The " Book It " thread! | Page 21 | Barking Hard

The " Book It " thread!

DC bunch

Glad the readers here have taken the time to read the 2006 Pandemic Influenza: Implementation Plan. you should if you haven't already it cost you 3.8 Billion dollars. as you can also see the take-a-way from National Multi Housing Council was also posted.

My take is we did not follow the plan, so wasted our monies by the DC bunch. yet we sit here daily and watch the briefings. or do you STILL ? must say it's easy to forget how foolish the DC bunch Always is...... in the middle of a Pandemic. but don't forget it.

I'm not down playing the seriousness of this Pandemic. the bodies in the refrigerator trucks in NYC are not fake.

22,000 deaths a week. would not be thought of as a success just a few months past. yet the DC bunch are selling it as such. now they are trying to sell this, testing, contact tracing and isolation. it just sounds so unpractical. 690,000 open cases who's going to babysit that group ?
Remember this is DC talking here.

Hey bf ya can't argue the numbers printed vs dates.
Please allow me to tinker with those (week old)numbers. new studies(Stanford,USC) released lately indicate many more have been infected than were thought. not surprising. so lets round it up to 5% infected & 45,000 deaths. therefore if left unchecked and 50% were infected, 450,000 deaths. nearly on par with 1917-18 Pandemic.
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Hi folks,I refuse to talk about politics and won’t mention it here.

Okay, we will see how long that lasts. The last time you made that commitment, it didn’t last very long, but we will see this time. :)

This thread went off the rails about the covid-19 virus and I just
have to put a few things out there, hell I even read DK’s link and
all I got from it was,
“Old people die,it’s what they do.”
I’m fine with that to the extent that as you age you grow to accept
that life does end in death for all of us,to dismiss it as an old persons
disease Is seriously misguided.

Okay, but first let’s differentiate between death and risk of death. We get in a car and drive down the road. That does not mean that we will necessarily die, but driving a car does involve a risk. We weigh the risk and decide it is acceptable. At least I do. Perhaps you do the same.

Reopening all phases of what we accept as normal since it’s only affecting
NY and Jersey does not mean that it’s time for the all clear sign nationwide.
For instance S.Dakota doesn’t compare to NY and others, However if
Smithfield reopens there plant after 900 positive test for covid-19 they ship
nationwide from butchering to the grocers how many others handle or cough
on the product before you reach for it on the grocery stores?

Well, obviously, it is all over the nation. Every state has had cases of the virus. The question is the degree of infection and its ability to spread. Those two questions have a lot to do in regard to the relative risks of reopening in South Dakota vs the relative risk of reopening in the New York City metro area.

And, by the way, have you noticed that the New York Stock Exchange has not shut down? Or how about all the TV and new programs, newspapers and so forth? How come it is safe for them when it isn’t for people with much less exposure to the virus in South Dakota?

If you believe that the 900 positives are the only infections in S. Dakota
then your perception of this is misguided.

Of course, but if you believe the 241,041 reported infections in New York are the only infections in New York, your perception of this is similarly misguided. The relative risk of infection in South Dakota and the New York City metro area is much, much different. That’s all.

This argument can be made all across the country who supply the country
from produce to meat.
Inspite of the numbers in other states this is a highly contagious virus that
can spring up everywhere and the numbers continue to rise since we have
only tested 2 percent of our population so testing isn’t even close to the
real numbers of those who are infectious.

These are small scale studies that may or may not be valid, but regardless, the numbers of symptomatic cases reported undoubtedly represent the extent of the disease in relative terms in South Dakota as well as New York (or New Jersey).

There is no cure or vaccination readily available and scientists are talking
about this fall being more deadly than the current numbers because it’s
going to be the flu season with corona in the mix as well.

And you think that keeping people from working this spring will mitigate what happens with the virus this fall?

So go ahead reopen the country but I’m not going to listen to anyone
other than science and those in the healthcare industry and once are
food supply is completely tainted then what do we do?

