researchers wrote. Instead, they have all the hallmarks of the gradual accretion of changes that occur over time as a virus encounters new environments and the immune systems of new organisms.
In other words, SARS-CoV-2 looks like a virus that has evolved, the team wrote.
This assumes that said scientific genius did not purposefully design it to look imperfect.
However, it is quite possible for the virus to escape the lab without it intentionally being manipulated. In the Los Angeles Times article, the scientists quoted said:
Here’s how a team of biologists, infectious disease researchers and biosecurity experts put it in a report published in the journal Nature Medicine: “We do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.”
And they say this while acknowledging that it has happened before.
I don't know how the virus came to mutate, whether accidental or not, but if I had to guess, my guess is that the mutation occurred in the lab, possibly due to unintended manipulation or manipulation for a different purpose, and it escaped the lab by infecting a technician who in turn infected the world.
I would seriously doubt the wet market scenario. Not saying it isn't possible, but it doesn't seem very plausible to me. Seems to me that the mutation noted is more likely when the virus is being probed in the lab than when brought with its host bats from the caves to be sold. That scenario seems to assume that a coronavirus that that was previously relatively harmless to both bats and people and existed in peach with bats until such time that a bat was killed and brought to the wet market and then mutates in such a way as to be very harmful to people and subsequently escapes the bat to infect people.
For some reason that scenario seems very far fetched to me. Doesn't mean it can't be true, just that it is hard for me to believe.