Topic of the Day | Page 42 | Barking Hard

Topic of the Day

I tried to watch and bailed out after 6 minutes. It all seems like the Establishment uses any and all events to manipulate people. Yeah the world is warming. It doesn't mean we should all buy Tesla's while the Establishment buys carbon credits in the form of real estate, woodlands and farmlands so they can fly around on private jets and not really be bothered buy a corrupt system they created for themselves to exploit.
I tried to watch and bailed out after 6 minutes. It all seems like the Establishment uses any and all events to manipulate people. Yeah the world is warming. It doesn't mean we should all buy Tesla's while the Establishment buys carbon credits in the form of real estate, woodlands and farmlands so they can fly around on private jets and not really be bothered buy a corrupt system they created for themselves to exploit.
Link below video is the text of it.
Our schools do not teach critical thinking. Just how to pass a test and score well enough to accomplish your personal goals.

You were right about Chris Hedges. He believes Trump is some sort of christian facsist?!! WTF?!!!
I'm ok with Trump but I'm thinking RFK Jr might be a better option. Mostly because Trump said in the debate his corporate tax cuts that he handed out would be continued if he's re-elected. I got zero tax cuts so right now, I don't know. Why vote for the guy who doesn't cut my taxes but cuts corporate taxes? It's not in my best interest. RFK Jr for me. But wavering.
And FJB is no better.

Mostly because Trump said in the debate his corporate tax cuts that he handed out would be continued if he's re-elected. I got zero tax cuts so right now, I don't know. Why vote for the guy who doesn't cut my taxes but cuts corporate taxes?
I don't care to talk about REAL personal stuff online and your money is the height of that. but you not get ANY lowering of your Taxes under Trump's cuts is hard to understand. it might be a couple of hundred only but still.

Why vote for the guy who doesn't cut my taxes but cuts corporate taxes? It's not in my best interest.
Because corp's will just pass those taxes on to you and me. and worse case move their operations outside the country. along with the jobs. DC has enough monies collected, it's their spending that needs cut.
I'm not interested in how much you and I make but has your taxes ever gone down? Mine keep going up. I used to get a state refund years ago and now I don't. My Fed returns are generally about the same. I can adjust my taxes to get a refund every year if I wanted but I'd have less to spend on things like eggs and milk. 😐
I'm not interested in how much you and I make but has your taxes ever gone down? Mine keep going up.
What you had to do is figure your taxes out from the previous year. like take your 2018 income thru the 2017 rates. if you had $50,000 of taxable income filing jointly in 2017 your tax was $6571. in 2018 with the cuts it was $5622.

So yes I saved money. compare for yourself.

I moved out of Ohio for one reason was because of high taxes. State,city,property are outrageous back there.
After my mom passed I had an inheritance that screwed with my taxes. I'll have to check how things go in a normal year. Thanks for the instructions, comrade. :cool:
I'm ok with Trump but I'm thinking RFK Jr might be a better option. Why vote for the guy who doesn't cut my taxes but cuts corporate taxes? It's not in my best interest. RFK Jr for me. But wavering.
And FJB is no better.
RFK has been a D ALL his life. is he brighter than Joe yes. but policy wise a rubber stamp 98% of the time. so if you are happy with the past 4 years he's your man. but any vote not Trump is a D vote, for Biden/Harris.
What has RFK rubber stamped?
He ran against FJB and the DNC rubber stamped FJB and told him to fuck off.

RFK left that party and went independent.
RFK has been a D ALL his life. but policy wise a rubber stamp of the D party 98% of the time.
the 2% is the vac stuff and a Few others I'm sure. But Climate Change and all the rest he's all about the D party.

You are the one speaking of voting for him, you tell me how he's different. just saying
I've researched multiple speeches he's done, and he's said he'd do a few things differently, like remove government funding of Big Pharm and get FDA officers removed if they've spent time at those pharmaceutical companies. A real plan to drain the swamp. He's also mentioned corporations stock buy back options are out of whack. Right now it's around 70%. Meaning corporate execs can but back 70$ of company profits to pad their bankrolls leading to good jobs leaving the country for their personal gain. Workers get screwed.

In the 70's - early 80's the cap was around 30% but we all were sold on deregulation. Problem is it was deregulation for them. Not (most of) us.
As far as vax's go he's told his story about how they put mercury in vaccines. It's because the dead virus used is not recognized by our bodies because it is dead. So adding toxicity in the dead virus initiates our bodies to respond. They were being sued in the early 80's and complained to Reagan a change was needed. His initial response was make the vaccine safe. They told him it was impossible that all vaccines are inherently risky and he relented. Now, they don't use mercury. They use Ai. Aluminum. Which is another toxic metal to incite a response. The risk is the same. Nothing has changed. He noted that since the deregulation of the vaccines in the 80's Autism has skyrocketed.

I'm not concerned with labels like D or R anymore. It's an outdated and useless construct if you ask me. The Establishment is in both parties at significant levels to obstruct potential benefits for most of us.

That's enough for now before I get way out into the weeds on stuff. 😬
Without digging too deep into RFK Jr my main image I have of him is he's an anti vacciner. That and he's like a Democrat but not into all the woke agenda which the Democratic Party seems to fully embrace. Bill Maher seems to get it on that point how much of a turn off the woke stuff is to people.

I have a memory of starting a thread here years back about why colleges are so liberal. If anything in the last 5 years the woke agenda if you will has even sky rocketed more at colleges. When I was a teenager I thought this was like the silliest and dumbest movie ever. What would seem like a parody 25 years ago seems very real today. I mean I laughed my ass off now at this scene below. How High- pretty funny movie.

Lynch me! Lynch me! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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