The " Book It " thread! | Page 8 | Barking Hard

The " Book It " thread!

Your turning a pandemic into a political game!
3-3-20 America reported its first nine deaths from
this virus.
3-8-20 Trump had a rally!!!

Dan, I don't know what to say. Perhaps I could mention that when you point a finger at me, three others are pointed back at you. I think the point of three fingers back at you is warranted considering that in your prior post, you made at least three obvious political attacks:

  • The charge that Dr. Birx is towing the party line and is full of shit.
  • The insinuation that Trump comes out between four and five and merely reads from cue cards.
  • The inference concerning your forgetting to go buy guns today!

After all that, you have the audacity to attack my responses by suggesting that I am turning a pandemic into a political game. I am sorry, Dan, but I think that is outrageous, and indeed, almost as outrageous as the attacks by the NYT against Dr. Birx that I was defending her against.

Calling out Governor’s with name calling is unbecoming and
spiteful and this current “vaccine” has no evidence of a cure
even China has said its ineffective but again I don’t believe
Russia or China on anything.

First. I will mention that the President has been very complementary of the Governors of New York, New Jersey and California and the Mayor of New York City in recent days who he says has worked well with the federal government agencies and the task force he set up to coordinate the federal government's role. In addition, in the past few days, he has been complementary of John Kerry's sense of humor and expressed appreciation to Rachel Maddow for highlighting the military's role. However, it should also be understood by now that the President is a counterpuncher and if somebody choses to hit him, his tendency is to hit back. It is his nature and that is not going to change. He is nice to people who are nice to him and nasty to people who choose to be nasty to him.

Overall, it appears to me that the President, the task force and the federal agencies as well as some state governments are doing a commendable job in this crisis. The federal government is doing a number of things that state governments normally do on their own in cases where the federal government can do it more efficiently as well as responding to needs in a way that only the federal government can respond.

BTW, your reference to a "vaccine" is nonsense. Nobody is hawking a "vaccine" at this time. Everybody knows that a vaccine is down the road. However, they are hoping for an effective treatment. Currently some 17 clinical trials are testing the safety and effectiveness of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19 worldwide. Two clinical trials in the United States aim to test whether hydroxycloroquine might prevent illness in U.S. healthcare workers or caregivers who have been exposed COVID-19 patients.

It should be understood, of course, that most powerful drugs such as these have side effects that can be dangerous to some patients. For drugs that have been around as long as these drugs have been around, the side effects are well known. Thus patients who receive these drugs must be screened to eliminate those patients with known conditions that increase the chances of the side effects being detrimental to their health.
Not sure why this is happening in Australia. Australia has not been hit hard by the virus yet. With winter coming, one might expect the cases in the southern hemisphere to start showing a seasonal increase similar to the flu, but the cases anywhere in the southern hemisphere so far are minimal (3050 total cases and 13 deaths in Australia) according to the website I consulted. Of course, any deaths at all are too many. But that holds for the flu and other diseases as well as traffic fatalities and other causes of death we accept without question. Is this just a case of world wide panic?

EDIT: If 3050 cases and 13 deaths sound significant, just consider that the flu results in about 250,000 to 500,000 yearly deaths worldwide. The typical number of deaths per year in the United States is about 36,000 with a yearly range of is 23,000 to 59,000 per the CDC.

We're trying to flatten the curve. To address the situation while it is a small problem rather than wait for it to become catastrophic before we take action.

We're now over 3,800 total cases and 16 deaths. The larger the number of infected, the faster the virus can spread, the more likely it is our health system becomes overwhelmed. Our medical professionals have said that we have about three weeks to flatten the curve or face a catastrophic hit to health services.

I'm a little surprised Trump fans are taking such a cavalier approach towards COVID-19. I would have assumed you'd build it up as the plague but worse and praise your overlord for single-handedly saving all humanity, despite the media, haters and world leaders who want us all to die just to see him fail. If it's not a big deal - then why the fuck has the economy tanked and now you've got over 120,000 cases with your curve not expected to peak for weeks or months?

There are many illnesses you can point at that are more serious, indeed deadly, than COVID-19. But you're looking at these issues comparatively. In real life, COVID-19 is occurring in addition to these other illnesses and accidents. So we aren't viewing the impact as singular. Our health care systems (yours too) are not designed to accommodate such a sudden influx of patients requiring care. Other disease and accidents don't suddenly stop because there is a new dangerous virus on the block. When combined, the result is overwhelmed hospitals and difficult choices regarding who has access to care.