There is no science that says that the food supply is more likely to be tainted if people are put back to work in flyover country. Reopening in South Dakota does not put people in New York and New Jersey at a greater risk.

Go out to dinner and go to the movies?
I don’t think so and many young people are dying from this disease
not just old people because it’s what they do.
Enjoy your liberty and go ahead open up the country with no clue
how we get a vaccine and add in Influenza this fall.
Go for it, all I know is that we WILL have a second wave that will
be worse than what we are currently experiencing.
Until we all accept that this virus is for real than grab a sign and take
to the streets and tell people there being irrational and you want

The virus is real. I do not believe that there is a question about that. However, in my opinion, the risk from the virus is only slightly greater in my area of the country if it reopens. I think the difference in the risk is acceptable. On the other hand, I think the harm that will come to my part of the country if it does not open is not acceptable. Therefore, I support reopening in my part of the country. Other parts of the country will have to make their own assessment of the relative risks of opening and not opening. There are, of course, risks associated with both.

Stay safe and healthy.

I am sure we will all try in consideration of the associated risks with which we find ourselves.
Glad the readers here have taken the time to read the 2006 Pandemic Influenza: Implementation Plan. you should if you haven't already it cost you 3.8 Billion dollars. as you can also see the take-a-way from National Multi Housing Council was also posted.

Sorry but I didn’t bother. Figured that I had better things to do with my time. And as a 78 year old retiree, that is saying something. :)

My take is we did not follow the plan, so wasted our monies by the DC bunch. yet we sit here daily and watch the briefings. or do you STILL ? must say it's easy to forget how foolish the DC bunch Always is...... in the middle of a Pandemic. but don't forget it.

I didn’t need to read the plan to come to the same conclusion. But actually, I do continue to watch the briefings because it is the best source of information on what will be the current government’s policy going forward. I will be affected by that policy and so I want to know what is going forward. And, BTW, watching the briefings and then watching the reporting of said briefings is instructive.

I'm not down playing the seriousness of this Pandemic. the bodies in the refrigerator trucks in NYC are not fake.

No doubt.

22,000 deaths a week. would not be thought of as a success just a few months past. yet the DC bunch are selling it as such. now they are trying to sell this, testing, contact tracing and isolation. it just sounds so unpractical. 690,000 open cases who's going to babysit that group ?
Remember this is DC talking here.

They say that when the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail. There is no doubt in my mind that that this is true. The evidence in its support is truly abundant.

You left out a major tool: social distancing. Social distancing, together with the tools you mentioned, are essentially all we have. And if the only tools you have are social distancing, testing, contract tracing and isolation, those are the tools you have to use.

Yes, it would be nice to have other tools such as a vaccine, but since we don’t yet have that tool, we have to use what we do have. Fortunately, in parts of the country where the numbers are already relatively low and have been kept low due to social distancing, those four tools can be effective in keeping the curve relatively flat after reopening.

For example, in the past week, there have been 628 new cases of the coronavirus in Oklahoma (about 90 cases per day). Oklahoma has a population of about 4 million which means that the new cases the past week represents .0157% of the population. I think our state health department should be able to handle that after the state moves to Phase 1. But we shall see.
Thanks for listening,
People in S.Dakota and even Missouri’s hospitals are stressed
just as much as N.Y. and Jersey although the states have lower
populations there numbers are still up there.
You don’t think our food supply can be contaminated from farm
to grocer?
Many people are carriers with no symptoms that’s how the
Smithfield plant numbers went through the roof, c’mon
900 people are sent where?, to there families?How many
coughed or sneezed on someone else,this isn’t going away
if we don’t do our part, then we get the new flu season with
Corona on the side.
I know it’s devastating to have our states shut down,my
daughter and her husband were both laid off this week.
Luckily there home and healthy, and that’s most important.
No politics no BS just a dose of reality,we have all talked
about the second wave and it will happen S.Korea’s
numbers started climbing the minute they reopened there
economy.I don’t have the answers but until some form of
Vaccine happens you won’t catch me at the movies or a
restaurant, amusement park, Browns game or anywhere
large groups gather.
I know a vaccine is a year away and our economy can’t
sustain this forever so going back to work is going to
have to involve trust of your coworkers “real numbers”
and diligence.
In other words don’t trust anyone to treat this properly.

