At this point I have no grand ideas.. sadly. I did know we could only do the total lockdown for 6-8 weeks Once. that's passed. these governors will have to do what they need to do now. good luck to them
It wouldn't have worked. The scale is entirely different. There are things that one can do on a small scale that can’t be done on a large scale. There is a thing called inertia. It is harder to get a large ball rolling than a small ball and it is harder to get it stopped.
Plus, the relative traffic is entirely different. Trump actually shut down travel from China quite early, but it was way too late to stop the virus. Same with Europe. Almost half a million Americans were stranded in countries with travel restrictions that the state department had to get home. That much was hopeless. We weren't prepared. Everything from protective gear to ventilators were in short supply. The best we could do was shut down and flatten the curve to avoid overwhelming the medical system.
And, anyway, why are you singling out Australia and New Zealand as examples? There are dozens of relatively isolated countries with relatively small populations that have had only a passing problem with the coronavirus. Both Australia and New Zealand have had about 300 cases per million population. How many countries were similarly situated? Why not use Malaysia or Ivory Coast or Algeria or Greece as examples of how it should have been done in New York City?
I think you are asking for the impossible.
But I am still pretty damn mad at Trump. I think the worst mistake he ever made was failure to latch onto face coverings as justification for the reopening. It was his issue for the taking and he missed it by a mile. He could have emphasized social distancing and face covering as the way to reopen and got it done sooner. I think he will pay dearly for that mistake in the election (and so will we).
It is okay to discuss lessons learned. But first you have to learn them.
Here they say we are doing tests a day
looks like we added about 100,000 a day June to May.
If I had known about that page, I could have saved myself some trouble. Worldmeter doesn’t give the number of new tests daily but rather an accumulated total. So on my spreadsheet, I copied the accumulated total and wrote an equation to calculate the difference between each day and the day before. In looking at the totals, while similar, they are not the same and apparently Worldmeter has counted about a million more tests in the USA than Covidtracking and the daily totals can be considerably different too. For example, yesterday Worldmeter reported 645,524 test in the USA, Covidtracking reported 590,877.
I assume that "June to May" is a typo. I assume you meant March to (beginning of) May. Near the end of April, we were averaging over 200,000 tests per day and by the end of May we were hitting about 400,000 per day on average.