That is why there is panic. That's why we're trying to flatten the curve and ensure that Australians can continue to receive the care that we have come to expect - be that following a COVID-19 diagnosis or something else. If our hospitals become overwhelmed, we cannot access that care.

I'd argue we've acted far too slowly. Nations that kick our ass in health care locked down much sooner than we did. New Zealand, for example, is in far more comprehensive lockdown - they have just over 500 cases and only just recorded their first COVID-19 death, a woman in her 70s, today. I wish we had acted as quickly as they did.

It will be interesting to watch what happens in the United States over the coming months. Thankfully, it appears people in the US are taking the issue far more seriously than their leader. That response will help to greatly reduce the numbers. But as it stands, this thing is going to fuck ya'll pretty hard over the coming weeks - especially while your president encourages packed churches and shit because Easter is so important.

Good luck.
Is it more important that DK and BDU have jobs if it makes it more likely that Grandpa or Grandma may die this year instead of a few years from now? Is protecting the lives of Grandpa and Grandma at all cost worth the cost to society at large? More, specifically, is an all out attempt to prevent possible exposure to a virus that may kill me at the age of 78 more important than the wellbeing of millions of people who may lose their jobs and livelihood in the attempt?

I say no.

Ya'll went Darwinian so fucking quickly.

I say yes. I have income protection and we can rebuild the economy over the coming months. We're going to be fine. Thousands, if not tens of thousands dying, just isn't fine. At all. Literally nothing about that is fine for the sake of some fucking month.

Lord, have mercy.
We're trying to flatten the curve. To address the situation while it is a small problem rather than wait for it to become catastrophic before we take action.

We're now over 3,800 total cases and 16 deaths. The larger the number of infected, the faster the virus can spread, the more likely it is our health system becomes overwhelmed. Our medical professionals have said that we have about three weeks to flatten the curve or face a catastrophic hit to health services.

One caveat: the number of cases reported is essentially a function of the number of people testing positive and the number testing positive has a direct relationship to the number of total tests. Increasing the number of tests and finding more people who test positive will certainly increase the number of reported cases, but it will not cause the virus to spread faster. Instead, as you quarantine more people who have the virus, you tend to slow the spread. Obviously, it you could test everyone and quarantine all who tested positive, the spreading would slow to zero assuming perfect testing and no importing of cases.

I'm a little surprised Trump fans are taking such a cavalier approach towards COVID-19. I would have assumed you'd build it up as the plague but worse and praise your overlord for single-handedly saving all humanity, despite the media, haters and world leaders who want us all to die just to see him fail. If it's not a big deal - then why the fuck has the economy tanked and now you've got over 120,000 cases with your curve not expected to peak for weeks or months?

I can speak only for myself, but I certainly do not take a cavalier approach to the disease. It is obviously deadly to certain groups. I have very diligently applied the directives contained in the "15 days to slow the spread" list of directive as issued by the Trump task force that apply to me:

1. Listen and follow the directions of your state and local authorities.
2. If you feel sick, stay home. Do not go to work. Contact your medical provider.
3. If your children are sick, keep them at home. Do not send them to school. Contact your medical provider.
4. If someone in your household has tested positive for the coronavirus, keep the entire household at home. Do not go to work. Do not go to school. Contact your medical provider.
5. If you are an older person, stay home and away from other people.
6. If you are a person with a serious underlying health condition that can put you at increased risk (for example, a condition that impairs your lung or heart function or weakens your immune system), stay home and away from other people.
7. Even if you are young, or otherwise healthy, you are at risk and your activities can increase the risk for others. It is critical that you do your part to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
8. Work or engage in schooling from home whenever possible.
9. If you work in a critical infrastructure industry, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, such as healthcare services and pharmaceutical and food supply, you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule. You and your employers should follow CDC guidance to protect your health at work.
10. Avoid social gatherings in groups of more than 10 people.
11. Avoid eating or drinking at bars, restaurants, and food courts – use drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options.
12. Avoid discretionary travel, shopping trips, and social visits.
13. Do not visit nursing homes or retirement or long-term care facilities unless to provide critical assistance.
14. Practice good hygiene:
15. Wash your hands, especially after touching any frequently used item or surface.
16. Avoid touching your face.
17. Sneeze or cough into a tissue, or the inside of your elbow.
18. Disinfect frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible.

I have left the house only for necessary functions such as grocery shopping, but I have been very careful when out to exercise the applicable directives such as social distancing when out.