March 3rd to April 22 OR 6 weeks close to 50,000 dead.
We’re nearing the milestone of a million positive tests
and that’s only counting the tested or just over two
percent of the population.
Is this really the time to run to the beach in Georgia?
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Same old Same old

Sorry but I didn’t bother. Figured that I had better things to do with my time. And as a 78 year old retiree, that is saying something. :)

I didn’t need to read the plan to come to the same conclusion. But actually, I do continue to watch the briefings because it is the best source of information on what will be the current government’s policy going forward. I will be affected by that policy and so I want to know what is going forward. And, BTW, watching the briefings and then watching the reporting of said briefings is instructive.
So these people aren't worth reading but you will listen to them ?
Therefore let me change the picture you are watching. let me remove Mr Trump and add Obama. would you still be watching ?
there would be little difference. both men know little about healthcare. I would say Obama knew more. not that I liked him. just a fact, my guess he knew thousands of people died from the flu every year.

My bet The same guy Colonel Klink (Fauci) had a hand in writing that plan.

During a February 29 broadcast on NBC's "Today Show," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that at that time the government was still not advising people to change their daily habits to avoid the coronavirus pandemic.

Was he lying at that time ? or is this guy a fraud ?
All we know for sure is.. it was his job to stop this and protect us. how has that gone ? he's just a ass covering bureaucrat

You left out a major tool: social distancing. Social distancing, together with the tools you mentioned, are essentially all we have. And if the only tools you have are social distancing, testing, contract tracing and isolation, those are the tools you have to use.
You didn't answer how we babysit 600,000 people and counting.

You left out a major tool: social distancing. Social distancing,
I was doing this before it was trending. back in Feb was going to the stores at 6am. in this then sleepy town few very few were there

For example, in the past week, there have been 628 new cases of the coronavirus in Oklahoma (about 90 cases per day). Oklahoma has a population of about 4 million which means that the new cases the past week represents .0157% of the population. I think our state health department should be able to handle that after the state moves to Phase 1. But we shall see.
Your state never had a stay at home order
Danamal are you a member of msm?
Family members of dumbocrats in public office?
Dumbocrat in public office yourself,?

I enjoy communicating with people on this site whether we agree or
Just not getting a warm feeling from your post.
Dumbocrat? are you a child?
msm, mainstream media I suppose?
I have no political aspirations or am I connected
to either political party,I tend to THINK for myself
and have disagreements with political figures from
both sides and vote for whoever I think can do the
best at the job there running for.
So I hope that answers your background questions
as I have stated I’m not interested with quibbling
with anyone about politics, this is about survival.
have a good day and stay safe.
Thanks for listening,
People in S.Dakota and even Missouri’s hospitals are stressed
just as much as N.Y. and Jersey although the states have lower
populations there numbers are still up there.

Honestly, I don’t know about hospital conditions in S. Dakota or Missouri. However, I do try to keep up with what is happening in my state. According to the governor of my state, the number of hospital beds for confirmed COVID-19 cases plus persons under investigation for COVID-19 has trended downward from 560 on March 30 to 298 yesterday. He also stated in an update today that we now have about 15 times that number of empty hospital beds which is why he has allowed resumption of elective surgeries.

You don’t think our food supply can be contaminated from farm
to grocer?

There is always a possibility of contamination of the food supply by any number of things. But opening up so called nonessential industries won’t make a difference in the chances of contamination of the food supply. Food processing plants have remained open throughout the closure since they are considered essential. They never closed in the first place.

