It's time to turn the page and begin the hunt for a new QB. #Browns | Page 25 | Barking Hard

It's time to turn the page and begin the hunt for a new QB. #Browns

Sorry player fans. It's time. Baker Mayfield is an average NFL QB, a future journeyman ...and it's time to look at our options. There are only two QBs in the NFL worse than Baker Mayfield in the 4th quarter. We routinely finish in the bottom half in almost every meaningful passing category. There is nothing at all special about him. I used to think he had an elite arm, but a lot of QBs can throw the ball hard. He can certainly throw it, but how well does he pass it really? High, hard, and behind. Rinse and repeat. A large percentage of his completions go that route as well. He has every single weakness he had coming out of college. Nothing at all has improved. In the NFL he isn't chucking up prayers to NFL caliber WRs being covered by guys who are now checking out your groceries. Baker Mayfield is the 4th best QB in the AFC North. Out of 4 teams.

Last place in the division. Most in here predicted outlandish success this season. 12 wins? 14? Maybe more. This blow-hard thought we would likely have less wins than last season, simply due to a historically easy schedule in 2020. The Browns just lost to a team with no kicker, and a fat QB who likely has lower back problems, and runs about as fast as an arthritic sloth. People are now starting to look for new excuses. The new coach is holding the team back. The WRs drop the ball too much. Mean fans are hurting Emily Mayfield's feelings and it's having an effect on Baker's play. The truth is, there's a bottleneck at the QB position. We have a Superbowl caliber roster, and a QB that is limiting what we can do with it. Baker Mayfield is the best QB we have had in twenty years ....and people are desperate to defend him. I get it.

Against the Steelers on Sunday we witnessed something we try really hard to ignore. Baker throwing high and hard the majority of the game. While throwing from the pocket, Baker not only can't see most of the field, but he throws his trademark bullets high enough to get over the defenders standing between he and his receiver. This just doesn't work, as the trajectory of these bullets leave them high and often behind his mark. A difficult ask of WRs, TEs, and RBs. You'll have player fans on twitter showing slow motion replays of a ball going through Hooper's hand, and calling anyone who dares criticize Baker a "mouth breather", but in reality Hooper was at the top of his jump, arms outstretched to the max, trying to reel in a high, hard, and behind football. Could have easily been a walk in touchdown instead... a bad pass. A QB could normally avoid this by putting some touch on the ball, a little arc, or air under it ....but Baker doesn't seem to have that gear.


Mayfield throughout his entire career has made a cottage industry of rolling to his right. It seems to be the one thing he is great at. The problem is, when you are a one-trick pony, other teams game-plan to take that trick away from you. Baker has rolled right and attempted to pass a total of 6 times this year. Think about that in relation to each year prior. Teams have forced Baker into the pocket, the Steelers literally dared the Browns to pass practically the entire game. How is it working out?


Fourth quarter, and another chance to win a game. Most of us knew what was going to happen didn't we? We have held onto hope, praying that the light would go on, that Baker would make wholesale changes, and he would become the Browns franchise QB ...someone we could count on to put the team on his back and lead us to victory with the game on the line. What we have got in reality is a QB that is 33 of 62, with 4 TDs and 5 INTS. Sam Darnold is the only QB as bad as Mayfield with the game on the line since 2018. Mayfield's passing rating with the game on the line is 61.3 and the Browns are 3-11 in these scenarios.


Kevin Stefanski was hired to reign in Mayfield's erratic tendencies. Stefanski's offense tends to turn average QBs into statistical wonders, (Case Keenum) and perhaps limit some players at certain positions, like a downfield QB and burner WR for example. Some argue that Stefanski has taken Mayfield's gunslinger aura away from him, which while true is also the reason why Baker has become far less prone to interceptions. The dink and dunk offense with numerous screens and TE heavy route trees certainly makes a QB look good on paper at times ...but who is Baker Mayfield without the ability to roll out on play action and plant bombs down the field? Certainly these are often 50/50 bombs, but they do add to what an opposing defense has to worry about. Mayfield has 10 completions of 20 or more yards this season ...20th in the league. Recall Stefon Diggs having the same issue that OBJ is currently having in the Stefanski offense. He moved on to the Bills and is back to all-pro form. I suspect OBJ will do the same for some other team.