However, in my view, there is no justification for creating a panic. A population should be given a fair appraisal of the situation. In my opinion, fanning the flames of panic is counterproductive. There should be a reasonable balance between protecting the population from disease and the well being of the population in general. I am of the opinion that the Trump administration is attempting to strike that balance.

I would mention finally that your attack on Trump suggesting that he "encourages packed churches and shit" is not only outrageous, it is an outright lie. I don't know where you got that, but it most certainly was not from a reliable source. Indeed, it was his administration that issued the "15 days to slow the spread" directives.

Regarding that, however, next Monday or Tuesday, new directives will likely be issued. The data from the 15 days to slow the spread directives will be available and will be used to form the new directive along with the data otherwise collected. But whatever form the new directives will take, they will be based on the data that has been obtained both worldwide and domestically.

Good luck.

Good luck to you too.
Ya'll went Darwinian so fucking quickly.

I say yes. I have income protection and we can rebuild the economy over the coming months. We're going to be fine. Thousands, if not tens of thousands dying, just isn't fine. At all. Literally nothing about that is fine for the sake of some fucking month.

Lord, have mercy.

I am glad that you have income protection. Good for you. But what about people who don't?
One caveat: the number of cases reported is essentially a function of the number of people testing positive and the number testing positive has a direct relationship to the number of total tests. Increasing the number of tests and finding more people who test positive will certainly increase the number of reported cases, but it will not cause the virus to spread faster. Instead, as you quarantine more people who have the virus, you tend to slow the spread. Obviously, it you could test everyone and quarantine all who tested positive, the spreading would slow to zero assuming perfect testing and no importing of cases.

Ughhhhhh this is so gross. Trying to undermine the spread by simply insisting that more tests are taking place - it's not actually spreading, we're just getting better at finding where it has spread to!

No. It is spreading. Like all highly-contagious disease does.

I can speak only for myself, but I certainly do not take a cavalier approach to the disease.

So you're just accidently undermining the growing prevalence, encouraging deaths to save the economy so Trump can save poorly-tanned face (An economy that is already fucked) and denying the impact COVID-19 can have on overwhelming the health service?

It is obviously deadly to certain groups.

It is deadly to all groups. Just because it is most likely to kill the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions does NOT change the fact COVID-19 has killed people between 20-50 who are otherwise healthy.

I have very diligently applied the directives contained in the "15 days to slow the spread" list of directive as issued by the Trump task force that apply to me.

As we're encouraging everyone to do. Our list is basically identical, I'm assuming because it's based on a WHO-approved checklist rather than "the Trump task force." (Is that official? Did he actually name the shit after himself or are just you aggrandizing him?)

Which is excellent, but just asking people to follow those directives will not be enough. Especially in two weeks when most people won't give a shit anymore because their attention span is ohhhhhhhhhh I wanna go to Walmart!

However, in my view, there is no justification for creating a panic. A population should be given a fair appraisal of the situation. In my opinion, fanning the flames of panic is counterproductive.

Sorry, but panic is a lack of preparedness. Our government has been flirting with shutdowns since February so everyone has been ready for what has occurred over the last two weeks.

Your president was saying shit like 'It's like a miracle, it just goes away one day' up until very recently.

For what it's worth, panic isn't always a bad thing. I mean, it's bad in your case with all the gun homicides that ya'll call normal, but people should be a little scared because this situation is inherently scary. What happened to the love of billionaire-who-inexplicably-only-gets-cheap-spray-tans not being afraid of telling the truth and telling it like it is? Now, just to avoid panic, you want rationality and sensibility in his approach? Yeesh.

here should be a reasonable balance between protecting the population from disease and the well being of the population in general. I am of the opinion that the Trump administration is attempting to strike that balance.

Perhaps, but it looks like contradiction to me. It looks like dependent on his mood he will either take the threat seriously or try to undermine it for his own self interests - which he has basically admitted by blaming media and other politicians for WANTING a pandemic so it would hurt his economy and hurt his chances of re-election.

Considering you guys say this shit is no big deal, his economy fucking sucked to tank just a week in to a no-big-deal flu.

Which should be Biden's campaign strategy. Billboards everywhere of the before-after when you guys pretend this is basically just the flu, and then after when you say his economy only tanked because of the most grave disease threat that humanity has ever seen.

I would mention finally that your attack on Trump suggesting that he "encourages packed churches and shit" is not only outrageous, it is an outright lie. I don't know where you got that, but it most certainly was not from a reliable source.

Agreed, it wasn't a reliable source and it most likely is a lie because my source is Donald Trump. Dude literally said the shit on camera. He literally looked at the camera like 12 times, too.