Many people are carriers with no symptoms that’s how the
Smithfield plant numbers went through the roof, c’mon
900 people are sent where?, to there families?How many
coughed or sneezed on someone else,this isn’t going away
if we don’t do our part, then we get the new flu season with
Corona on the side.

But look, Dan, how many cases did they have other than those in that particular plant. Once the virus entered the plant, it spread quickly because of the close proximity of the workers. But look what happened when it was discovered to exist there. The state was able to handle it and limit the spread. The total number of cases in the state is still only 1858. You have about twice that many new cases daily in New Jersey and there are over three time that many in New York every day. South Dakota is not the problem. Keeping hair salons closed in South Dakota will not make New Jersey safe.

I know it’s devastating to have our states shut down,my
daughter and her husband were both laid off this week.
Luckily there home and healthy, and that’s most important.
No politics no BS just a dose of reality,we have all talked
about the second wave and it will happen S.Korea’s
numbers started climbing the minute they reopened there
economy.I don’t have the answers but until some form of
Vaccine happens you won’t catch me at the movies or a
restaurant, amusement park, Browns game or anywhere
large groups gather.

Very sorry to hear about your daughter and her husband being laid off. Considering the situation in New Jersey, I can understand your concern for their health. I wish it was different. But people need to understand that the relative danger is different in different parts of the country.

I know a vaccine is a year away and our economy can’t
sustain this forever so going back to work is going to
have to involve trust of your coworkers “real numbers”
and diligence.
In other words don’t trust anyone to treat this properly.

Not sure I understand the deal about real numbers and trust. But I agree that our economy can’t sustain this forever. Indeed, it really can’t sustain it nationally for even another month of so safely. There is a limit to what the government can do and how much money they can borrow to keep everybody afloat. In other words, the rest of the nation needs to get back to work so the government can concentrate needed help to the hot spots. Keeping New York and New Jersey afloat during this crisis will be a lot easier for the government if the rest of the country does not need similar help.

March 3rd to April 22 OR 6 weeks close to 50,000 dead.
We’re nearing the milestone of a million positive tests
and that’s only counting the tested or just over two
percent of the population.
Is this really the time to run to the beach in Georgia?

I am not sure I would run to the beach in Georgia. But if I was riding the subway in New York City every day in order to get to work, I would not be worrying about what is happening in Georgia.
So these people aren't worth reading but you will listen to them ?
Therefore let me change the picture you are watching. let me remove Mr Trump and add Obama. would you still be watching ?
there would be little difference. both men know little about healthcare. I would say Obama knew more. not that I liked him. just a fact, my guess he knew thousands of people died from the flu every year.

My bet The same guy Colonel Klink (Fauci) had a hand in writing that plan.

You are probably right about Dr. Fauci having a hand in writing the plan. But it was written in a vacuum whereas the daily briefings are in real time. I am more interested in the current policy than outdated plans written in a vacuum.

During a February 29 broadcast on NBC's "Today Show," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that at that time the government was still not advising people to change their daily habits to avoid the coronavirus pandemic.

Was he lying at that time ? or is this guy a fraud ?

As I recall, the first death attributed to the coronavirus occurred on February 29. Only three days earlier, the first case of suspected local transmission in the United States was announced by the CDC and the President formed his task force the next day. Vice President Pence named Dr. Deborah Birx to serve as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator for the Task force two days before the airing of that program. It is likely that the show was prerecorded shortly after the President’s task force was announced and at a time when Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx were forming their staffs and starting to consult with them on the needed measures. What would you expect him to say at that early date? He may be a doctor, but he is still only human.

All we know for sure is.. it was his job to stop this and protect us. how has that gone ? he's just a ass covering bureaucrat

You didn't answer how we babysit 600,000 people and counting.

He is still only human. He can't heal merely by the laying on of hands. And I am trying to figure out the 600,000. The number of total cases reported to date in the U.S. is 848,717 and the number of current active cases is 717,008. Are either of those numbers what you are referring to?