In short, we have no vertical passing attack, while employing one of the very best WR tandems in the game, and one of the fastest WRs in the league in Schwartz. Did the Browns hire the right coach? If you believe analytics and going by the book is usually right, then yes. If you believe in coaches who base decisions on the ebb and flow of the game, their "gut" as it were, then no. We are the worst team in the league at going for it on 4th down. Analytics got us there.

We could have had Canton native and lifelong Browns fan Josh McDaniels.


So where are we now? A Superbowl caliber roster, with an extremely limited QB, and a coach who can only go by the book, apparently not capable of harnessing whatever "elite" trait Mayfield may have, if he has one at all. Playoffs this season ...not likely. Our Superbowl window is open for only a short while ...without the Browns front office doing something extremely out of character (see, ballsy) like going after a Watson, Wilson, or Rogers ...I don't see us going anywhere.


(yes another QB thread)
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It seems the sports media are all in on baker not playing for the browns again.
yikes, I dont want the kid cut. It puts us in a precarious position. the no QB position. an all too familiar position for us.
keep stability. keep calm. draft a QB or 2.let BM start. If he does not return? it would be KS making a BIG career gamble.
I have scoffed at us using FA to get a QB just because historically its not how we got here.we build through the draft BUT
todays browns are different and much more attractive to a prospective QB than in the past so maybe..maybe we could get
a fitzmagic to start and play our rookie QB behind him. do the QB's look great this draft? no.but so what? its a crap shoot anyhow
may as well roll the dice and gamble our hopes and dreams on a long shot. thats life as a browns fan.
C'mon! mama needs new shoes.
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Baring CLE being able to package Baker as part of a deal to get one of the higher end QBs who might be available (Rodgers, Wilson, or Watson) like LAR did with the Goff/Stafford deal I expect Baker to be on the roster next year. That would be in combo with a high draft pick QB or a FA QB to challenge him or supplant him next year should he struggle like this year. The media is going to run with the question of is Baker done in CLE or that he is done in CLE because it makes the better conversation.

It is rare to find a QB that is really all that better in the FA market. Really good QBs rarely see the FA market and for good reason. They are hard to come by
posters could accuse me of being a baker defender but I must submit,I am not a fan of his personality at all.
playing hurt you dream of playing like lott or emmitt smith.being hurt and going on to be the game MVP.but that didnt happen.
instead to me it looks as If he has sacrificed the betterment of the team for himself and his thirst for glory. (or money?)
"Im a competitive guy" man STFU. you're fu&king immature AF is what you are. know what Ive come to realise?
FK wasn't the problem.nor was the OFF line (look at burrow) that PITT game? we were the FK browns again with 38 passes.

how arrogant is he to assume its up to him and his fu&king agent If he plays or not? then who pays for it? not baker.we do.KS does.
and his team mates pay too.notice nobody congratulated #6 on the TD throws? njoku just looked at him.
he obviously has a problem with authority. "its up to me If I play" which is cool,If you're homeless or 14. or both.
I dont want him cut but If it happened? It would be 100% 100! on baker. the kid needs to grow up.
If he truly cared about this team and was a mature leader of men, he would have got the surgery.
people say "I give him credit for playing hurt" ahh why? playing hurt and stinking up the place is not noble.Its just stupido
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Wow, just... Wow.

Mayfield has his problems, no doubt. He also has his limitations for sure. But is he THE problem? That one big glaring issue above all others? Nope. That is our current staff. It is amazing people are rushing to bury BM as THE issue above all issues in an effort to keep Stefcuckski's testicles planted in their mouths.