Here is the top result for "Trump Churches Easter" because, well, a lot of people have discussed out batshit insane it is to encourage packed churches at the peak of a fucking pandemic. Skip to 7 minutes in, and there it is.

Indeed, it was his administration that issued the "15 days to slow the spread" directives.

Any reason why 15 days?

Regarding that, however, next Monday or Tuesday, new directives will likely be issued. The data from the 15 days to slow the spread directives will be available and will be used to form the new directive along with the data otherwise collected. But whatever form the new directives will take, they will be based on the data that has been obtained both worldwide and domestically.

Fingers crossed he's finally found someone to do his job for him, otherwise I fear your national pandemic response will be drawn in gold crayon and delivered in a velvet envelope.
I am glad that you have income protection. Good for you. But what about people who don't?

Should have been prepared, I guess.

Hard to say, because our unemployment benefits don't totally suck and we're currently talking about bumping them up significantly. So, it isn't the end of the world for anyone.

As for ya'll, though, who knows. I guess buy a gun and shoot people, as is tradition. I sometimes forget I'm talking to people in a nation inundated with crippling poverty and any government support for the people is just socialism so must be foregone.

Yep, you've changed my mind, kill the old people!
Ughhhhhh this is so gross. Trying to undermine the spread by simply insisting that more tests are taking place - it's not actually spreading, we're just getting better at finding where it has spread to!

No. It is spreading. Like all highly-contagious disease does.

Trent, I did not say it wasn’t spreading. What I said was that increased testing will result in more cases found, but testing itself does not increase the number of actual cases. I was watching Governor Cuomo of New York and he mentioned that about 15% of COVID-19 cases require hospitalization. The point is that with more testing, you will naturally find a larger portion of the 85% of the cases that do not require hospitalization. However, finding more cases does not increase the actual number of cases. It just increases the number of reported cases. And with increased testing, finding more cases to quarantine can actually reduce the spread.

Understand now?

Any reason why 15 days?

I will tell you why I think it is 15 days.

Studies have shown that the medium incubation period for the coronavirus is 5.1 days and 97.5% of people infected with the virus will show symptoms in 11.5 days. The overall range is from 2 to 14 days.

There are about 330,000,000 people in the United States. Ideally, all 330,000,000 could be tested directly to determine if they have been infected by the virus. Control of the virus would be greatly enhanced. But that is, of course, logistically impossible. However, by essentially shutting down and directing attention to the virus for a period exceeding the incubation period, we can essentially test the entire nation.

The test is imperfect, of course, but it yields valuable data on where the problems are, and, at the same time, it gets more people into quarantine. It greatly increases the number of reported cases, of course, but that also is data that is valuable in evaluating the situation at large as well as in particular. Essentially, our testing is more directed where it needs to be to yield the most data.

People who know what they are doing will be reading this data. When this has been accomplished, new guideline/directives will be issued in light of this data.

Oh, almost forgot. I probably ought to mention that the MSNBC hit job on President Trump is fake news. Everybody with a thimble full of brains knows what he meant by that comment in response to a question. It doesn’t mean that he wants people to die. I don’t think even you would actually believe that.

But it is the basic reason that people in general have lost confidence in the so called main stream media. At one time Rachel Maddow competed with Shawn Hannity for the lead in the ratings for cable news in the United States. That was back when the Russia-gate hoax was going strong. But since then her audience has dwindled to about 2/3 his audience. She still has her audience, but it is significantly reduced. Another indicator: a recent Gallop poll shows that Trump enjoys about a 60% approval for his response to the coronavirus while the media has a 44% approval rating.
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Should have been prepared, I guess.

In other words, "tough shit."

By the way, I detect a significant shift in your attitude between a few days ago and now. I wonder if learning about your "income protection" had anything to do with it.

Reminds me of something I heard years ago about the difference between a recession and a depression. The difference, it was said, is that a recession is when your neighbor loses his job and a depression is when you lose yours (with, of course, no "income protection").
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Two hours ago:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Bad news: Trump is forced to extend social distancing for 30 days. He apparently planned to annouce his decision on Tuesday, but the decision has been made so he announced it at the briefing today.

AP headline: Trump extends virus guidelines, braces nation for big death toll.

Fox News:


In other words, "tough shit."

Yes. Is that intended to make me sound heartless? Because the alternative you propose is, "We should sacrifice vulnerable people because some are not prepared for economic uncertainty."