I was doing this before it was trending. back in Feb was going to the stores at 6am. in this then sleepy town few very few were there

Your state never had a stay at home order

Governor Stitt has had a Safer-at-Home policy. Unfortunately, his policy also required the closure of so called nonessential businesses. For example one of my granddaughters had a second hand bookstore which had to close. I don't know what will happen to it now. He also shut down elective surgeries and so forth. He did what he had to do. The numbers are looking pretty good now from my angle, however, and I think his policy has been reasonably successful.
Bullshit artist

You are probably right about Dr. Fauci having a hand in writing the plan. But it was written in a vacuum whereas the daily briefings are in real time. I am more interested in the current policy than outdated plans written in a vacuum.
You are too smart for that. surely you would want a plan drawn up by people not under the pressure of a Pandemic. plus we have not evolved much over 15 years, unless you think Facebook & Twitter has made us better.

As I recall, the first death attributed to the coronavirus occurred on February 29. Only three days earlier, the first case of suspected local transmission in the United States was announced by the CDC and the President formed his task force the next day. Vice President Pence named Dr. Deborah Birx to serve as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator for the Task force two days before the airing of that program. It is likely that the show was prerecorded shortly after the President’s task force was announced and at a time when Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx were forming their staffs and starting to consult with them on the needed measures. What would you expect him to say at that early date? He may be a doctor, but he is still only human.
Watch the full video he was already a part of the POTUS team.
He knew the virus was being seeded by all the returning people from China, nearly 400,000 as I recall. I had a post Feb 22 warning here.
But Colonel Klink is a good bullshit artist.

current active cases is 717,008. Are either of those numbers what you are referring to?
Yep...... that's it 717,008 to babysit. can't do it....sorry
unless you have ideas.
Global Health Experts Advise Advance Planning for Inevitable Pandemic

January 12, 2017 – As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, Anthony S. Fauci, MD, has worked with five presidents who all faced pandemics early in their presidencies. At “Pandemic Preparedness in the Next US Presidential Administration,” a gathering of students and global health experts from academia, government and advocacy at Georgetown on Tuesday, Fauci and other global health leaders encouraged the incoming Trump administration to plan accordingly.

“If there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience, it is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,” Fauci said.

A week before Trump took the oath. no wonder there are so many conspiracy theories.
You are too smart for that. surely you would want a plan drawn up by people not under the pressure of a Pandemic. plus we have not evolved much over 15 years, unless you think Facebook & Twitter has made us better.

Apparently you are wrong on both counts. :)

Nothing to do with Facebook and Twitter, but a plan drawn up in a vacuum makes a number of assumptions that may or may not apply in a particular situation. And anyway, I am less interested in a pie in the sky solution than what they are going to do right now in the current situation.

Watch the full video he was already a part of the POTUS team.
He knew the virus was being seeded by all the returning people from China, nearly 400,000 as I recall. I had a post Feb 22 warning here.
But Colonel Klink is a good bullshit artist.

Yeah, sure. And as a member of the team, he has to work within the team to get a policy set before it can be announced. Going off half cocked is a good way to not survive as a part of the POTUS team.

Yep...... that's it 717,008 to babysit. can't do it....sorry
unless you have ideas.

I would nominate the 50 governors. Who would you suggest?
Coronavirus Deaths in U.S. Nursing, Long-Term Care Facilities Top 10,000

Terrible Job protecting the most vulnerable.

I am almost surprised it isn't higher. In a recent Oklahoma update by the governor, I learned that a third of the deaths in Oklahoma were in nursing homes. So in renewing his call to help protect the most vulnerable, he asked that family members continue to stay away. But given that most nursing homes are located in urban settings and many of the staff members probably take public transportation to get to work, it seems likely that the major danger is from the staff. And I don't know about you, but, if I were in a nursing home, the last thing I would want is for my family to stay away. I would gladly accept the risk in order to see my family.