THE problem is we have a baseball math nerd running the show. THE problem is said math nerd is an egomaniac obsessed with proving his stupid ass failed baseball system can work in the NFL despite it continually failing. THE problem is we went out and hired the only guy at HC who was willing to act as a puppet to the egomaniac and his laptop algorithms. THE problem is we then hired a yes man GM no one else wanted because he was willing to do whatever the egomaniac math loser and his laptop dictated to him. That is THE problem. That big bright red flashing issue up in the sky that is the causation of every. Other. Issue the Browns have.

Not Baker Mayfield and his limited ability or injuries or piss poor attitude.
so,how many coaches do you want baker to run through exactly? before you realise, it is baker.
If baker had thrown 32-38 for 300 yards and 3 TD's? would we still be complaining about KS? Its baker.its always been baker.
he's a game manager.If we come up against a team we cant run against? were fu&ked an there aint nothin the FO or KS can do about that.
the one big glaring issue above all others? YES! BAKER MAYFIELD!
no,I dont want to cut him.we need him here but we need him playing much better with a legitimate 2nd QB option (a runner please)
there is obvious friction between the staff and bakers team.well,it aint the staffs fault lets just say that.
we have all seen and read and agreed we have a top 10 roster (or better) well thats thanks to the FO.
we have a great I dont understand the FO hate at all. we have a great coaching staff.great roster.lousy QB.

come on man.did you see those fu&king picks he threw? no coaching or FO genius can overcome that sh&t and win FB games.
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Goddamn that Stefcuckski fanboying is in full force. Look, it wasn't Mayfield that told Stefcuckski to stop having the 3rd string QB throw the ball when the pass game wasnt working all night. It wasn't Mayfield that told Stefcuckski to abandon the run the very next week when it was working to throw a dozen passes.

It has been an issue all fucking season. Stefcuckski abandons what is working and refuses to adjust and deviate from the plays DePodesta drew up for him. He is a good little puppet and does as DePo tells him. Mayfield has ZERO say so.

So, fanboy, here's your options.

1: Cut/trade Mayfield and stick with The Laptop and his two puppets.

2: Get rid of both and start over.

3: Keep Mayfield and send the Moneytard regime down the road and let the next HC make the call.

4: There isn't a 4th option. The drama and bullshit has went nuclear. Again. Just like the last time The Laptop was the default Team President/GM/HC. Mayfield has called out the coaching staff and FO. Multiple times now. As has Garrett. There is no option to keep both. Either George Michaels goes or Baker Mayfield goes. It is obvious they cannot coexist, much as the Stefcuckski dickriders want it to be.
4th option is.
keep baker.draft a 1st rd QB. I would prefer a good of the maliks would be great.2nd rd WR or vice versa depending.
use our new fast running QB in 3rd down and GL situations to spice up the OFF.
keep our staff and FO as is. funny thing is this is what is going to happen because its a no-brainer sparky.Its the best move for us.

Baker Mayfield Gives Browns Ultimatum on Trade Demand​

If Mayfield doesn’t get reassurance that things will change next season, he’ll consider asking to be traded. He’s under contract for $18.858 million in his fifth-year option year, but at this point, it’s uncertain if the Browns even view him as their starter for 2022. Mary K.
Prior to making his decision to sit out the final game of the season, Mayfield said he would consult his family and agent about the choice, leaving out the coaching staff.
this sounds like he wants a different OC? no? this is not good for the CB.
Truly pathetic response Nick.

That being said, Ragnar is right again. I think Baker stays, ShitMyPantski goes. an average to slightly above average QB when healthy. That's good enough to take us places. Do I want a better QB? Yep. But first I want the right coach and system in place. Our current system is a fucking abomination. Get rid.of the baseball guy. Bring in the guy from NE Ohio. And see how Baker does. Salvage a decent season, sign Baker to a fair deal, absolutely fleece a team in a trade for him. March to the Superbowl. It's really not that complicated. Tennessee hillbillies will read this and leave slack jawed however.
Here's the actual Tweet from Baker about MKC's article:

I just happened to hear about it on CBD when I got home from the VA and was like GTFO!
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