Which is even more insane when you consider the economy is currently fucked. Droopy Donald ain't posting about his wonderful economic numbers at the moment for a reason. Which highlights why I hate politicians bragging about their numbers - the shit is a façade. The economy that so many people have now bragged about being record setting for four years took TWO WEEKS to utterly collapse.

That is why I support ideology that values people over economic prosperity. Those who benefit from a strong economy do not accrue longevity in the face of hard times. You guys, and us, slashed the fuck out of tax for business and encouraged the most wealthy corporations to dodge any responsibility to citizens - and for what, everyone to get fired two weeks in to a pandemic because business cannot afford it?

Yeesh. My career lasted like two months on a graduate cadet salary and I was already vastly more prepared than multi-billion dollar corporations are. That's why you guys need to feel the burn. Ya'll hate socialism until a pandemic hits and everyone has to start making private donations to hospitals.

By the way, I detect a significant shift in your attitude between a few days ago and now. I wonder if learning about your "income protection" had anything to do with it.

You really think I got income protection in the days after I lost my job? I knew I had it long before I stepped foot in this thread.

Reminds me of something I heard years ago about the difference between a recession and a depression. The difference, it was said, is that a recession is when your neighbor loses his job and a depression is when you lose yours (with, of course, no "income protection").

For what it's worth, I advocated a shutdown before I lost my job. Admittedly, working for a newspaper is the last thing you want during any economic fuckery so I knew my job was on the ropes regardless, but my mind hasn't changed. What I advocate is what will get me, and everyone else, back to work quicker.
Yes. Is that intended to make me sound heartless? Because the alternative you propose is, "We should sacrifice vulnerable people because some are not prepared for economic uncertainty."

Life is full of risks. An obvious example would be automobiles and automobile accidents. We don’t ban automobiles in the name of preventing auto accidents. We accept the risk of accidents in order to have the benefits that the automobile gives us. And we don’t accuse people that advocate for the use of automobiles of being heartless and wanting to sacrifice vulnerable passengers, including children, to said accidents. Instead we balance the risk against the benefit and find that the benefit is worth the risk.

And I really don’t give a damn if you knew how much you were eligible for in unemployment benefits immediately after you lost your job. I do find it interesting, of course, that immediately after you lost your job, you talked of the economic turmoil just beginning and a financial collapse until June whereas only a few days later you could be so blasé in addressing the situation while it is still a "small problem" and that everything will be fine because you have income protection.

And, yes, I think the way you flipped off people less fortunate than you sounded pretty damn heartless to me.
Wow. BDU, I am sorry but what I am getting from you is the 'making it political' side. I don't like Trump any more than you do in all likelihood, but this isn't about Trump or him saving face. This is about a nation that makes Australia look like a postage stamp, less than 7.5% of our population. That makes helping the unemployed a shit ton easier. We bumped ours up, but it is still so low the vast majority of people affected by this turned economy will lose their homes and more...and those individuals will take a long time to recover.

So yes, you were crass at the very least on disregarding their plight.

As for 'killing grandma and grandpa', that is pure political tripe. Nobody is saying sacrifice them. What most are saying is that if THEY are the ones at highest risk, THEY are the ones that should take the additional precautions of isolating in place. Add in that they are also the least likely to take a financial hit (they have retirement and SS benefits for the most part), and it only makes sense.

Me and my family are doing our part, but we are lucky. Both my wife and I 'can' work from home...but I am seeing neighbors losing their jobs, losing their businesses, and the psychological impact is bad...I would not be surprised to see a huge bump in suicides in the coming months/years due to the "CURE".

Keep in even said it...all these measures are simply to 'blunt the spike', and in all likelihood will not reduce the number fact is actually may INCREASE the likelihood of a second round. Read enough and you will find those willing to state it despite MSM hiding that little nugget by not reporting it.

No, the heartless thing is to ignore the financial impact caused by blind reactionism. This disease will run it's will take lives...and it will eventually be relegated to the 'flu-like' disease that it truly is. But the financial impacts will destroy far more lives than we will ever be able to quantify....including children.
Wow. BDU, I am sorry but what I am getting from you is the 'making it political' side. I don't like Trump any more than you do in all likelihood, but this isn't about Trump or him saving face. This is about a nation that makes Australia look like a postage stamp, less than 7.5% of our population. That makes helping the unemployed a shit ton easier. We bumped ours up, but it is still so low the vast majority of people affected by this turned economy will lose their homes and more...and those individuals will take a long time to recover.

So yes, you were crass at the very least on disregarding their plight.