Just my attitude.
January 12, 2017 – As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, Anthony S. Fauci, MD, has worked with five presidents who all faced pandemics early in their presidencies. At “Pandemic Preparedness in the Next US Presidential Administration,” a gathering of students and global health experts from academia, government and advocacy at Georgetown on Tuesday, Fauci and other global health leaders encouraged the incoming Trump administration to plan accordingly.

“If there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience, it is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,” Fauci said.

A week before Trump took the oath. no wonder there are so many conspiracy theories.

I don't know about conspiracy theories, but I really don't see anything wrong with the statement as a general statement. He is obviously attempting to push the new administration to be as prepared as possible. But, of course, nobody, including Dr. Fauci, would have predicted a pandemic on the scale of this one.

Apparently you are wrong on both counts. :)
Not at all. I keep being right With Facts. while you keep trying to defend bureaucrats.
Frankly I've just been at this longer than you. with a better memory.

Nothing to do with Facebook and Twitter, but a plan drawn up in a vacuum makes a number of assumptions that may or may not apply in a particular situation. And anyway, I am less interested in a pie in the sky solution than what they are going to do right now in the current situation.
Look I'm not here to say the 2006 plan was even a good one. just pointing out how bureaucrats waste our always.
this type of thing is hard. yet these bureaucrats have made poor/weak choices. not having the guts to do otherwise. When you have a enemy you crush it, not nurture it.

Yeah, sure. And as a member of the team, he has to work within the team to get a policy set before it can be announced. Going off half cocked is a good way to not survive as a part of the POTUS team.
Again you just didn't remember how this bs has gone. forgetting facts we have already covered together. Colonel Klink just doing Colonel Klink stuff. he spent a decade plus trying to make a HIV/AIDS vaccine, all the while being told it would be fruitless. there is a reason he stayed a bureaucrat, not going into the private sector.

I would nominate the 50 governors. Who would you suggest?
Personally I don't want the Gov monitoring us 24/7/365. like Cuba/China. coming down hard for 6-8 weeks is one thing but doing so for a Lifetime is another.
The numbers are much higher than what you see in print
or news channel, we have only tested two percent of our
population to reach the current numbers, why is testing
stalling out?
This is very serious and since the Spanish flu we have never
had to deal with something of this magnitude and we need
to get this right.
The economy can survive, it always does but will we survive?
Forget testing for the moment. Let's talk about death. Remember that projection of 60,000 deaths in the United States? As I recall, it was supposed to represent the number of deaths this spring and summer. It assumed that the rate after reaching a peak would quickly drop to moderate levels.

However, supposedly we are past the peak and these are the number of new cases and new death for the past 12 days in the United States:

USA New New
Date Case Death
4/12/2020 27,532 1,528
4/13/2020 26,641 1,535
4/14/2020 26,945 2,407
4/15/2020 30,206 2,482
4/16/2020 29,567 2,174
4/17/2020 32,165 2,535
4/18/2020 29,057 1,867
4/19/2020 26,040 1,539
4/20/2020 28,123 1,939
4/21/2020 25,985 2,804
4/22/2020 29,973 2,341
4/23/2020 31,900 2,342

Do you see a downward trend? Neither do I. For a while, it looked like the rates for both the number of cases and death were dropping, But in the last few days, it appears now that the curve is merely flattening. As of yesterday, 4/23/2020, the total number of cases was 886,442 and the number of deaths was 50,236. Assuming a mere flattening of the curve and not the expected decrease, at the current rate of death, it appears that we are likely to have up to 130,000 deaths in the U.S. by the end of May. And it is anybody's guess what June, July and August holds.

Most state have a relatively moderate rate for both cases and deaths. But the rate in several eastern states having large urban populations remain high. Perhaps a portion of the increase is due to an increase in testing. It is certainly something to watch in the coming days.
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