As for 'killing grandma and grandpa', that is pure political tripe. Nobody is saying sacrifice them. What most are saying is that if THEY are the ones at highest risk, THEY are the ones that should take the additional precautions of isolating in place. Add in that they are also the least likely to take a financial hit (they have retirement and SS benefits for the most part), and it only makes sense.

Me and my family are doing our part, but we are lucky. Both my wife and I 'can' work from home...but I am seeing neighbors losing their jobs, losing their businesses, and the psychological impact is bad...I would not be surprised to see a huge bump in suicides in the coming months/years due to the "CURE".

Keep in even said it...all these measures are simply to 'blunt the spike', and in all likelihood will not reduce the number fact is actually may INCREASE the likelihood of a second round. Read enough and you will find those willing to state it despite MSM hiding that little nugget by not reporting it.

No, the heartless thing is to ignore the financial impact caused by blind reactionism. This disease will run it's will take lives...and it will eventually be relegated to the 'flu-like' disease that it truly is. But the financial impacts will destroy far more lives than we will ever be able to quantify....including children.

Dawg, I think you are wasting your breath. Anyone who could actually composes a sentence like:

That is why I support ideology that values people over economic prosperity.

will not understand a word you are saying. They are of the AOC ilk. They actually want people to be dependent on the government. Far from being a scourge to be overcome, they see this virus as an opportunity. To them it represents a path to an ideal. An example of this kind of thinking is the attempt by certain members of our congress who tried to get components of the green new deal added to the relief package recently passed into law. Hell, if they had their way, the relief would be replaced by the green new deal.
I saw that, and was pissed. And Pelossi defended it and tried to change the subject. What a joke. People are losing their livelihood and they wanted to force feed socialism into the relief package. Wonder how many people actually know that the green new deal isn't even really about global warming, but is a social redistribution of money at it's core. They guy who was behind it (AOC's ex-manager) said so himself in an interview.
I saw that, and was pissed. And Pelossi defended it and tried to change the subject. What a joke. People are losing their livelihood and they wanted to force feed socialism into the relief package. Wonder how many people actually know that the green new deal isn't even really about global warming, but is a social redistribution of money at it's core. They guy who was behind it (AOC's ex-manager) said so himself in an interview.

Well, of course.

But they still got some goodies. USA TODAY did a fact check on some allegations that the Care Act contained money for congressional salaries and, in the process, reveal some of what it did contain. Here are some examples:

Among other things, the CARES Act provides $25 million in funding "for necessary expenses of the House of Representatives to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus, to be allocated in accordance with a spend plan submitted to the Committee of Appropriations of the House of Representatives."

"The $25 million funding is to support the House’s capability to telework, including for the purchase of equipment and improvements to the network," Evan Hollander, a communications director for the House Appropriations Committee, told USA TODAY. The funds will also reimburse the staff of the House Child Care Center and pay the contracts for House food services.

However, USA TODAY is quick to add that: "None of the funds will go to member salaries, which are paid directly from the Treasury pursuant to the Constitution."

So what will the $25 million be spent on?

Of the $25-million appropriation, Congress expects $10 million to fund the Sergeant at Arms; $8.8 million for video town hall equipment and logistics; $2 million for laptops for House committees; $2 million for "Office Supply Store computer purchases"; $1 million for 24-hour IT Customer Support and $500,000 for additional equipment for computer imaging.

Okay, for example, how many laptops will $2 million dollars buy? Well, I bought a refurbished laptop from Newegg for $350.00 recently. However, I don’t suppose members of our congress would dirty their delicate hands on such as that, but I would think that they might survive on maybe a thousand laptops at $2000.00 a pop.
I knew I quit talking in here for a reason.
Trump is a moron, that’s not hate it’s reality.
We had the ability to get ahead of this long
before it became the shit show it is now.
This is only going to get a lot worse till people
are talked to in a calm reasonable fashion by
our elected leaders,Pelosi can retire, Schumer
can go and the current regime in the WH should
be put on a stage and let the constituents throw
Tomato’s at them including Eric and the Kush!!!

This is a failure of epic proportions that only a
corporate run America could make in the name
of money and greed.
Last Friday when my wife and I went to the grocery
store there were no coupons or sales we filled two
carts but to be fair one had three cases of water in
it because I won’t drink tap water in my own house
we didn’t hoard we bought essentials and it cost us
Eight hundred dollars!!! as I said we didn’t even get
toilet paper!
It’s times like these when I realize how worthless our
government has become...
I’m done with politics, it’s pointless.
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